Not exactly accurate.
It's fine to make your opinion heard but you have suggested that others are trying to exclude you because they don't accept your ideas and that was far from the case. I don't know where you got this impression that
if you don't show up at this meeting that your not going to be a part of this group but I have reread the thread and can find no such suggestion.
Others from Windsor, Goderich and London have suggested that they are prepared to dive farther than you. Check the thread again and you will see that only three from the GTA have expressed interest - certainly not the majority by far.
You made your suggestion of Barrie and no one wanted to make that drive. You made your suggestion of a web conference and no one wanted to take part. You made your suggestion of a chat room or discussion board and no one has expressed interest in those either.
Your concerns about a "blinding snowstorm" could be valid or it could also be a pleasant near spring day like today. I can assure you that I far more fear snowstorms near Chatham and Woodstock than I do near Barrie.
If you chose not to attend it is your choice and not the effort of someone to exclude you. Stop blaming others for their unwillingness to allow you to determine an initial meeting format or location.