Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I have been doing this for while now and I have run across this area in ebay again. I am looking to find out where many of the Canadian Power Sellers are located in Canada to forge alliances and share information. The ebay forum is a good one for general discussion but still does not provide one-on-one conversations live with a real person who has experienced many of the pratfalls of being a Canadian seller. The forum is a good one, but is a service where information cannot be conveyed in two of three sentences in an message post. I spend many hours doing business on ebay and feel that the email system of communicating is very impersonal and delayed when trying to get answers. I am an honest business person and I am looking for serious people who can communicate and who would like to expand their ebay businesses like myself or take advantage of free insight as well as give some. We have combined knowledge as ebay users and have seen many different situations when buying and selling. I have made contact by chance with other power sellers near my locations and we have incorporated our combined knowledge into our day to day operations. This is why I am now posting this message in the forum to locate others. I am not a new user and I think it is time that we had some one-on-one conversations with each other to take advantage of our shared experiences and personal knowledge. I have a couple of years experience and looking at expanding my knowledge and sharing ideas. This is not a spoof or spam message. I am not soliciting or selling anything so please do not misinterpret this message. I am looking for others with the same goals who are serious. I see this as a benefit to many, since as Canadians and we are likely to encounter similar situations associated with being Canadian sellers. I see our goals as the same in all of the messages posted to grow and expand our common knowledge.
Thanks in advance.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I'm right outside Windsor ON, haven't read of any other powersellers in this area. I can travel to Toronto or anywhere in between no probs. Anybody here attend the last eBay Live in Vegas? or plan on attending the one in Boston June 07? A good place to get contacts, I've went to the last 2.

Have a nice day! 🙂
Message 21 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Edmonton, Alberta. Gold Powerseller (with difficulty, I might add). I believe we're the only gold powerseller in Alberta at this time -- if not, contact me! 🙂

Message 22 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

Thanks to all of the replys and interest. 🙂

It will be intesting to see how many more login to leave a messages.

I hope all had a great 2006 selling season and 2007 will another one to remember.

I have been saving everyone to my favorites for future reference.

Congradulations to all who have logged into this message thread.

I know from first hand experience that getting to power seller status and keeping it there is a fulltime job.

Thanks again for the comments, it should be an interesting 2007.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi Al,

I'm located in Vaughan Ontario.
Would be happy to discuss improving selling practics and boosting the sales.

Happy New Year
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

The thriving metropolis of Goderich, ON here. I drive through Kitchener at least twice a month. 🙂


Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 25 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Thanks for all of the replys. I would like to set up a meeting for all who are interested in a neutal location. I think it would be a first for Power Sellers and a great networking opportunity.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
how about an online meeting for those of us who are further out of town.
Check out my eBay listings for Antiques, Collectibles, Postcards, Books, Mocassins, Prints, Georgian Bay and Lighthouse items
Message 27 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
We could have a poll to see what locations most users would like to travel to. It seems like a lot of people in Kitchener and everyone is not too far of a driving range. I have some extra time this month to organize this alongside with Bill's help as well.
Assuming some users may have a part/full time job. The best time would be either Saturday or Sunday Morning/Noon

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

If we get enough people and the proper setup, we might be able to do a live webcast.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
That would be ideal. I have a webcam.
Although its been a mild winter so far, who knows what is down the pipe and when it comes to driving I leave my car parked in the garage on those snowy wintery days.

Check out my eBay listings for Antiques, Collectibles, Postcards, Books, Mocassins, Prints, Georgian Bay and Lighthouse items
Message 30 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hello I am located in North Vancouver, B.C. Straw11
Message 31 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

I am in Toronto and would be very interested in sharing information and more! Keep me informed!

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I'm in Mississauga and would be interested. I'm not overly thrilled about the webcam thing though. Sorry. :(

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations


I am located in Montreal. If there are other powersellers in this areas please us.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi Frederic;

The only powerseller that I do know in the Montreal area is flying_pat... his first name is Sylvain... and I'm sure he'd be happy to talk with you. In fact, he is also one of the powersellers that was featured in the book (along with yourself, of course).

The book will be out by the end of the month. Hope you had a great holiday season for sales and good luck with 2007!


Bill Summers treasure-pot


Message 35 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
When would be a good time for everyone to get together in a meeting ???

I am open to suggestions and would like to do this as soon as possible.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
The best time would be either Saturday or Sunday Morning/Noon

Message 37 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

Send me a phone number so I can call you

Send to my email or my ebay messages.

Saturday or Sunday is good for me.

Let get a date and a time and do this thing.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hey Al...

Weekends are fine with me. It doesn't really matter what time of day. It would probably be good to have a few general topics to talk about so that people can come with any details regarding their particular concerns. For instance, if sources for packaging is of interest to most, it would be a good idea to come armed with your current source of supply and costs. At least that way we don't have to have a meeting just for a social event.


Bill treasure-pot


Message 39 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I will be going away this Saturday and returning next Sunday. I would prefer if you could hold off until the following weekend. You did ask!! Of course I realize that majority rules and, if you are able to pull this off sooner, I would hope to get a run-down on the discussions, etc. after the fact.

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