Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
If any of you are interested in joining, come check it out at the following link:

:O) Hope to see you there :O)
Message 1 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Hmmmmmmm ... I get stuck in an endless signin loop!


Click here to go to my Store
Message 2 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Huh? If you're there, where am I??? Are you the white rabbit?

Seriously, your link doesn't work for me. What's up with that?


Message 3 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Same here
Message 4 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Link just keeps returning to force us to sign in!

I know what this is, this is the new eBay Power Seller Help link.

Its just like a 6 story retail store having a sign posted in the elevator that the Complaint Departmenmt is located on the 7th floor.

Message 5 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Is this the same group that has existed for over a year or a new one?
Message 6 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Why is there a need for a Canadian powerseller group discussion board when we have this board?
Message 7 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Yep. Crappy link.
Message 8 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
The link is not working!
Message 9 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
OK, I think I can help here. This is a link that works. It is the same group I was referring to - in fact I am a moderator and I have made a couple of great friends that I see in real life now!

Do come and join us.

The reason you would join a group (as opposed to this board) is that the rules are a bit different. You can advertise your auctions, solicit business and post an album of your own pics.

But it does not replace this board.
Message 10 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
I also lead another discussion group about collection silver called Sterling Silver Lovers, and you are welcome to join this group too.

Some groups are public and some are private. The public ones you just sign up and begin. The others you have to write to the leader or moderator and ask to join.

My silver group is public - any riff raff like me can play. But if someone just shows up to spam us I kick 'em out and block 'em. OOOHHHH THE POWER!!!
Message 11 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

I'm stuck in a Sign In loop and can't get in. 😞
Message 12 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
No luck here either...
thebidwatcher - is there another way I can access that group? the link you provided prompts me for my sign in info. Please forgive me but I am somewhat weary when it comes to visiting links and signing in 😞
Message 13 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
OK, hows about this:

Go to the top of this screen.

Community. Overview. Groups.

Look at the lists of groups and there is a Power Sellers category. Canadian Power Sellers is there.

Obviously the links thing is messed up.
Message 14 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
Oh crud. Now I see this is thing!!!!!

You have to see these links on the US board.

I give up.
Message 15 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
I also see the OP has started a private group of which she is the only memeber. This is what she is talking about.

The one I am talking about has 175 members.

Sorry to barge in OP!

Message 16 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
I dont even have the time for the US Board anymore. I particpate more actively on the Canadian board than I had last year and visit the US Board only once or twice a month now.

I can understand having boards separated by Nationality due to different problems arising in different countries and I can understand and welcome particpants from other countries to each of those boards to learn and assist other PSers about problems they may be having.

I can also understand people participating in groups pertaining to their main product lines (although I wont join any) but I am having a bit of a problem with discussion groupls which appear to be nothing more than duplicates or replicates of what already exists.

I see many of those discussion groups as simply a distraction from existing forums and spreading limited information amongst alot of different groups and not benefiting the majority of the community at large.

As an example, there are quite a few Power Sellers who will ocassionally lurk here and no other discussion group and will ocassionally participate on a topic. Should those topice be raised in another discussion group then I see it as a breakdown of this board and not as an enhancement to the community at large.

For those of you that have the time to be active on 6 or 7 different forums, well all the power to you, but I think that for the majority of Power Sellers on eBay one or two discussion groups are more than enough for us to handle.

Message 17 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
"Should those topice be raised in another discussion group then I see it as a breakdown of this board"

That is very true, Malcolm. I mean, how many Power Sellers, particularly in Canada on boards, can be spread so thin?

I joined the Canadian Power seller board when asked and then became a mederator when I saw that one of the members was not Canadian, but rather there to irritate the group from the US board! Can you believe that?? So I was made a moderator to watch over the enrollment list.

I also began to talk with folks and became friends with a few, one which I meet for lunch in Collingwood regularly. Without that group I would not have met her. So was it worth it? Heck Yes!

My group of Sterling Silver folks is a specific interest group. My motive there is business related. I figured if I got us together, we would look at each other's listings and sell to each other. Not exactly noble - but inventive from a marketing point of view.

I started that Silver Lovers on the first day the Group thing was introduced. If you look at the groups listed, some are downright comical - like VEGAN GAY EBAY SINGLES (private) - (just kidding).

Message 18 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
I agree that interest groups or groups rekated to one's products ampongst peers can be enjoyable and informative however I become concerned at any need to create another "Canadian Power Seller Discussion Group".

This discussion group nearly folded last year following a series of uncomfortable rabble amongst some members (Are we ever touchy compared to the US members).

Its a good group with good discussion and unfortunately not quite enough of the Cdn PS members participate to offer their comments about matters.

No one is 100% right and no one is 100% wrong however with multiple opinions, it is easier to choose one's destiny based on the opinions of so many experienced people.

As far as discussing things off topic, Not a problem here!

Discussing eBay. Not a problem here either. In fact I believe that whether the pinks participate here or not (actively participate that is), they read some of what is posted and critism helps more than it hinders if it is given objectively and not in spite.

Message 19 of 41
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Re: Canadian Powersellers Discussion Group

Community Member
I do notice that this board is less tolerant of sarcasm, bawdy or potty talk, or innuendo. Well after that, I'm just about speechless.

Back to .com for me...
Message 20 of 41
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