Change is good but not this one.

Community Member

Don't like the new format,so it's back to reading books. Humm, that can't be all that bad. Thank you Ebay.

Message 1 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

I usually do not like change, especially constant eBay change, but the new forum format is better in my opinion.  It is like forums on others sites.  The old eBay forum was quite archaic.  The new forums has their quirks too but I am used to the new forums now.


I do like going to the main Discussion Boards link, seeing all  the new posts in one list from all the different forums, read the ones I am interested in, refresh to see if anything has changed while reading, then marking all read including the ones I do not care to read. Very fast to get up to date unlike going into all the forums one by one in the old format. This quick review of new posts alone is worth the new format and is the best improvement of the new forums.

Message 2 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Hey there -


THanks to you both for your feedback! Poco, I'm really pleased to hear that you like the new forums!


Ron' - I'm sorry to hear that you don't like the format and would be interested in hearing some additional feedback. Please feel free to email me directly, or post on the boards- if it's functionality changes that you don't like we might be able to find some tips to make the system work better for you. 🙂



~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 3 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Quick question for you Kalvin this morning.


Are posters allowered to provide their email address as a signature on these boards or is that reserved for "pinks" only?

Message 4 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

As you probably know, programs scan eBay forums (and listings) harvesting email addresses and send you email spam and PayPal / eBay scams. Allowing them in a signature or in a post is not recommended, especially for newbies who would not be wary enough to avoid the scams.

Message 5 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Hi Pierre -


Poco is right, I would highly discourage it. That said, mine is there because my User ID is also the email address, so it's sixes either way because I'm required to have it as such. (It's also why I use an alias email rather than my regular @ebay).



~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 6 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

With all due respect non of the above answers the question.


The question was...


"Is it Allowed"

Message 7 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Hi Terri -


Good call, sorry about that I should have answered the question more explicitly.


It is allowed but not recommended. Things to consider, however, should a member choose to include it are:


1. It must be the email address associated with the eBay account being used to post. Even if you own both email addresses, any email address posted that is not explicitly registered to the posting account would be removed as a violation.


2. Review the pinned post for Guidelines for Using Signatures.



~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 8 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Have to say I am liking what see WRT to the groups...although it is buggy still.

Message 9 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Thank You for the clarification 🙂


Off Topic however I see the post count is wonky....


My post was 7 out of 6


Your post is 8 out of 6



Message 10 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Okay now I look silly.

The post count just fixed it self ....

Message 11 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

My question

Kalvins response

My response to Kalvins response


Have all vanished into cyberspace  

Message 12 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Have to say I am liking what see WRT to the groups...although it is buggy still.


Hi Purpleferret -


Can you let me know what you mean by buggy? We definitely want to make sure it's working well for you guys!



~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 13 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

My question

Kalvins response

My response to Kalvins response


Have all vanished into cyberspace  


Whoa... you're right Terri! Thanks for pointing that out, I'm going to get to the bottom of that!



~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 14 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

There's a lot of bugs (must be those pesky black flies, lol), I also had one of my post vanished and then come back after a while and I tried to post a picture using the link but I get an error message everytime.

Message 15 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Hi Birds -


Yes, Terri and I just had a few posts mysteriously vanish as well... LW is looking into it now and we should be able to identify why and prevent it in the future.


Have you tried to post an image today? There was a bug where it was saying they would have to be moderated, but that was fixed earlier today. If you're getting an error, can you tell me what it is?



~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 16 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

At the time of these posting, I was having issues with thread showing updates, the topic list showed the name of the last poster. When I clicked on the thread it would go to post 6 of 7 and no post 7 which was by the last poster on the topic thread.


I went to other threads and this was happening. So I logged out of eBay and cleared cache and cookies and logged back in.  The problem was still there so I went to do something else. This was there 1-2 pm pacific time today Friday.

Message 17 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

When I visit a thread I've already viewed it doesn't scroll down to the last post I viewed. Now I have to read and remember where I left off. I read/post quite a bit and this is irritating!

Message 18 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

When I visit a thread I've already viewed it doesn't scroll down to the last post I viewed. Now I have to read and remember where I left off. I read/post quite a bit and this is irritating!

This lack of remembering is very annoying.  Here is one workaround.


Try setting your forum preferences for number of posts in a thread down to 10 or 4. I had mine at 50 as it was easy this way on the old forums. I set mine to 10.


These forums will remember what page you were on so if you lower the number of posts per page, then you have more pages but it will take you to the last page viewed. Then you have less posts to review per page. I am going to try 4 per page instead of 10 as 10 works but I still have to browse too many read posts. 


I left the number of topics to 50 as I do not see a need to change it.



Message 19 of 25
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Re: Change is good but not this one.

Grr, I don't want a work around. 😕

It also bugs me I can't mouse over the thread title and preview the post.

I read that people are finding they like this better and are used to it but I'm just not finding it that way. And I'm pretty swift with web stuff. I don't get it.

Message 20 of 25
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