Chinese Shipping Material - Watch out

Community Member
I read some feedback from a buyer who bought something from China. He/she said it took them more than an hour to clean up after opening the package.... A lot of Chinese sellers now pack their items in styrofoam and tape, that is all (my last 6 items from China were packed this way). Not the nice firm chunks of styrofoam we are used to in Canada/United States, but stuff that crumbles into little balls. It sticks to your hair, your face, your hands, your clothing... you get the idea. First package I got, I opened it within a plastic bag - I kept in mind the feedback I had read. Pieces still escaped. Next few packages, I opened them outside, still in another bag, but the pieces still get out. Just received a sizeable package from China, wouldn't fit in a bag. Went outside and opened it (the whole package is taped up solidly with yellow packaging tape). Sure, a few chunks of solid styrofoam and then the rest of the stuff was the kind that breaks apart. They must have some type of machine that blows the styrofoam around the initial package because it fits very tightly and a uniform fit and then it gets taped up - I have no idea. This stuff is compressed but falls apart easily. I looked like the abominable snowman. Even the front door of my house has many tiny tons of styrofoam balls stuck to it. Least this time I remembered to tie back my hair. Bad part is, a piece got in my eye. It is still stinging. So the Chinese save on boxes while we get a ton of styrofoam floating all over. I am expecting one more package from China. Where do I open it? Not the garage, my husband would kill me. Not inside, I would be vacumning and whiping walls for hours (stuff floats). Not outside because it definately is not enviromentaly good. So I take a shower with the $%% package? And yep, my eye is still stinging.
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Re: Chinese Shipping Material - Watch out

A rant that had me laughing! Congratulations on your good-humoured attitude to a frustrating problem.


Would having the vaccuum cleaner running while you open the parcel help at all? I think it would only work if you have a canister vaccuum with a dirt bag.


Bet Mr Dyson never thought of that!

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Re: Chinese Shipping Material - Watch out

I thought of having a vacuum close by, but once let loose from the tape, the balls fly. And they are statically charged. You try to wipe your hands together, and they just switch hands. Turn on the kitchen faucet (yes, they stick to that also) some do go down the drain, and some stick to the side of the sink. They even stuck to the x-acto knife I was using. Seriously, if you want to war on another country, don't use bombs. Just rig up exploding pouches of Chinese styrofoam balls and we will all go insane trying to clean them off of ourselves. But at least my eye stopped stinging.
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Re: Chinese Shipping Material - Watch out

p.s. I just had to look - at the outside of my front door. There are not as many as before (maybe a 1/4 of them). They are easy to see because the door is black (grey house, black railings). This was from opening the package at 3:pm. It is now 1:30 am. That is how tenacious they are.
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Re: Chinese Shipping Material - Watch out

Wait for a windy day.Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Chinese Shipping Material - Watch out

Laughing - me too - thanks for my first laugh for Sunday.  I've just got a picture in my head of a person with white packing stuff all over their hair and face!  That's NEVER happened to me from any purchase from China.......but if it does, I'll send everyone a picture of myself at my most best!

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