Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
Circa, in your most recent "update" regarding seller profitability you ask the question "Would you be interested in the PayPal debit card and/or PayPal checks?" The thread is locked so I must assume that you are going to limit answers to those sellers that you survey in the coming weeks.

Recent experience indicates that eBay takes a very small sampling and then makes a decision based on the responses received. This makes little sense. Why not leave the thread unlocked and allow PS'ers to respond to your question? Why not allow all PS'ers that use the board respond? Why limit your sampling to the same few CTS posters?

Please don't come back in a few weeks with the report that the project has been dropped for lack of interest. The interest is there - just makes it difficult to communicate.

Bill treasure-pot


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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
Everyone can post on Jordan's thread that they supposedly read. Piles have that haven't otherwise posted on the board.
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
Key word being supposedly

If that were the case, why haven't Circa's intermediate and most recent posts been posted to that thread? The introduction of the so-called "initiatives" have been launched in new threads that have been locked.

The thread you refer to went dead (for the most part) and required a few bumps to resurrect. In fact, the last post made to that thread by a pink was on Sept. 15th, 2006 by lilybean. Otherwise it appears to have been abandoned except for a few regular posters talking amongst themselves.

If there were some indication that the initial thread was on the radar of I might agree. Unfortunately, the frequent silences that we hear from staffers leads me to believe (once again) that there is more lip service than attention being paid.

Bill treasure-pot


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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
Everyone can post on Jordan's monthly thread and be sure it was read, or at least to the pinks weekly. It seems largely a waste for staff too as few that transact a lot on ebay ever do so its left to people who are mostly there for the forum with weather comments and cookie gifs. We complain they don't read input, but its only the same few who ever try to provide any, with a large % of the content irrelevant.
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
Not all of us have the time or the inclination to browse all the forums just to see if there's a thread somewhere where we CAN post our opinions - if they really wanted to hear from any of us, they could at least have included a link to an unlocked thread that will be monitored and responded to.

Personally, one of my top priorities is for them to get off their collective duffs and do something about the tax collection problem. My customers are still complaining that there's no way they can click on the "pay by PayPal" link and include the correct taxes - that's inexcusable!!

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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
Well, hows about that?

More than a month after Circa's post, one of my selling ID's received a request to complete a survey on seller profitability today. Being the good eBay soldier that I am, I complied.

Here is the text of the email sent to me:

eBay Canada would appreciate five minutes of your time to consider and respond to a short online survey.

As we continue to examine Canadian seller profitability, we would like your feedback about some important PayPal topics.

We've heard sellers ask for the ability to withdraw US dollars from their PayPal account without having to convert them to Canadian dollars. We're investigating some PayPal products, which may allow this type of funds transfer.

We would like your feedback to help us understand if these products would be useful for you.

The survey questions focus on your daily experiences as an eBay seller and include information about the currencies you work with as you conduct business on eBay. All information you provide will be considered confidential and will play an important role in helping us offer an expanded range of services to valued Canadian sellers like you.

Thank you for your input!
eBay Canada Marketplace Team

Just so Powersellers are aware, it appears the only issue that Jordan's team are focusing on is the transference of funds from Paypal to Canadian bank accounts. What was really disappointing is that someone at Paypal or sees this as an opportunity to make even more money off the backs of Canadian sellers. One of the questions asks if you would be willing to pay a nominal fee for Paypal to transfer funds to a Canadian bank by means of a cheque written on your Paypal account.

As suspected, and previously voiced, the sincerity of to help the profitability of Canadian sellers is suspect. With all of the suggestions the team received from Canadian sellers, they appear to be focused on how they can turn this into another profit center.

Shame... shame.

Bill treasure-pot


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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
I received that survey too. Sad. :(

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 7 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Me too. I agree, Bill - a few carefully selected questions designed to find out if we'd pay for the changes.
Message 8 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
I got it too. I hope that they don't stop us from transferring our U.S. funds to a U.S. bank for free if they give us the option to transfer U.S. funds to Canadian bank in U.S. funds. (Sounds like there would be a service charge to me.)

Message 9 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

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Hi Bill:-D
Message 10 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

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Hi Zarzuella:-D
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

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Hi Monique:-D
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

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Message 13 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

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Message 14 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

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Is anyone else out to get us?? Doo Doo Doo Wee OOOO
Message 15 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

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Sorry about that Mr Histreasureispot
Message 16 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
For Intruding on your thread I mean.... I know how annoying that can be.
Message 17 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

How childish ....
Message 18 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
sorry, "they"

Bill treasure-pot


Message 19 of 22
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Circa... another locked thread??? How do PS'ers respond???

Community Member
Troll must= Anyone who finds Bill's postings annoying.
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