Hi, first, I have to say that I thought about that situation for weeks before to decide to ask other sellers, as I am doing today. I just can't understand what is going on, and why, maybe you guys can help me understand, and possibly give ideas or suggestions to help me find a solution for my business.
I am a seller of collectibles, more precisely very old coins, and it's my main incoming since 2006. I'm doing very well so far, with a perfect reputation and 99,9% score, DSR 4,9 to 5,0 in average. I'm providing a very personalized service, as I am in the collectables field, but since the beginning profit has compensate for the extra effort. I have an eBay store since the beginning, offering auction style listing and also items at fixed price. About the auctions, the market price for my category of items (ancient roman and greek coins) has been almost the same since 2006. The high exchange rate (I am selling in USD$) has been very exciting these last years when withdrawing in CAD$, but of course we all know that this is over now. Profit gets thinner for most of us. But that's not my real problem, exchange rate is just not helping another situation. Strangely, since last Christmas, prices are dropping when sold auction style. What usually sold approximately $150 now sells $80 or $90, what sold $30 now sells $15 or $20, and so on. Now all the time, but I see a huge difference in my incoming, that's what I know.
I have many repeat buyers, I have as many watchers on my items as before last Christmas. In appearance, nothing changed, excepted for the profit. End prices for my auctions have always been the same since 2006, I felt all these years that no bidder was missing an item ending below the market price, but some evenings of ending auctions, I feel that my items are sometimes selling very low, like if no bidder was present at that moment. It never, ever happened before January 2010... It was almost the opposite as it was before, my items were selling very often OVER the market price.
Now I work the same amount, provide the same great service, but I'm struggling. What happened ? A different eBay search tool ? Economic crisis in the USA (majority of my buyers are Americans) ? Any idea of what may have caused that very strange new situation ?
Thanks !