I had a nice fellow from Malaysia buy 25 lots from me; as usual I sent a combined invoice for those 25 items. He than noticed that he had "double bought" a few of these items; we resolved this through - resolve a problem, "buyer does not want item" and both confirming. Now I am unable to send a revised invoice to him. In the past I have been able to send revised invoices but I have never had to do it after deleting sales. I had two spectacularly unsuccessful calls to ebay Cust. Support (one of which lasted nearly 30 minutes because the nice ladies computer froze twice and needed to be rebooted).
We tried a "request total" (that didn't work) and I finally had to add up 14 lots and add it to one lots total as an added charge on the bottom. When I get paid I will manually set the other items to paid. Is there a reason it has to be so difficult? I can see the individual lots on my ebay sold page and feel helpless that I can't easily just combine them.