Complainst about the feedback system

I am new to teh forums (so I'm not sure if I have posted in the correct location...) but I have been using ebay since it began. A few things that have been annoying me have finally caught up to me. First, I am aware that the limits of characters for feedback on an item is there for a reason. They stopped giving people room to say whatever they want because people complain alot and then disputes over feedback occur. I am aware that there are a ton of unreasonable people out there. However, not having enough room to say anything prevents proper feedback from being left. More often than not, this leads me to chose not to leave any feedback if something is bothering me.

Secondly, the system where sellers expect and demand 5 stars is not a reasonable system. Sellers badger buyers with information about how the star rating effects them and they expect 5 stars, this makes one feel guilty about leaving a lower rating when it is warranted.

Today i received an item drop-shipped from elsewhere and I am annoyed that the item was listed as being here in Toronto and it wasn't. I would have chosen another seller, had I known.  this is a misrepresentation. Its not a HUGE misrepresentation, its not something i feel I can leave negative feedback about, but I would like to specify that this bothers me.There could have been customs implications. No space to leave positive feedback and still point out flaw.

The feedback system is just not very useful the way it is now.

Not sure if the management cares or not, but I felt like saying it.

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Complainst about the feedback system

Since you started on eBay, nearly 13 years ago, you have left 142 feedback for others.


Since that time you have received 276 feedback from others.


What exactly is the problem?

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Complainst about the feedback system

and I am annoyed that the item was listed as being here in Toronto and it wasn't.


You could Report the seller for misrepresenting the location of the goods. This is important because some sellers are dropshipping from overseas and the buyer might be unexpectedly hit with duty, sales tax and services fees on the import. While you won't get more than a polite thank you from eBay, these notes do seem to go on the seller's record and can be a reason for closing the account.


You could also leave appropriate feedback. "Actually ships from China/Uzbekistan/Florida." for example would warn other buyers. "Actually ships from China/Uzbekistan/Florida import fees on doorstep" would be even stronger.


Feedback is voluntary. As you probably know, buyers can only get positive feedback, but negative or neutral feedback does have strong implications for sellers, many of whom are making a living here.*

You are not required to leave feedback, and experienced sellers are constantly telling newbies not to solicit feedback on the basis that they might get it.


However, not having enough room to say anything prevents proper feedback from being left. More often than not, this leads me to chose not to leave any feedback if something is bothering me.


Feedback is not the place for discussion. If you have a problem with the product, your first step is a Message to the seller. If  she is not helpful, you can go to a Dispute (The Resolution Centre is at the bottom of this page.)

There is a reason why we have 30 days for Disputes, but 60 days to leave feedback.

Talk to the seller before you leave feedback. Use the Resolution Centre.


And come up with some succint feedbacks that express your unhappiness."Doesn't include packing slip.' "Poor packaging but item survived." "Took 8 days to mail by postmark,"  These are annoyances that are appropriate for feedback.


Death threats, vulgarity, name calling etc, should be reported to eBay, not in feedback.


It's the difference between complaining to your spouse and calling the police.




*EBay is a great small business for at-home parents or the handicapped, for example. And many brick and mortar businesses have an eBay component to get a wider market.

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Complainst about the feedback system


Hello 'ellethekitty', 

<< ... the limits of characters for feedback . . . prevents proper feedback from being left. More often than not, this leads me

to chose not to leave any feedback if something is bothering me.>>


True, there is not a lot of space for explanations, so all a buyer can do is distill her thoughts to the most basic points.  

Note some of the examples provided by 'nicestamps' for various issues, -- not a lot of detail but they would certainly 

convey the message accurately to future buyers.  


And speaking of feedback, why in blazes did you not read that of your drop-shipping seller?  Oodles of negs and neuts

complaining about the same thing that is bothering you, -- Item Location saying it is in Canada when in fact it comes 

from China.  Their stuff might be 'for' Canada but it is clearly not in Canada.  


You are nicer than me, -- I don't think I could have left positive over that.  This is a time when I would leave none at all.

If the item arrives as described, even if it takes a long time, I consider that to be nothing to complain about.  But I so 

much hate being deceived and tricked that my considerable disgust would prevent me from helping the liar out with 

a positive.  



<< sellers expect and demand 5 stars . . . Sellers badger buyers with information about how the star rating effects them

and they expect 5 stars,>>


Really?  I don't think I've ever had a seller demand anything of me.  I sometimes receive a kindly worded form letter 

(well, 'note', really) asking for positive feedback and 5 stars if I am happy with my purchase.  I understand the reason 

for that, -- because too many buyers do not understand that anything less than 5 seems to make ebay think the seller 

is somehow 'below standard'.  


But if you do not feel a seller is worthy of 5 stars, -- just leave none.  That way you won't hurt the seller and you yourself 

will have absolutely no guilt whatsoever.   You can simply leave your comment for other buyers to see and then click to 

Leave Feedback, bypassing all that tiddly circle-ticking.



<<  I am annoyed that the item was listed as being here in Toronto and it wasn't. I would have chosen another seller,

had I known. >>


That would annoy anybody.  Had you read the seller's feedback, you would have known.  In future, take the extra few 

seconds to check that.  A lot of buyer complaints are frivolous and easily ignored, but that many people saying the 

items are coming from China?  Phew.



<< No space to leave positive feedback and still point out flaw.>> 


Sure there is, - what you said was excellent.  Very nice, factually stated, without complaint, but still tells the truth.

What more is there to say? Smiley Happy






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