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02-24-2014 05:11 PM
Stubborn probably fits the best...I AM a Taurus after all.
Sick all weekend, emergency appendectomy at 7:00 p.m. last night, home by midnight. And I still packaged and shipped all of my orders today.
Which brings to mind another subject that I posted about a little over 3 years ago.
In December of 2011 my son-in-law suddenly became ill and passed away a week later. There was and still is no easy and fast way to end auctions early. Although I put my Store on vacation at that time and ended some auctions, it was faster to just fill and ship the orders I received from won auctions. Something I didn't need to be doing at that time while babysitting my 9 and 5 year old grandsons while their father was in the hospital.
If I had had to stay in the hospital there would be nobody available here that knows how to do these things. I made some quick notes for my husband who knows nothing about selling on eBay.
Also sellers are now penalized for ending auctions early because we pay FVF on them even though unsold.
I am wondering if anyone else has emergency backup plans for occasions like this and would like to hear about them if you do. I had already been thinking of making up some instructions for my family and did write up some quick notes this weekend for my DH just in case. With constant changes on eBay they would have to be continuously revised. Even the smallest detail can throw someone off who is not accustomed to the site.
Please let me know your thoughts.
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02-24-2014 05:22 PM
Hi, sorry don't have any suggestions because I am in the same fix. My dh knows nothing about ebay and he really isn't that computer savvy. I don't know what I would do if I got sick - or worse. I know some sellers have friends or relatives who also sell on ebay and they can call on them in an emergency. I just don't know anyone like that. I was thinking that I should at least write down my passwords and put them in my safe deposit box along with eBay's phone number - just in case.
BTW, you had an emergency appendectomy and you were sent home same day? Wow! I had one many, many years ago and I think I was in hospital for about 5 days and off work for 2 weeks. I sure hope you are feeling better soon!
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02-24-2014 05:39 PM
I have a fix .. I had to do it with both my babies because 1 kid was a Hello I am here now and the other was GET HERE NOW EMERGENCY C SECTION...
When I got home I wrote the 100's of people who were affected and explain short form what happen and all but a couple people were good so maybe 2 or 3 each time out of about 200 were jerks the rest just said congrats no worries yaaaaa ...
Sorry to hear about hte misfortunes....
I always tell my wife being human sucks because no matter what is going on i the world expects us to just get back up and go .. Dead wife,brother,kid ,mother well here is 3 days then get over it .. ( No my opinion that is just what my work does)
Anyways take care gotta finish up work and go home ... I wish I had an actual helpful post but In my opinion at that time my feelings were this .. Customers,movies,shipping,money WHO CARES I am having a baby and my wife needs me so suck ittt LOL so not professional but it was how I felt
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02-24-2014 05:41 PM
Dedication, stupidity or just plain stubborn?
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02-24-2014 05:42 PM
From my favourite cancelled TV show, because: Nathan Fillion.
Well, lady, I must say, you're my kind of stupid. - Captain Malcolm Reynolds
At the moment, I would guess my backup would be DHs staff, but no one else knows my passwords. Sometimes even I don't know my passwords. A combination of blonde moments and senior moments.
Hope your DH is up to taking care of you while you recuperate. Take advantage of any municipal home care services that may be available.
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02-24-2014 08:12 PM
Dedication, stupidity or just plain stubborn?
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02-24-2014 09:18 PM
I rely on panic.
BTW, you had an emergency appendectomy and you were sent home same day? Wow! I had one many, many years ago and I think I was in hospital for about 5 days and off work for 2 weeks. I sure hope you are feeling better soon!
Fortunately they can perform far less invasive surgery today that they used to. I actually don't feel too bad today (or I would not be on here now). Since it was very close to bursting it could have been much worse. Thanks for your kind words.
Anyways take care gotta finish up work and go home ... I wish I had an actual helpful post but In my opinion at that time my feelings were this .. Customers,movies,shipping,money WHO CARES I am having a baby and my wife needs me so suck ittt LOL so not professional but it was how I felt
I really like your attitude. That is exactly the way I think of my family. My daughter and son both came to the hospital. I sent my daughter home after awhile because she was falling asleep in the chair but my son stayed and helped DH get me home. He would have gone to bed around 12:30 a.m. and was up again around 4:00 a.m. to drive 1 1/2 hours to get to work. Can't ask for better than that!
looks like we've discovered a new vocation: "Emergency site shut down consultant" - for a somewhat minimal fee they'll close your site down during your emergency, just contact this number..... I actually googled this but just got emergency shut down valves......too bad....
That hits the nail on the head. Since this is the second time I have been in this situation it dawned on me today that there needs to be something in place to let sellers deal with unforeseen circumstances.
Well, lady, I must say, you're my kind of stupid. - Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Hope your DH is up to taking care of you while you recuperate. Take advantage of any municipal home care services that may be available.
DH is "THE BEST"! He spoils me. By the way, his favourite TV show is Castle which he should be watching right about now. I am fine with no home care...used to do it myself. There isn't much of it available today...far too much waste in the past. A few years ago they sent my mother home at age 82 on a "waiting list" for home care. She lived in her home with my father who at the time was suffering for dementia. That is where family takes over....and we did.
Thanks for all replies.
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02-24-2014 10:29 PM
Dedication, stupidity or just plain stubborn?
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02-24-2014 11:28 PM
Not so much fun I would think. Humour is definitely the best medicine.
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02-24-2014 11:36 PM
I suffer from a bit of anxiety, so mix in a little panic.... look your wife in the eye & say " I Do. "
I think that was the way it happened on my wedding day.
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02-25-2014 03:07 AM
Sorry to hear you needed surgery. Hope you are feeling better.
I am in the same boat as you. No one to take over. When I can't do the job, I just shut down. I can always refund the purchaser with an apology. It usually works out best that way.
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02-25-2014 09:49 AM
Well I do my best for my customers but sometimes I have be what matters and in my situation it was time to be a husband and a father and I was sure not gonna look at my wife and say just give me 3 hrs to ship this stuff ..
My life is .. My family ,My job,My business and that s just the way it is and when it comes to my family nothing else really mattersand I will NEVER put my family onthe side lines for anything and never put anything in front of my family ...
Most people understand those things then there are those who believe that I should Tell my wife to just hold it for 30 minutes so I hav to ship a $5 movies LOL ...
I understand things from a customers point of view as Im a Customer in many aspects of my life and business but what I also know is sometimes somethings are just more important then satisfying customer whether customer's like it or not ...
If I was a big chain or cooperation you can bet Customer would be Number 1 above all because I can just get an employee to take over so Idon't have to put the customer second in situations like that but I am not so I have to the best I can and for me the best I could do was be there with my family and let my custmoers know after...
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02-25-2014 01:16 PM
@reallynicestamps wrote:
At the moment, I would guess my backup would be DHs staff, but no one else knows my passwords. Sometimes even I don't know my passwords. A combination of blonde moments and senior moments.
Hope your DH is up to taking care of you while you recuperate. Take advantage of any municipal home care services that may be available.
OK, I need to know what "DH" stands for -- I know what it refers to (spouse, significant other, etc.), but could someone kindly enlighten me as to the actual English words?
I'm pretty much a one-woman show and am concerned about what would happen to everything I've built up on this site if I were suddenly taken very ill (heaven knows, it takes a long time to forge a reputation here and a very short time to destroy it). However, I'm more of a "planning fatalist" than a worrier, so I have a dual contingency backup.
I'm grateful for store vacation settings -- they've come in handy in more minor emergencies and would at least prevent my seller status from being ruined in the event I was out of the picture. My Darling Husband (is that it???) has my password and instructions to put my store on vacation -- with listings blacked out -- if I became temporarily unable to function. For a longer illness or incapacity, he would end all listings and leave the store "empty" but still viable, and if eventually necessary, sell off the business and all my stock through an agent.
None of us sellers should forget that our eBay businesses have value in the real world if they are "going concerns". Since my husband wouldn't be able to run my eBay business, it's some comfort to me that he'd at least be able to benefit from what I've built.
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02-25-2014 03:03 PM
Thanks gifts_of_elegance for your best wishes. I don't feel quite so spry today but I expected it. Fortunately there is not much to ship out today.
Family definitely comes first in my life too brande... I was happy to find out that my son slept until 7:00 a.m. before driving that long distance to work. He could have taken an emergency day but went into work late instead. He starts a new job close to home next month which is good because I won't have to worry about him driving the 401 every day in the kind of weather we have had this year.
Rose-dee.....DH = Dear Husband but Darling Husband would fit my DH better right now. He is doing some cleaning for me at this moment, bless his heart.
I have a friend in town who also sells on eBay but she has never had a store. My daughter has sold a few personal things here and would be able to help DH figure out how to close it if necessary. I told him how to come onto the discussion board too if he needed help. I am sure any of us would be happy to help each other out in emergencies.
I think I will type up that list of instructions and try to remember to revise it whenever changes are made. I still wish there was an easier way to end auctions, without being charged FVF.
DH and I have been doing craft shows together for over 20 years and he could get rid of some stock that way. Certain items that don't move at shows sell better on eBay but he could easily sell them at auction or other. One of my suppliers might be able to find a buyer for him as well. But, in the meantime, I am not planning on going anywhere just yet. Pension starts in June and I want time to collect a substantial amount of it
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02-25-2014 10:05 PM
@westernstargifts wrote:I still wish there was an easier way to end auctions, without being charged FVF.
There is no FVF if there is no bid on the item.
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02-25-2014 10:33 PM
If one of the stockboys at the local grocery store is sick nobody cares as long as the shelves are stocked.
Same goes for your selling. Nobody cares if you are sick as long as you have emergency measures in place. Buyers do not expect to wait a month or so to get their items.
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02-25-2014 11:20 PM
Nice to see you are sharing your Sunny Optimism, as always nuvisitors.
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02-26-2014 09:15 AM
Fortunately, they are, maybe, .1% of customers. The other 99.9% are very nice people.
I give a smile, I get a smile. Most people have figured that out.
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02-26-2014 09:29 AM
I think that was the way it happened on my wedding day.
Oh yeah, if it wasn't for my best friend, I would never have made it to the church! I was a total wreck! And I'd only been going out with him for over six years! It worked out okay though, 2 children, 1 grandbaby and many happy years later........
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02-26-2014 09:40 AM
Oops, didn't mean to get off topic there. I think I'm going to write down my passwords and put them in a safe place, my safety deposit box maybe. That way at least they can close down my accounts if need be. Although, I'm not sure who "they" would be.