01-02-2016 08:25 AM
Just so I understand - buyer opens item not received case, buyer closes it a few days later when item is received (yes, mail is a little slower in December) - but I keep the defect. Is that correct?
01-02-2016 11:57 AM - edited 01-02-2016 12:01 PM
At the moment, yes. However, in a few weeks' time (after February 20th), all the rules change (see the Fall 2015 Seller Update).
At that point -- so we've been told -- a defect incurred during the course of the last few months that would not be counted as a defect under the new rules, will be defunct. I'm still not clear on exactly what retroactive start date is involved, nor whether such defects will be completely removed or just not counted in the post-February 20th seller evaluations, but in any event it appears we won't have to worry about them.
Since the situation you mention would fall into the non-defect category after February 20th, I wouldn't be concerned about it. Check your dashboard toward the end of February or beginning of March to see if it's been deleted.
As an aside, I expect there will be a huge rush of phone calls and complaints from sellers just after February 20th if defects they expected to disappear do not, so be prepared for a bottleneck if you call Customer Service about it.
I intend to bring this up again and ask for further clarification at the next Wednesday Board Hour (Jan. 6th) if the eBay Canada staff are around, so you might want to check the answer there too.
01-07-2016 06:14 PM
01-08-2016 11:04 AM - edited 01-08-2016 11:06 AM
We got 2 of those in December from obvious idiots. Ebay's fault really. Such a thing should not have been allowed a week after the purchases. We called and had them removed.
It took a few calls until we got someone on the line who could understand that there are other countries in the world besides USA. Best to call in the morning.
01-08-2016 11:31 AM
01-11-2016 06:16 PM - edited 01-11-2016 06:19 PM
Just got my first INR of the year today from a Finland buyer. I asked her to wait until this Saturday and if it still doesn't arrive by then I'll refund She opened the INR on day 30 of item shipped date.
Now I have to reconsider selling to Finland. Including this one I only have had 6 sales to Finland in my entire online selling history... I have to wonder if some of my competitors stopped selling to Finland since I got 3 Finland sales just over the past 35 days while before that I barely get 1 a year. I hope the other 2 Finland sales don't end up in INR as well...
Is it correct to assume that this INR won't count for anything in February once the new rules hit?
According to my seller dashboard now, apparently 3 out of 28 buyers who bothered to give me feedback answered "No" to the shipped-timely question since last September. So that counts as 3 defects? My limit is 6......
01-11-2016 07:01 PM
Hi Zee!
Some things to consider:
Losing one package to a country in and of itself isn't likely enough to warrant stopping selling there. If you see a trend, ie if you lose another package or two then yes it may warrant considering. You make a very good point that if you tough it out, other sellers who panic and stop selling to a given country when they lose the first package to it are not competitors to you anymore! Personally I think this is one of the reasons I sell so much overseas anymore because I still ship everywhere. Note though that I charge much higher shipping to Brazil and China to cover registration, which has significantly reduced sales to those countries but from ebayland's perspective, I still ship worldwide, and I think this improves my visibility.
Regarding too many slow shipping, if you look carefully at their wording, it says that if you go above the limit they "may" talk to you. That does not sound very worrisome, certainly it doesn't look like you'd be in any danger of getting kicked off, more likely someone (who probably knows not that much) will contact you to give you suggestions on how to sell faster/better and that would be the end of it.
As I understand February, it will only count if the buyer also answers the question as to whether it arrived in time, with a "No" which they probably will, so in that case it will count against you then.
01-11-2016 07:34 PM
Thanks for your reply ricarmic.
I did block Poland last year because the buyer claimed the book didn't arrive so I refunded (fortunately no INR opened) and since I only have had TWO sales ever to Poland I just blocked it. Had a few other "where is my item" inquiries with UK and one INR from the US as well but I'd never block those because most of my buyers are from US and UK and Canada. Will see how Finland goes with the other two recent sales because if they are lost as well I can't afford to keep absorbing the loss there. This INR case is with the first sale out of my three recent Finland sales so hopefully I won't ever hear from the other two buyers aside from a positive feedback *fingers crossed*
It's just that the relative loss ratio seems so high with so little sales to those places it doesn't seem to worth the few dollars I'm making from those buyers. I had maybe a couple issues with UK but that's out of over 50+ sales; and a few issues with US (300+ sales)... Other countries I wouldn't consider blocking are Germany, France and Australia because I have quite a few sales there as well.
01-13-2016 12:15 PM
@zee-chan-jpn-books wrote:
Is it correct to assume that this INR won't count for anything in February once the new rules hit?
According to my seller dashboard now, apparently 3 out of 28 buyers who bothered to give me feedback answered "No" to the shipped-timely question since last September. So that counts as 3 defects? My limit is 6.
The INR as such won't constitute a defect after Feb. 20th, but as 'ricarmic' mentioned, it's very likely your buyer will answer "No" to the on-time delivery question, which will create a defect.
It isn't completely clear to me what will happen during the brief transition period (just prior to, and just after, Feb. 20th), i.e. whether a bit of a grace period will be allowed by eBay. For example, if this INR were to occur on or after Feb. 20th, then a full refund would solve the whole problem, with no defect. But would the defect you'd get from refunding now be removed after Feb. 20th? I think it would be a risk to assume so, but this is another thing I'm hoping to get clarified if the eBay.ca staff are around today.
As far as the actions by eBay are concerned once a seller goes over an allowed limit, personally I wouldn't be too blasé. The Fall Seller Update stated:
"If the only seller performance metric you are not meeting is for on-time shipping, your seller level will remain above standard. However, we may restrict the shipping options your listings can offer, including restrictions on stated handling time. Sellers with these restrictions will be notified accordingly."
Now I don't know about you, but I really wouldn't want eBay meddling in my shipping services. And what precisely "we may restrict the shipping options your listings can offer" means is anybody's guess at this point. I think I asked Raphael about this a while ago, but got a very vague and unsatisfactory answer at the time. I intend to ask again. Maybe they've actually figured out what they meant by now.
Below that caveat in the Seller Update is this somewhat more sinister warning:
"If you're not meeting the minimum performance requirements for defect rate or for cases closed without seller resolution, your seller level will be considered below standard and we may put limits on your selling activity, or lower your search placement until your performance improves. We may also restrict you from selling on eBay if your performance falls." [My emphasis]
So although sellers may be getting a bit giddy about the reduction in defect-creating scenarios after Feb. 20th, I wouldn't get too complacent. It seems that eBay has left the door open for themselves to determine what punishment will look like.
Also we should remember that performance standards for TRS, and the minimum performance requirements to continue selling on eBay will be "adjusted" (i.e. tightened). So although there may be fewer defects, each defect will be more significant than it is now. Is this a real change for the better? I don't know.
Lastly, on the subject of defect-free refunds (again, from the 2015 Fall Update):
"Although returns will not count as defects when you successfully resolve the issue with your buyer [...] eBay may alert sellers if their overall return rate is very high within their category. eBay may also provide recommendations to update your selling practices in order to help minimize returns."
Again, another carte blanche that eBay has issued itself to deal as it chooses with sellers who they deem have too many returns. How many will be too many? Who knows at this point?
I'm pointing out these aspects because I think there has been very little focus on the consequences side of the new rules. Sellers are getting very excited about the fact that certain things will no longer create defects, but it seems to me that eBay has put more discretionary control in their own hands on how and when to deal with what they determine is a problem.
01-13-2016 12:17 PM
@mr.elmwood wrote:
I was told to use GSP.
That caused some dead air.
Yeah, if this is any indication of the kind of "recommendations" eBay will be giving us under the new rules when we falter, it's not very encouraging.
01-13-2016 07:04 PM - edited 01-13-2016 07:06 PM
*sigh* with all the new silly rules on ebay, I wouldn't be surprised if I decide to give up at some point this year and focus on my other hobbies instead.
As for the INR case the buyer closed it yesterday because the book somehow arrived one day after she opened the case lol. I did message her the day before saying that I'd have appreciated that she message me first before opening a case since I get a defect from it. She said she didn't know that opening a case would affect me and will trying messaging first next time. Shows how ebay keeps pushing buyers open these cases when all the buyer wanted to do was ask about her book.
The buyer didn't leave me any feedback, and I'm really hoping she wouldn't touch the feedback at all since I don't want her to answer "no" to that dreadful question.