Did eBay change its Best Offer parameters and mechanisms again?

I understand that eBay made changes to its Best Offer protocol in 2012.  If a Seller received an offer, it could be accepted but the listing would remain active until the item was actually paid for.  That way, if the Seller received a better offer, she could accept that one, too.   Whichever Buyer paid for the item first, succeeded.  That happened to me, twice, in the fall. 


But when I accepted a Best Offer just now, the listing automatically ended and I'm waiting for payment.  I have no reason to suspect it won't be paid for, but I'm confused by what appears to be another change to the Best Offer selling mechanisms.  Did I miss something?

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Thank you for the link, but I am aware of this. My question is: did something change between the summer/fall of 2013 when I sold two items through Best Offer but the protocol was different? As I noted in my query, in the previous cases, even after I accepted the offers, the sale did not terminate immediately but only once the buyer had actually paid for the item. That meant I could accept other/better offers AND the prospective buyer could put offers in on different items. The sale was concluded only upon payment. eBay said at the time that made the Best Offer option better for both sellers and buyers.
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Here is the link re: the Best Offer protocol to which my question relates. It clearly states that an item remains available to other buyers until the item is purchased. (And yes, my item is in an qualifying category for this procedure). My item is no longer available for other offers, and I still have not been paid.


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