Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Hi there, it's lilybean from the Canada team.

As you can see, we have upgraded the Canada discussion boards to offer several new features, along with a new look that is more “eBay" (visit http://www2.ebay.com/aw/ca/200903.shtml#2009-03-30150011 for the original announcement).

Starting today, April 1st, 2009, we are opening this thread so that you can report any bugs or technical issues that you may experience with the upgraded platform.

We will monitor this thread this week through April 6th to collect your reports. Please use this thread for technical issues only. Please be aware that this thread is only for reports of issues with the new discussion board platform. Reports of other eBay site issues will be deleted. In addition, other off-topic and inappropriate posts will be removed.

To report a bug or issue, please use the following format. It will help us figure out why the bug happened and reproduce it so we know how to fix it.
1. Operating system(s) and version(s)(e.g., Windows XP):
2. Browser(s) (With version) (e.g., FireFox2; IE 7.3):
3. URL (URL where error occurred) http://www.?
4. Username(s) of those seeing the bug (your ID)
5. Description/steps taken to reproduce (with all exact link names and relevant page URLs):
6. Actual result: (explain what happened)
7. Error message received (include exact and complete error message text and/or screenshot- not required only if none exists
8. Expected (desired/correct) result

If you need some help learning how to use the tools on the new discussion board platform, please visit our "help" page at http://forums.ebay.com/help.jspa.

We hope you enjoy exploring the new forums.


Message 1 of 179
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178 REPLIES 178

Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Hi. Windows xp, professional pak
IE 7.3
The paws and Claws board seems to be missing? There is no error message, it just isn't there.
Please bring it back. Thank you.

reallybigmeandog guards the portal to he77
Message 2 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

This one needs to be pinned to the top of the page...

Message 3 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

OH and...it is nice to see you Lilybean.

It's been a while since you graced us with your presence.

I will bow out now...


Message 4 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Kelly - it's under Special Interests when you click on Community and General Help boards... at the bottom :)



Message 5 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

> Hi. Windows xp, professional pak
> IE 7.3
> The paws and Claws board seems to be missing? There is no error message, it just isn't there.
> Please bring it back. Thank you.
> *
> Photobucket
> reallybigmeandog guards the portal to he77

Kelly you have to go to the top of the page and click on this section for paws and claws

eBay Canada Discussion Boards

Message 6 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Sorry Kelly - I meant under the [i]eBay Canada discussion boards link.




Message 7 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Hi Lillybean

if you go through the forum, you will see most of the complaints...

personally, I dislike the font.. it's way too small, and should be upgraded or at least have a button where we can make it larger.

Also, I dislike the repetative titles appearing in each post, as if we are too dense to know which thread we are responding to...

I don't like having to wade through 7 pages in order to reach the newest postings, there should be a double arrow showing rather than the one > which only moves you up one page at a time..

The ignore button.. why on earth doesnt it make the whole person vanish? we are still seeing their avartar's, and their names.. on other sites I've used the ignore button, and they are poofed entirely.

What else now? Hmmmm



Message 8 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Oh, this isnt a suggestion thread LoL

an edit button would sure have been nice instead of having to self report our postings, wasting moderator's time, we could EDIT and correct mistakes, or erase something that we shouldnt have said in the heat of the moment...


Message 9 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Is there any way to make the text in the message box larger? I have mine set to the largest...and the only thing that is larger is the top of the page, not the message box..........thanks........

Message 10 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
When a person uses the reply with Quote button, why isn't it show WHO you are quoting?

This can lead to misunderstandings when there are five or six pages of comments, and you are quoting something someone said way back on the first page.

get what I mean?
and get a load of the ITALICS button, I need a magnifying glass to get my cursor in between the [ i [ and the [ / i }


Message 11 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Hi Lilybean

Good to see you 🙂

Though not very pretty I do like the speed the pages load for me of the new layout.

I also would like to see the personal setting of font size.

I agree the repetition of the thread name is a space eater.

When quoting someone it is a great idea to show the poster's ID who you are quoting (maybe even post number but that's pie in the sky)

Left side poster idea - quite alot of wasted space to the right of the person's nick and avitar could be used for their post again minimizing the scroll factor to trying to read a thread.

I hope some of this has been helpful and have a great day Lilybean 🙂

Message 12 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Even though I hope this is only an April Fools joke, just in case it's not here are my suggestions (also brought up by others)

The newest post replied to should automatically go to the top. Makes for faster responses and keeps topical discussions at the top.

Too much scrolling is involved now. Wasted space and hard to look at.

50 minutes to go before April Fools is over!!!!
Message 13 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

OK, one other thing...after we are finished posting, please return us to the screen with all the discussions, not just the discussion we replied to.
Message 14 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Hi I hope someone out there can help me.My problem is the recently viewed, thumbnail & you might like these section at the bottom of Ebay pages mine was working fine till last evening and now it just is not there after viewing things.
I find this so help full with giving me multiple choices.
I am using Firefox V 3.0.8 & Internet explorer 7
Message 15 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports


Oh yeah I'm using IE6 and win XP SP3

Message 16 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
I would like the ignore button to be able to be applied to certain threads, not just people.

Like others have said also, if a certain person starts a thread, and you ignore them, I'd like thier entire thread to dissapear, and I dont want to see thier avatar.

I also totally agree that seeing the htread title over and over is wasting space and annoying.

The placement of the report button is also in the way - it makes it look like the first word anyone who's posted has written is "report".

Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 17 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

> Even though I hope this is only an April Fools joke, just in case it's not here are my suggestions (also brought up by others)
> The newest post replied to should automatically go to the top. Makes for faster responses and keeps topical discussions at the top.
> Too much scrolling is involved now. Wasted space and hard to look at.
> 50 minutes to go before April Fools is over!!!!

Have you tried changing the settings at the top of the page?

Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual
as one in which he has had some fun, some joy, some
real satisfaction, that day is a loss.
Message 18 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
... what "disisus" said ... "Have you tried changing the settings at the top of the page?"

Topics per Page & Posts per Page:: 4 (is the default) ... other choices -10/16/24/50

Post Sort Order: oldest first (is the default) - additional choice is: newest first

Have set my choices/values to:

newest first

... far more screen real-estate now ... and, you don't have to scroll down and down to view the latest post in any given thread

Hope this helps ??

fgs & krd Photobucket

Message 19 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Way too much scrolling. This is annoying. I don't have the time. Was this done just to put ad spaces on the sides? Count me out!
Message 20 of 179
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