As a ebay seller I'm starting a revolution agianst ebay's feedback rule regarding UNFAIR NEGATIVE FEEDBACKS for sellers.

The current rule states that any neg FB given to a seller sticks unless the buyer has a change of heart, YUK! THAT JUST AINT GOOD ENOUGH!!!

New rule. I want the same rights that a buyer gets. Under feedback abuse. Sellers should get the same rights as buyer gets when unfair feedback is given. Meaning that any neg, neu or and unfair comments to be considered UNFAIR THAT CONFLICT WITH A SELLERS GOOD RECORD TO BE REMOVED.

If you agree just post a I agree on this thread. When enough sellers are listed I will forward it to ebay for review.

Message 1 of 45
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I'm starting a revolution

Mr. Bush (a lunatic in my opinion) seems to have adhered to the same principle.

8 years later the pundits were proven right. I do hope that you will take less time to see the light.

Just suck it up (the neg) and move forward. At some point, we have all been where you are. It's no big deal, really.

And, no, I do not believe that sellers should be in a position to publicly berate their customers. Think Zellers posting your name on a display after you leave the store when they had a bad experience with you. I would venture a guess that you would the first to "start a revolution" against the practice.

Tongue-in-cheek, but you really need to move on and put your energy to good use, such as doing what is good for your business.

Message 2 of 45
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"If you agree just post a I agree on this thread"

I most definitely disagree.
Message 3 of 45
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Lol! I knew it wouldn't help to get advice from you guys. O help, thank you. Let us know your problem you asked over and over!! Crap!

So get off your high and mighty horses, you are 0 help to me.

It's back again between me and ebay. Da.
Message 4 of 45
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Meaning that any neg, neu or and unfair comments to be considered UNFAIR THAT CONFLICT WITH A SELLERS GOOD RECORD TO BE REMOVED.

I don't agree!

You are claiming that sellers NEVER screw up and that's simply not true. I provide good service but on occasion I mess up, buyers have a right to call me out when that happens.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 5 of 45
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You started a post about beginning a revolution and solicited replies.

You have received 2 replies so far, even if they do not agree with your viewpoint.

This has nothing to do with high horses.

Pierre, for instance, is a highly successful and respected eBayer. To discount his well-intended advice ..... not something I personally would do.

Message 6 of 45
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I think it's funny. I mean using the word "revolution" I would call it a protest. By calling it revolution, not many will take it seriously. Good luck.
Message 7 of 45
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lol, maybe i'm not serious.

I'll deal with ebay on it.

Message 8 of 45
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Community Member
If you agree just post a I agree on this thread. When enough sellers are listed I will forward it to ebay for review.


uh huh....good luck with that! Even if every single Canadian Power Seller did agree, which most don't, eBay wouldn't do a blasted thing about it.

And so this is what you wanted eBay to look at in your other thread? Im guessing so based on your posts. eBay has rules and they will remove negatives under certain conditions but yours isn't one of them.

I got a neg not too long ago too and while it did have me fuming, it didn't qualify for removal either. None of it was true, the buyer was an idiot and out right liar but there's nothing I can do about it. I can't prove anything to anyone so I just move on and concentrate on the non-psychotic buyers who by far outweight the other type.

eBay won't remove that comment and personally I think you're better off putting that energy into dealing with your good buyers. Soon enough it'll pass and you'll get better and higher ratings. We all get how maddening it is when you get stung by malicious people but BBL them and move on. You'll feel much better for it. 🙂
Message 9 of 45
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Well you guys with 5,000, 10,000, 50,000, 100,000 Fb's dont have to worry. One little neg and all 1's DSR won't dent your record.

But I buy and sell as a part time hobby. When I get hit with a neg and all 1's DSR it hurts. It is total BS. 2 out of 4 DSR's didn't even apply to this deal becasue buyer backed out.

I'm hoping that ebay will make an exception since this idiot buyer had 0 FB's before nailing me.

I will keep trying.

Message 10 of 45
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Community Member
I'm hoping that ebay will make an exception since this idiot buyer had 0 FB's before nailing me.

I will keep trying.

I do hope you're not holding your breath. eBay doesn't make exceptions. They really don't. 😞
Message 11 of 45
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" as a part time hobby"

With all due respect, you are a PowerSeller now. Think like one.
Message 12 of 45
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Yes he is a Powerseller, but not by choice. That is eBay's designation, not the sellers request, and eBay won't even let sellers use the logo in their listings anymore.

And with all due respect to you Pierre, there are a great many "Powersellers" (like myself), who sell on eBay as a "hobby" to either augment their income or to further enjoy their favorite hobbies. So "thinking" like a Powerseller (whatever that is anymore) is not something that everyone wants to be concerned with.

The reality is, there are lots of bonehead buyers out there (we've all seen them), and given the limited tools in our ebay tool box to deal with them, we must learn to "smile and wave" and move on, so that we can focus on the other 99% of good honest buyers, those of which keep us in the game to begin with.

Certainly a positive attitude as a seller is the best attribute you can carry with you, and it does rub off and show within your business (I think I learned some of that from Bernie), but we all know, everyone has those days (and buyers) that just make you go hmmm.....?:|

Message 13 of 45
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Community Member
Welcome back RECPED!

Message 14 of 45
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I someone thinks that eBay is bad then try running an on-line store where every disgruntled buyer can post whatever he wants into a blog.

Or, try running a brick and mortar store where every disgruntled customer can badmouth you six ways from Sunday in your town.

eBay ain't that bad lol.

Message 15 of 45
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Or, try running a brick and mortar store where every disgruntled customer can badmouth you six ways from Sunday in your town.

Bernie, if you are doing nothing wrong, that's a free advertising. Normal folks will recognize a mo*on running around telling everyone that he bought a battery from you it does not fit his gadget, when you described all specifications and dimensions, etc.

Duh, why were you buying it if you cannot (don't know how to) use it? Hey, this is a pretty good store this guy has, lets check it out.

Btw. on eBay neg to a seller may cause more harm to the giver by getting him blocked by other sellers than causing real harm to the first seller.
Message 16 of 45
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Btw. regarding ebay and feedback - eBay has created hostile environment. When I was selling electrical parts only, it was great, niche requires higher IQ buyers, rarely an issue, now with popularity of LED lights among general population and also when I started going into batteries I can see capabilities of my buyers declining and some channel their frustration with their own incompetence onto me.

eBay has taught them they can get away with extortion and eBay is in for rude awakening one day due to their own mess.

There is nothing you can do about it, unless you are an eBay CEO, you cannot change this system, work with it while it does. Do not worry about feedback. It's like marks in primary school, they always tried to convince us they do matter, in real life you can see that high-school dropouts are doing better than yourself. The ratings do not matter as much as we like to think.
Message 17 of 45
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Well, round one of emails didn't work!!

Round 2 coming up!

Message 18 of 45
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I can't believe that no exceptions are made to that stupid feedback rule. I just found out that I could of had the FB removed if the seller didn't pay. Little good that does me. I was a nice guy and mutual canceled sale and gave him a good Fb before he nailed me with a neg, gee.

Who's with me on my protest???

Message 19 of 45
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i was wondering, could you still refund his money and claim non-payment?

just a thought.
Message 20 of 45
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