05-03-2015 11:26 PM
Why I am desapointed with Ebay )0: For 1 year I notice that many customers are dissatisfied and buy less and less on EBay because the shipment charges are made too exagerated... What I remark it is that eBay does not help a lot by taking 10 % on fees on shipment charges )0: example : I have customer ask me how much shipping I tell him exactly shipping fees is 45.00$ but I need to add 10% on it to cover ebay fees )0: now the customer need to pay 49.50$ Why Ebay take 10% fees on shipping ???
Thank you, Mike
01-06-2016 02:27 AM
@recped wrote:
@pierrelebel wrote:Very old thread. Very old policy change. Why complain now?
If Lithium would fix the stupid board these zombie threads wouldn't be popping up so often!
Old topics should be locked after a year of inactivity. Maybe even after 6 or 9 months.
01-06-2016 03:07 AM
They don't really need to be locked. If Lithium would fix the glitch that sends people back to page xx instead of page 1.
01-06-2016 04:03 PM
I haven't noticed the same problem that the U.S. boards are having on this board. But you might be referring to something different than what I'm thinking of.