
When I receive an echeck from a customer, even with zero feedback, I usually just ship anyways. I know we've talked about this before, but I have an echeck payment for an item worth hundreds of dollars. With this much $ at stake, I am reluctant to go ahead and ship, yet I wonder, if I don't, what will the dsr/feedback repercussions be?

If I wait to ship for the eight days that Paypal tells me to, and the buyer leaves a neg, will eBay remove the neg when Paypal clearly tells us not to ship until it clears?
Anyone have any experience with this?

I already have recently received totally unwarranted neg and neutral feedbacks from goofball buyers, so I want to tread carefully here. X-(

Message 1 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

Hi, Axe, I never ship until an echeck clears and have never had a neutral or negative for it. Once I ship the item I always send an email stating your echeck has now cleared and your item has now been shipped.This way they know I wait until payment clears to ship the item, I believe if you deal with it this way most people understand. Hope this helps.Tina
Message 2 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

Ditto to the way Tina handles e-checks. I have one right now that was declined by the buyer's bank and PayPal is submitting it for the second time.

In the 4+ years that I have been selling on eBay I have never had an e-check not clear until the past 3 or 4 months in which time I have had 2. I have never received a negative or neutral for sending it after payment has cleared. I state in my shipping policy that it will not be shipped until 'cleared' payment is received.
Message 3 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

Thanks, guys. In my honest opinion, though, I still think there will be that buyer out there, who is mad that you didn't ship it right away. All they know is that they paid for their item and you didn't ship it for two weeks.
My question is, though, if they do leave you a neg because you waited, will eBay remove it when Paypal clearly tells us "DO NOT SHIP"?

That's what I'm not so sure of.
Anyone had this experience?

Message 4 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

To add to this, this particular buyer has been a member since 2005 and has 0 feedback.

I know that only the recipient (the seller) can cancel an echeck, but I'm still a bit leary on this one.
Message 5 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

I also always ship immediately upon receipt of an echeck.

To answer the original question, if the buyer leaves a negative feedback due to the deay in shipping, ebay will NOT remove it for that reason.

In the circumstances you outlined (registered 2005 no feedback) I would candidly contact the buyer and explain the problem. Wait for his reply to decide.
Message 6 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

Thanks Pierre, I have already contacted him and will wait to see...
Message 7 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

Thanks, guys. In my honest opinion, though, I still think there will be that buyer out there, who is mad that you didn't ship it right away. All they know is that they paid for their item and you didn't ship it for two weeks.

The buyer knows their payment did not clear, PayPal tells them.

If they want instant shipment, they should use instant payment, like CC or PayPal balance. If they don't have credit card, there is probably some reason. I am not in business of extending personal credit and so aren't you.

Plus your PayPal protection works only after it clears.
Message 8 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

My suggestion, since the buyer appears to have no eBay experience, would be to use Contact Buyer to explain that he has sent an "e-cheque" and that it will take about 10 business days to clear the two banking systems. (Assuming your buyer is in another country*)

Tell him that his widget is packed and ready to ship as soon as Paypal will allow you to print the shipping label.

This last is a white lie. PP won't let you print the label until the payment is made, true enough, but there are other ways of producing shipping labels. It's just a way of putting the responsibility on to PP and the postal system rather than you being the bad guy.

I've cheerfully shipped inexpensive items before payment cleared, but I think there are enough red flags here that I would want to see the money in my PP account before I shipped.

Some sales are not worth having.

* Does the buyer's address match the country his buyer profile says he is in? Six years between registering and buying an expensive item would make me cautious of a hijacked account. And also check his feedback on There may be some hidden negs, which will show up there.
Message 9 of 10
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Re: Echeck....negative?

Thanks guys, again more great info.
This buyer is located in Halifax, and I have already emailed him with a similar email to the above.
And I just checked, and everthing looks fine there too. (thanks for that resource!)

So, I will wait to hear back from him. (Paypal says estimated clearance will be April 11-13, so I have lots of time)

Message 10 of 10
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