Excessive shipping cost

Community Member

I am just putting this out there to see if anyone else has notice the  Excessive amounts charged for shipping on a lot of Ebay Items. My point is this, $5 item (a very fair price for it) and I know it weighs less then 3 grams...$48.35 to ship from upstate New York to Ontario...USPS International shipping. So I am not bidding on it, went looking  on Ebay for another seller,..was  

astonished to find shipping  on alot of items  to be very expensive, I know there is inflation and time encured,..but $48 for a 3 gram item??


Curious ....

has something happen on Ebay that I have missed?


Thanks in Advance


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Re:Excessive shipping cost

Community Member

Hi Paul:


The problem, as far as I can tell, is that many sellers:

1) - don't realise there are different shipping methods.  The USPS site makes it worse.  It offers Priority as the most obvious.  You need to look for FirstCclass and other lower cost options. When I see a seller quoting Priority, I will check the USPS site, then contact the seller and ask if they will mail it First Class parcel, and indicate the approximate cost I saw on the USPS site.  If they say no, then they don't want the sale, and I look elsewhere.


2)  - don't weigh their items and look for the least cost shipping charge to Canada. Some items can go in a simple envelope, but the seller is quoting a flat-rate box or something.


3) - don't realise there is quite a difference in cost between shipping to Canada versus shipping International (overseas). Many will find the highest cost International destination and use that as a flat rate cost for anything outside of the US.


4) - simply don't care too much about selling into Canada.  Many don't do it at all. Other do, but don't see it as a big deal, so don't make much effort on the costs.


In addition:

5) - eBay's new calculator for outside US shipping offers the ability to add extra charges to cover duty and tracking, etc.  Possibly useful for a large and/or expensive item. A bit over the top for many other things.


6) - sometimes the charge that shows when the item appears in a search, or even in your Watch list, may not be accurate. I don't know why.  But always check the actual listing.  It may have a more accurate price. Some very sharp sellers will show a choice of shipping methods (and costs) in their Shipping section.


I wish ebay would coach the sellers a little better regarding the costs to ship to Canada.  Especially since the recent hike in costs from both USPS and Canada Post.  Seller's with outrageous ship prices really are cutting off a good piece of their market.  I once did and informal survey of the prices a certain item fetched over a few months.  Anytime one went for a very low price, I saw it was from a seller who either didn't ship to Canada or who had an absurd shipping price.


So, bottom line - yes, some prices are nuts - mainly because the sellers likely don't know it, and don't know it could be done for less.  If you want something, check the pricing and ask if they will send it for less.  Hope this helps!

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Re:Excessive shipping cost

Hi, Having been buying on Ebay alot since 2006, I was astonished to find that a couple of months ago, USPS changed their rates. Before are some of the changes that I experienced. Before a 4lbs first class shipped for under 17.00 now its more than doubled. 1 lb now cost more than 10.00, small priorty that was 12.00 is now 23.00 and its only about 8x1x6 box. Everything has now 3x in s/h cost and when the sellers add there handling fee to it, you are better off purchasing the item at the stores, they will be more than 50% cheaper. I also found out the hard way that if a seller screws up, you are the one that suffers. For eg. I bought a shirt and the seller sent me the wrong size. I opened a case , provided photos etc only to be told by ebay that I have to return the item to the seller at my cost and will receive a refund for the item cost. The shipping is my responsiblity. Another seller had an item listed with a buy it now price and a 10.00 s/h cost to Canada. In order to purchase I had to make payment first. A few days later she contacted me telling me that she made a mistake on the s/h cost and if I want the item to pay an addition 7.00. Ebay would not do anything about it and since she refunded me, I couldn't even open a dispute. It seems that ebay has lost sight of what made them, and that is there can be millions of sellers but with no one buying, no one makes money. I now buy my stuff from Amazon, most of their items are free shipping. Good luck.

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Re:Excessive shipping cost

I have been wondering the same thing.  Near as I can tell, it's simple Ebay greed because the sellers are saying that Ebay sets the shipping costs.  Things sure have changed since the beginning.  Good deals are getting harder to find.






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Re:Excessive shipping cost

I have also been kinda surprised at the cost and have since decided to avoid all us sellers as a blanket policy. I really dont know how much more i will purchase here as it is much cheaper to go to some of the other sites. My apology to those honest american sellers but the ones that are sticking it to us have soured my view on buying from that country. For the record it seems to take less time to get stuff from and norway than from the United states
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Re:Excessive shipping cost

I notice the complaints coming mostly from canada. Im thinking also that Global shipping and Priority shipping has

something to do with it. In other words many USA sellers are oblivious at what canadian  are paying or its not shown on their listing. Is this true? 

I just bought a new quality sweat shirt from Greece......Free shipping! Most items from China are free or near. 

Don't governments realize they are losing trade when their citizens buy abroad, yet they keep there postal rates high. 

I wanted to buy a sticker for $3.99 and a envelope and a stamp ($1) would be all it would take from USA to Canada. 

They charged anywhere from $12-$14


And as for eBay they want their sellers to charge no shipping or encourage low rates yet they are skimming off

money from Pitney Bowes. 



Unhappy Camper

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