I must be going blind as I read through their listing and the only thing that I saw towards the bottom of the listing was their email address which is allowed by eBay on all listings and even that wasnt linked, which is permitted.
eBay rules changed January 2004 and they actually post both rules in different places. At any rate, last year we were allowed to have our web page linked (we did not sell anything through our web site).
The rules sent to us by eBay in their email in late January were different than last year's rules that we knew and abided by and it was very clear that ebay would no longer permit any reference, anywhere in our listings to our web page including the non-linked legal use of our name.
There were attempts by some US competitors last year to have our links or reference to our web site removed but under the 2003 rules, we were not violoating the eBay policies (it was a fine grey line but tolerated for the entire year).
So the rules changed and in 2004, we were forced to change our listings (we had several pulled by eBay). What was interesting is only 3 of 20 listings we had were pulled, all in a different category from what we normally sell in. This was a clear indication that someone reported us.
It is not eBay who rules the roost and polices the boards and listings, it is a few big, loud-mouthed, nothing-better-to-do eBay vendors/bullies who want to control eBay for their own benefit at the expense of their competitors.
I have no problem with that (a) should it be a violation where business is being diverted from eBay and (b) the penalties and rules are applied to all people, across the board that are violating that same rule.
In a nut shell, it takes someone to turn you in and if the existing rules dont apply, they get them changed.