External Links

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One of my competitors currently has items up for auction where the entire description is a link to his own website page upon which he is selling this same item.

Is this allowed? If so, I think it's time to close my eBay store and open my own online store so I don't have to pay all those fees! Just tell customers they can "Buy it Now" for a small increase in cost just by clicking here.



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External Links

Community Member
I know this from experience as I had a couple of links and references to my web page withing my eBay listings and eBay pulled my listings. The difference is that I was not selling anything on my web page, it just provided some additional information about us and our product lines.

You can only link to your web site from your "About Me" page. If you dont have an "About Me" page then you are free to set one up with eBay and provide a couple of links to your web site from there.

You can do what-ever you want on your web site however your "About Me" page cant tell people that they can buy the same things you are selling from you directly for less than what they would pay on eBay.

That means you can list anything you want for sale at whatever price on your web page all linked from your eBay "About Me" page.

You can report your competitor and they will be warned to remove the links from future listings and if they dont, their listings will be pulled.

If they continue, they will be Naru'd


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External Links

Community Member
This seller is supposedly a new member with a feedback of only 1 however I've seen his stuff on here for a long time. I think they keep getting Naru'd and just open another account.



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External Links

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Sure can link to your web site Malcolm. As long as that page Called (page 1) linked from the auction to your web site does not sell product. That page (Page 1) has to have direct info related to the product listed on Ebay (meaning that auction )Page 1 can not sell anything on it . Now (Page 1) with the info related to the auction can have a link too your Web site . In Ebay terms this is called the third click rule . As long as the web site with items for sale is 3 click aways , it's within Ebay rules

A very good example of this is sears on Ebay.com

Or any auction with Auctionwatch.com
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click on the "more information about product specifications"

This auction is within Ebay rules
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Quote"That means you can list anything you want for sale at whatever price on your web page all linked from your eBay "About Me" page."

Be careful about this Malcolm

If you have an about me page .. That links to your web site that sells say a pen for $5.00

You list the same pen on Ebay for say $1.00 and the auction closes at $6.00 . You will be warned once and then can be suspended from Ebay for selling an item cheaper on your web site

This blew me away when Ebay staff told me this
Message 6 of 13
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I sold absolutley NOTHING on my web site. All it did is told more about my products that sold on eBay and I had my listings pulled.

The eBay rules are not written 'in law' or 'as law'. In other words they are loosely contrued to suit eBay. What they apply as a rule to one member is not what is applied to another member on any given day.

As an example, the legal name of my business is shopline.ca however I am not allowed to have my legal name in my listings (eBay pulls my listings).

On the other hand there are several sellers whose legal name does not end with .ca or .com yet they use their name and add .ca or .com immediately after their name in their listings linking people directly to their commercial web site (where they sell products)and eBay permits them to do it.

It is NOT even across the board for sellers. Anyone who believes that it is, is dreaming in technicolour.

I believe that the rules are adhered to when members report violations to eBay on fellow members otherwise I dont believe eBay takes that much of a proactive approach to enforcing the rules.


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You are allowed at the bottom of an auction to place your web site in each auction

Example this is the # 1 selling company on Ebay
Message 8 of 13
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External Links

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I must be going blind as I read through their listing and the only thing that I saw towards the bottom of the listing was their email address which is allowed by eBay on all listings and even that wasnt linked, which is permitted.

eBay rules changed January 2004 and they actually post both rules in different places. At any rate, last year we were allowed to have our web page linked (we did not sell anything through our web site).

The rules sent to us by eBay in their email in late January were different than last year's rules that we knew and abided by and it was very clear that ebay would no longer permit any reference, anywhere in our listings to our web page including the non-linked legal use of our name.

There were attempts by some US competitors last year to have our links or reference to our web site removed but under the 2003 rules, we were not violoating the eBay policies (it was a fine grey line but tolerated for the entire year).

So the rules changed and in 2004, we were forced to change our listings (we had several pulled by eBay). What was interesting is only 3 of 20 listings we had were pulled, all in a different category from what we normally sell in. This was a clear indication that someone reported us.

It is not eBay who rules the roost and polices the boards and listings, it is a few big, loud-mouthed, nothing-better-to-do eBay vendors/bullies who want to control eBay for their own benefit at the expense of their competitors.

I have no problem with that (a) should it be a violation where business is being diverted from eBay and (b) the penalties and rules are applied to all people, across the board that are violating that same rule.

In a nut shell, it takes someone to turn you in and if the existing rules dont apply, they get them changed.


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I don't believe you are allowed to link to ANY webpage from an eBay listing, whatsoever. The latest rules page on links is here: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-links.html

The only exceptions, according to this up-to-date rules page are:

- one link to your About Me page
- one link to give credit to third parties
- links to your email address(es)
- links to your other eBay auctions
- one link to a page that provides more detail (or pictures) about the item for sale
- one link to your listing terms and conditions

None of these pages linked to may contain links to other pages, or list any items for sale off eBay. There is also a detailed explanation of ways around these rules, including the statement that you can link "to a page that further describes the item you are selling, and that page may contain links to other pages that offer items for sale outside of eBay" as long as the intent of the link is to provide more details or pictures of the item, and these links must be "discreet".
Message 10 of 13
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-one link to a page that provides more detail (or pictures) about the item for sale
- one link to your listing terms and conditions

correct so if theese rules above are used . And you use the third click rule as stated above . You should have no problem

As as shown in the other high powerseller . There web site is posted at the bottom of every auction
Message 11 of 13
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Is the key word here "link"? I know of one seller who has his name.com throughout his ads, none of them are links but the message is there. Email customer support at name.com, mail payment to name.com, etc. In other words, his entire ID is a dot com name. There is no direct link but the message is clear. Is this legal? If so, I think I'll be changing my name quickly.
Message 12 of 13
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Check his or her's user id , some old accounts are grandfathered . Meaning they can use there user name . If there user name is a .com with no spaces . Then the answer is yes, they can use there Ebay user id . That so happens to be a .com name

However ...if this is not the case ...then the answer is no they can not place this info in the auction . If they were turned in Ebay would warn them . Happens twice they close the auctions
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