What percentage is that 0.00000001%
According to eBay 15% will qualify for the high discount and 60% will qualify for the smaller discount.
There's a thread on the US Powerseller board asking this very question, it's interesting the number of sellers who rarely post who are speaking up on that thread because they DO qualify.
I certainly don't defend all eBay policies, only the ones I think are good and even if they are only good for the site as a whole and not for me specifically.
An example would be the fee changes, they are going to cost me more but for a large number of sellers it will translate to a fee reduction.
I'm happy they are doing anything as it's depressing to hear so many people that I know say they are afraid to buy on eBay because all they ever hear about is fraud and bad service from sellers.
By the way, the "you must work for eBay" is a very tired comment.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.