02-17-2016 10:18 AM - edited 02-17-2016 10:29 AM
Hello everyone,
Welcome to our weekly session. The thread will remain open all day and I'll come in to respond as time permits.
Here are the issues I'm currently tracking:
Missing Tracked Packet destinations
02-17-2016 03:56 PM
@dutchman48 wrote:
raphael@ebay.com wrote:
@pierrelebel wrote:
"we are no longer relying on buyers' opinion to measure a seller's performance"
Logically, how does a late shipment caused entirely by the carrier measure a seller's performance correctly and fairly?
Why deny information already supplied by the buyer (feedback and DSR), available to eBay and ignore it when giving a "default" to the Canadian seller?
Why do you guys insist in creating a problem for Canadian sellers (unfair defaults) and having to solve it eventually when it could be prevented at this time?
As I stated many times, there is only so much we are able to do to accommodate Canadian sellers given that there is no Canadian-specific Standards program and thus, implementing Canadian-specific rules is very hard. No one insisted in creating problems for Canadian sellers, and even though we know the question to buyers as to whether the shipment arrived on time can never be as accurate as tracking data (it is, after all, the 3rd layer of proof for late shipments), we know from real life data that it works well enough for the intended purpose.
Provide proof of your statement
Just look at your seller dashboard. I'd show you everyone else's, but that's confidential info.
02-17-2016 04:00 PM
"I had a great meeting with my new contact at PB (the previous person I dealt with has left the company)."
What about the apparent tax overcharge problem raised several weeks ago (and every week since then)?
02-17-2016 04:02 PM
"As I stated many times, there is only so much we are able to do to accommodate Canadian sellers given that there is no Canadian-specific Standards program and thus, implementing Canadian-specific rules is very hard ......
SERIOUSLY, THIS IS EBAY'S PROFESSIONAL, BUSINESS REPLY Are you kidding me, well here goes ....
A." there is only so much we are able to do to accommodate Canadian sellers" (hopefully wrong choice of word) so if ebay finds it so "challenging" to "accommodate Canadian sellers" then maybe eBay should be looking to leave Canada instead of trying to manipulate this counties postal system via Canadian sellers. Tip: Canada post has been in Canada and the countries primary postal service longer than eBay has been around or ebay's founders for that matter. Ebay CP is not going to change their policy/system to appease you. Keep in mind how "successfull" you were with negotiations with USPS. Four days and you come out empty handed LOL never heard of that ever happening. No, really, you should have come out with a huge wake up call .... obviously still hasn't been received/regestered.
B. ..."implementing Canadian-specific rules is very hard ...... " Now, I am suppose to accept this response ..... I'd expect this kind of response from a 8-10 year old so I will respond with the same maturity that you are displaying "Yes, life is hard so suck it up and make it right!!!!!
Please refer to my ebay challenge msg #18 This statement :
"As I stated many times, there is only so much we are able to do to accommodate Canadian sellers given that there is no Canadian-specific Standards program and thus, implementing Canadian-specific rules is very hard ......
This is a classic e.g.. of what I don't expect i.e. challenge. This is a lame,non-productive, insulting statement. I would also like to clarify this is NOT about you aren't telling what I want to hear ... it's about thereis a large "issue" brewing that sellers want direct input as it is effecting us directly and by doing so the HUGE challenges that you are placing upon us without due diligence.
Sellers are trying to accommodate ebays ever changing ways and specific rules which is very hard....... BUT WE SOLDIER ON
02-17-2016 04:12 PM
raphael@ebay.com wrote:
@pjcdn2005 wrote:Hello Raphael,
Last week you said:
"All programs have that 5 late orders minimum. Until there are 5 late orders recorded, the on-time shipment metric has no effect on a seller's Standards. When the count reaches 5, the target percentage comes into effect."
1. Is there going to be an announcement on this since there is no mention of it in the update or on our dashboards? In fact, I've never heard it mentioned even once on the U.S. boards so I suspect that it is not mentioned on their dashboards either. I realize that you said that a team is working on it being added to the Canadian dashboard but I am sure that there would be a few less stressed out sellers if this information was already available to them.
2. I could be wrong but I thought that at one time, we were allowed .3% with maximum of 3 cases closed without seller resolution. Is there a minimum number now? If not, that would mean that someone with 300 transactions would be below standard if they have even 1 closed case w/out resolution?
3. A top rated seller needs to have less than .5% of seller cancelled transactions/cases closed without seller resolution. A seller with top rated status would lose that status if they had more than 1 defect. Or, is there a minimum number required before the percentage kicks in.
Hi pjcdn,
1. I'm not sure there will be a separate announcement for this but the existing pages, I'm told, are supposed to get updated. Also the dashboard should reflect these minimums, that they aren't there for the Global program is a bug that's being worked on.
2. and 3. The minimum amount of defects allowed before the percentage kicks in work as follows:
- US program
- minimum of 3 defects before losing TRS
- minimum of 5 defects before falling below standards
- Global program
- minimum of 5 defects before losing TRS
- minimum of 8 defects before falling below standard
Thank you for the information.
To confirm....
4. Are you saying that if I have 400 sales and 2 closed cases without sellers resolution which is more than .3%, I would still be TRS because I had less than 3 defects?
5. If I had 3 such cases would I lose TRS or would I not lose it until I had 4? I'm not planning on getting that many, just trying to understand how the minimums work.
02-17-2016 04:14 PM
@mcrlmn wrote:
I got penalized last week for late shipment for an order of 3 coins, in a 5 coin order, to the U.S..
The order was held from shipment for a day because the buyer decided to add 2 more and get free shipping on those coins also. I only charge S&H on the first item purchased in an order.
Unfortunately he paid for the first 3 coins and last 2 coins separately, and eBay's "Estimated delivery" times to the U.S were different.
So he dinged me 'late' for the first 3 coins, though giving me 5 stars for shipping time on all 5 coins, and "Excellent seller, fast shipping. Highly recommend to all!" for the later 2 purchases.
Even though all 5 coins were shipped together.
When you have proof in emails that your buyer wanted to hold off on shipping until they could buy more, you can bring that to CS and the associated late shipments will be removed.
@mcrlmn wrote:
I have noticed that my mail to the U.S. from Vancouver has been painfully slow in 2016, and generally arriving at the bitter end of each of eBay's "Estimated delivery" times.
Without fail I always ship the same day, and have set my shipping policy to allow for 16 business days, of which eBay includes weekends, even though Canada Post and possibly the U.S. service don't work weekends.
Why is eBay including non-business days in their "Estimated delivery" business day times?
As mentioned below, that seems to be a bug which the shipping team is working on.
@mcrlmn wrote:
I would also like to know why shipping times in the selection drop down list provided, when creating a listing, on .ca to the U.S. from Canada are shorter than those available for shipping within Canada?
I'd like to know how you figured that part out, as we don't show estimated delivery for USA or International shipping during the listing flow.
Here is how the international shipping selection looks while creating a listing:
02-17-2016 04:15 PM
@pierrelebel wrote:
"I had a great meeting with my new contact at PB (the previous person I dealt with has left the company)."
What about the apparent tax overcharge problem raised several weeks ago (and every week since then)?
That's been brought up as well and will be addressed the same way.
02-17-2016 04:29 PM
I fail to provide to you a quick course in statistics but U of A does have a great one, though it does get quite intense especially the part in learning how ALL businesses and gov. read the collected data and turning that data to their advantage.
I'll give a real quick e.g.. Federal and Prov. EI reports yes they have all kinds of data, but one of the biggest faults when they put out the monthly stats is they leave out of the publicly announced stat (unemployed shown as a %) they are not counting those whose benefits have run out, but have not gain employment. This is an e.g.. of data manipulation, slanting it to there means ( which looks better to joe public and moreso for the current standing gov. "this month we're reporting the unemployment rate is 7% or should they say 16%") Shady and manipulative, all businesses do it to a certain degree so pleasssssssse don't give me OH, innocent eBay, why would they do any such thing
Just like ebay is "using" (without compensation) it's buyers i.e. shipping question. to indirectly collect further data.
02-17-2016 04:32 PM
A question has been brought up about listing an identical item on both eBay.ca Canada and eBay.com USA and using shipping to exclude the listing on the other site so as to not be flagged as a duplicate listing. This question was brought up a long time ago in a weekly sessions and Kalvin said it was not a duplicate as long as the countries did not overlap.
A seller has quantity of an item. The seller lists the item on eBay.ca with shipping to Canada only and excludes all other countries. The seller lists the item on eBay.com USA with shipping to the USA and excludes all other countries. Same item on both sites but countries excluded to prevent a buyer in a country seeing both listings.
A seller could also add other international countries to the shipping on one site as long as no countries were common to both.
Example 1. List the item on ebay.ca Canada in C$ with flat or calculated shipping and exclude all other countries. List the same item on eBay.com in US$ with Flat Rate shipping (no calculated for Canada Post on eBay.com), exclude Canada, but have international shipping to other countries with a flat rate.
Example 2. List the item on ebay.ca Canada in C$ with flat or calculated shipping and exclude the USA but have international shipping to other countries as needed. List the same item on eBay.com in US$ with Flat Rate shipping (no calculated for Canada Post on eBay.com) and exclude Canada and all other countries.
Either example above should not be a duplicate listing.
Other comments (for readers who might want to try the idea and have not thought it much)
A seller would be wise to list in different currencies if possible, change the title slightly, use a different photo or different order of photos to keep the listings from easily being flagged as a duplicate by the "bots".
The above is not a good idea for an item with a quantity of one because both could sell leaving the seller with a problem.
A seller would have to be very careful with the way they exclude countries. The My eBay -> Account -> Site Preferences -> Shipping Preferences -> Exclude countries is common to both sites so a seller would have to use the listings exclude shipping to custom make the exclusions in each listing to make sure the other site is excluded.
My Question: Confirm that the above will not give a seller a duplicate listings violation if they carefully avoided in the listing shipping to the same country.
02-17-2016 04:37 PM
After all, if you don't make money, we don't make money. Childish, immature,non professional blow off response ... does eBay not make $$$ from it's advertisers, or will ebay put banners and 1/2 page, front page ads for free for myself or any other seller who isn't "retail"? No response needed
02-17-2016 04:37 PM
A Canadian seller that I know listed an item on .com which sold to another Canadian on Feb. 1. The buyer paid on Feb. 11 and the item was marked as shipped on that same day. On that same day, the buyer opened an item not received claim on eBay.
It is not supposed to be possible to an inr claim until after the latest estimated delivery date but when a Canadian sellers lists on .com and uses a generic shipping option the order details does not give an estimated delivery date if the buyer is Canadian. It does give an eta for some other countries but not Canada. Could the claim be opened the same day as payment because there was no estimated delivery date? If so, is there some way for this loophole to be closed as there should be some sort of minimum time that they have to wait to open a claim?
I realize that a claim being opened isn't going to give the seller a defect now but it is unnerving when that happens. There was a good chance that the buyer would not receive the item within 6 days so the buyer could have escalated that case in 6 days and won since there was no tracking and no proof that the item was in transit.
02-17-2016 04:39 PM
Two other things that I've come across recently and would appreciate clarification on:
1) In the niche I sell in, there is a seller regularly using the subtitle feature to spam other unrelated brand names in an attempt to manipulate search listings. This is forcing their listings to appear at the top of best match results (many of them with unrelated brands than the buyer is intending to shop for) and pushing legitimate listings the buyer is intending to search for further down the list. Reporting these listings does not seem to have had any effect. Is this something that is reviewed at all or is there a more appropriate way to report such instances other than the report item feature in the listing?
2) For ebay Canada, their doesn't appear to be any setting for opting out of the share your photos for the ebay product catalog. I see the option under selling preferences if I log into .com, but not if I log into .ca. Does the opt in/out feature on .com apply specifically to ebay.com listings, or would it also encompass listings on .ca? Are .ca sellers opted out by default, and if not how can they opt out? I'm not sure if the product catalog is US specific so the question may not be entirely relevant for .ca listings.
02-17-2016 05:06 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:
raphael@ebay.com wrote:
@pjcdn2005 wrote:
Hello Raphael,
Last week you said:
"All programs have that 5 late orders minimum. Until there are 5 late orders recorded, the on-time shipment metric has no effect on a seller's Standards. When the count reaches 5, the target percentage comes into effect."
1. Is there going to be an announcement on this since there is no mention of it in the update or on our dashboards? In fact, I've never heard it mentioned even once on the U.S. boards so I suspect that it is not mentioned on their dashboards either. I realize that you said that a team is working on it being added to the Canadian dashboard but I am sure that there would be a few less stressed out sellers if this information was already available to them.
2. I could be wrong but I thought that at one time, we were allowed .3% with maximum of 3 cases closed without seller resolution. Is there a minimum number now? If not, that would mean that someone with 300 transactions would be below standard if they have even 1 closed case w/out resolution?
3. A top rated seller needs to have less than .5% of seller cancelled transactions/cases closed without seller resolution. A seller with top rated status would lose that status if they had more than 1 defect. Or, is there a minimum number required before the percentage kicks in.
Hi pjcdn,
1. I'm not sure there will be a separate announcement for this but the existing pages, I'm told, are supposed to get updated. Also the dashboard should reflect these minimums, that they aren't there for the Global program is a bug that's being worked on.
2. and 3. The minimum amount of defects allowed before the percentage kicks in work as follows:
- US program
- minimum of 3 defects before losing TRS
- minimum of 5 defects before falling below standards
- Global program
- minimum of 5 defects before losing TRS
- minimum of 8 defects before falling below standard
Thank you for the information.
To confirm....
4. Are you saying that if I have 400 sales and 2 closed cases without sellers resolution which is more than .3%, I would still be TRS because I had less than 3 defects?
5. If I had 3 such cases would I lose TRS or would I not lose it until I had 4? I'm not planning on getting that many, just trying to understand how the minimums work.
4. Yes
5. The documentation I have is not exactly clear on this particular detail so I asked for clarification from the Standards team. I'll get back to you.
02-17-2016 05:08 PM
@pocomocomputing wrote:
A question has been brought up about listing an identical item on both eBay.ca Canada and eBay.com USA and using shipping to exclude the listing on the other site so as to not be flagged as a duplicate listing. This question was brought up a long time ago in a weekly sessions and Kalvin said it was not a duplicate as long as the countries did not overlap.
A seller has quantity of an item. The seller lists the item on eBay.ca with shipping to Canada only and excludes all other countries. The seller lists the item on eBay.com USA with shipping to the USA and excludes all other countries. Same item on both sites but countries excluded to prevent a buyer in a country seeing both listings.
A seller could also add other international countries to the shipping on one site as long as no countries were common to both.
Example 1. List the item on ebay.ca Canada in C$ with flat or calculated shipping and exclude all other countries. List the same item on eBay.com in US$ with Flat Rate shipping (no calculated for Canada Post on eBay.com), exclude Canada, but have international shipping to other countries with a flat rate.
Example 2. List the item on ebay.ca Canada in C$ with flat or calculated shipping and exclude the USA but have international shipping to other countries as needed. List the same item on eBay.com in US$ with Flat Rate shipping (no calculated for Canada Post on eBay.com) and exclude Canada and all other countries.
Either example above should not be a duplicate listing.
Other comments (for readers who might want to try the idea and have not thought it much)
A seller would be wise to list in different currencies if possible, change the title slightly, use a different photo or different order of photos to keep the listings from easily being flagged as a duplicate by the "bots".
The above is not a good idea for an item with a quantity of one because both could sell leaving the seller with a problem.
A seller would have to be very careful with the way they exclude countries. The My eBay -> Account -> Site Preferences -> Shipping Preferences -> Exclude countries is common to both sites so a seller would have to use the listings exclude shipping to custom make the exclusions in each listing to make sure the other site is excluded.
My Question: Confirm that the above will not give a seller a duplicate listings violation if they carefully avoided in the listing shipping to the same country.
Hi Pocomo,
That is correct, as long as 2 listings from the same seller for the same item don't show side by side in the same search results (the ways to list you describe would ensure that was the case), they won't be considered as duplicates.
02-17-2016 05:09 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:
A Canadian seller that I know listed an item on .com which sold to another Canadian on Feb. 1. The buyer paid on Feb. 11 and the item was marked as shipped on that same day. On that same day, the buyer opened an item not received claim on eBay.
It is not supposed to be possible to an inr claim until after the latest estimated delivery date but when a Canadian sellers lists on .com and uses a generic shipping option the order details does not give an estimated delivery date if the buyer is Canadian. It does give an eta for some other countries but not Canada. Could the claim be opened the same day as payment because there was no estimated delivery date? If so, is there some way for this loophole to be closed as there should be some sort of minimum time that they have to wait to open a claim?
I realize that a claim being opened isn't going to give the seller a defect now but it is unnerving when that happens. There was a good chance that the buyer would not receive the item within 6 days so the buyer could have escalated that case in 6 days and won since there was no tracking and no proof that the item was in transit.
I'd like to see this case as it shouldn't have been allowed for the buyer to open a case this soon after payment.
02-17-2016 05:12 PM - edited 02-17-2016 05:15 PM
eBay Seller Hub
What is the status of the eBay Seller Hub in the USA?
When is it to be implemented in the USA? Do you have any information on the USA implementation dates?
What about the timeline for the eBay Seller Hub coming to eBay.ca Canada?
Will there be a beta here too or will we just get the option to join in to try it?
Will the eBay Seller Hub be mandatory eventually?
The eBay Seller Hub seems to be based on eBay Selling Manager. Will it be replacing Selling Manager eventually? Will there be two eBay Seller Hubs like Selling Manager, a basic free version and a Pro version? Currently, the Hub blanks out selling options in My ebay on eBay USA so it seems to be a replace for the selling portion of My eBay. It replace Selling Manager on eBay.com USA also. Is the hub to replace both My eBay Selling and Selling Manager eventually?
I am using the eBay Seller Hub on eBay.com since it came out. I like it (rare for anything eBay does lately) especially the new Sell Your Item form one page design. It seems to be a long way off before implementation.
I will also post some of the above questions in the Seller Hub forum and see if the Hub team will answer but usually they don't answer many questions. Perhaps you have some insight on the new eBay Seller Hub that you can share.
PS If anyone is interested in the new eBay Seller Hub, here is the forum for discussing the new eBay Seller Hub. It is not easy to find this forum so I will post a link here.
PS If any seller wants to try out the new eBay Seller Hub on eBay.com USA site, there is an opt in link somewhere. Be warned that it does not work with eBay Motors well, you lose the new SYI form as it is not supported on eBay Motors. It has trouble with variation listings. The Seller Notes condition field is not showing sometimes. if you are using Selling Manager on eBay.ca, opting into the Seller Hub may change the look of Selling Manager on eBay.ca. Just to warn eBay.ca sellers of glitches with the hub. Remember it is a Beta version and subject to glitch and issues and changes (LOL, more than the regular eBay system).
02-17-2016 05:20 PM
@hlmacdon wrote:
Two other things that I've come across recently and would appreciate clarification on:
1) In the niche I sell in, there is a seller regularly using the subtitle feature to spam other unrelated brand names in an attempt to manipulate search listings. This is forcing their listings to appear at the top of best match results (many of them with unrelated brands than the buyer is intending to shop for) and pushing legitimate listings the buyer is intending to search for further down the list. Reporting these listings does not seem to have had any effect. Is this something that is reviewed at all or is there a more appropriate way to report such instances other than the report item feature in the listing?
That's not allowed under the Search & Browse Manipulation policy. These are hard to catch upstream because pretty much each case has to be evaluated separately. Best is to report the offending listings, eventually eBay will take action on the seller if enough reports are sent. I'm saying eventually because we will start by warning the seller and give them a chance to rectify, which they may or may not do, but that's not always visible to the reporter.
@hlmacdon wrote:
2) For ebay Canada, their doesn't appear to be any setting for opting out of the share your photos for the ebay product catalog. I see the option under selling preferences if I log into .com, but not if I log into .ca. Does the opt in/out feature on .com apply specifically to ebay.com listings, or would it also encompass listings on .ca? Are .ca sellers opted out by default, and if not how can they opt out? I'm not sure if the product catalog is US specific so the question may not be entirely relevant for .ca listings.
The catalogue is shared between eBay.ca and eBay.com so one should affect the other. That said, I'm only guessing, I don't know for sure. I'll ask and update this post when I know.
02-17-2016 05:20 PM
@pocomocomputing wrote:
eBay Seller Hub
What is the status of the eBay Seller Hub in the USA?
When is it to be implemented in the USA? Do you have any information on the USA implementation dates?
What about the timeline for the eBay Seller Hub coming to eBay.ca Canada?
Will there be a beta here too or will we just get the option to join in to try it?
Will the eBay Seller Hub be mandatory eventually?
The eBay Seller Hub seems to be based on eBay Selling Manager. Will it be replacing Selling Manager eventually? Will there be two eBay Seller Hubs like Selling Manager, a basic free version and a Pro version? Currently, the Hub blanks out selling options in My ebay on eBay USA so it seems to be a replace for the selling portion of My eBay. It replace Selling Manager on eBay.com USA also. Is the hub to replace both My eBay Selling and Selling Manager eventually?
I am using the eBay Seller Hub on eBay.com since it came out. I like it (rare for anything eBay does lately) especially the new Sell Your Item form one page design. It seems to be a long way off before implementation.
I will also post some of the above questions in the Seller Hub forum and see if the Hub team will answer but usually they don't answer many questions. Perhaps you have some insight on the new eBay Seller Hub that you can share.
PS If anyone is interested in the new eBay Seller Hub, here is the forum for discussing the new eBay Seller Hub. It is not easy to find this forum so I will post a link here.
PS If any seller wants to try out the new eBay Seller Hub on eBay.com USA site, there is an opt in link somewhere. Be warned that it does not work with eBay Motors well, you lose the new SYI form as it is not supported on eBay Motors. It has trouble with variation listings. The Seller Notes condition field is not showing sometimes. if you are using Selling Manager on eBay.ca, opting into the Seller Hub may change the look of Selling Manager on eBay.ca. Just to warn eBay.ca sellers of glitches with the hub. Remember it is a Beta version and subject to glitch and issues and changes (LOL, more than the regular eBay system).
There should be news on the Seller Hub coming in the next few months. Apologies if I can't say more for now.
02-17-2016 05:22 PM
I'm leaving for now but will leave the thread open overnight and come back tomorrow to close the discussion. Have a good night!
Your childish, immature, unprofessional yet caring eBay friend, Raphael
02-17-2016 05:30 PM
raphael@ebay.com wrote:
That's not allowed under the Search & Browse Manipulation policy. These are hard to catch upstream because pretty much each case has to be evaluated separately. Best is to report the offending listings, eventually eBay will take action on the seller if enough reports are sent. I'm saying eventually because we will start by warning the seller and give them a chance to rectify, which they may or may not do, but that's not always visible to the reporter.
Good to know. I didn't want to keep spamming the report item if it was potentially seen as a "cry wolf" type situation with too many reports of a particular seller being sent from one ID. Regarding what would constitute "enough" reports, would you have to have received multiple reports from multiple ebay IDs before it was triggered to look at? I was sort of surprised to see that the subtitle field was influencing best match results, I would have thought that loophole would be filtered out from best match.
The catalogue is shared between eBay.ca and eBay.com so one should affect the other. That said, I'm only guessing, I don't know for sure. I'll ask and update this post when I know.
If that is the case it will be really helpful to know how to opt out as a Canadian seller listing on .ca. I suspect most would not think to log in to .com to opt out, assuming they are opted in by default as .com appears to be and assuming that opt out triggers a global opt out.
02-17-2016 08:12 PM - edited 02-17-2016 08:14 PM
Raphael, sorry this is a long one:
Handling Time
Statutory Holidays
In BC, Feb 8/16 was a Statutory Holiday where postal outlets were closed, Canada Post was working but the postal outlets were closed. In Ontario Feb 15/16 was a Statutory Holiday where postal outlets were also closed.
Small Towns international shipping
Delivery Notices
For example: This question was posted on the .com board. 'Notice Left' was on February 10, 'Delivered' on February 12 (when buyer picked it up) and ebay says 'estimated delivery until February 11'.
What happens then: On Time, Late, Not counted ?
Appeal Process or Special considerations