February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Hello everyone,


Welcome to the February 27th edition of the weekly Board hour. Joining me today are eBay Canada's Bryan.ca (Country Product Manager) and Rodney (Head of Product Management and Country Co-Manager). We're looking forward to read your comments and respond to your questions, starting at 1 PM Eastern, roughly in 10 minutes.




Country Product Manager

Message 1 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Hi Raphael - I have an important question to ask about Customs, but I thought I'd just go into an earlier string I left and copy the details so I don't have to retype them here -- Be right back!!



Message 2 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Hi Raphael -- Here's my issue, would love clarification, as I'd dearly like to get rid of the ugly disclaimers re Customs that I currently have at the top of my listings.  Sorry for the long message!


I think eBay has created a confusing situation on their policy regarding FB removal due to complaints from buyers relating to customs issues.  Here is one statement:




On this page, under "Feedback Removal Due to Customs Complaints" or similar wording, there is a list of requirements by eBay for removal of FB due to customs issues, most of which deal with where and how the disclaimer must be displayed. Specifically, they must be in the top 1/2 of the listing, and in a similarly-sized text.  So the ugly up-front disclaimers have to stay if I want to protect myself from unfair FB.


I also located a policy statement in the Spring Seller Update, under "Safeguards for Your Hard-Earned Performance Record". It says:


"Earlier this year, eBay started displaying an automatic message regarding customs-related delays, duties and taxes on the View Item page of cross border items on eBay.ca and eBay.com. Because of this, any Feedback from international buyers that only references customs issues will qualify for Feedback removal". (my emphasis).


I'm not sure how to reconcile these two apparently contradictory statements.


Does "will qualify for Feedback removal" mean FB will be removed automatically upon seller request? Or does it mean that it qualifies provided the conditions set out in eBay's feedback removal policy (noted earlier) are met? Also, note that phrase "only references customs issues". If the FB says anything in addition, apparently you're sunk.


And does "cross-border" also include overseas?

Message 3 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

From the Wed, Feb 13, 2013 Weekly session question and reply

--- begin copy of question ---

Online Sell Your Item form for creating /revising listings
1)    Shipping section. Local Pickup option. Local Pickup check box is available only for Flat Rate shipping. If you use calculated shipping, there is no Local Pickup option. Why? A seller should be able to have the Local Pickup option regardless of how the shipping is set up. (PS I am not talking about the Local Pickup option that is chosen for only Local Pickup and no Flat Rate or Calcualted shipping).

--- end copy of question ---

--- begin copy of reply ---

1)    You can always add the local pick up option, but you may have to use the Add or remove options link at the top of the shipping section in order for it to show on the form.

--- end copy of reply ---

I think you do not understand the issue.

The add/remove options for local pickup for that section of the Sell Your Item form are turned on. However, only selecting Flat Rat shipping method will show an option with a check box for Local Pickup as a shipping option. If you select Calculated Shipping method, there is no option to check for Local Pickup.

Logically, if you want to have a local pickup option, then it should not matter if you choose Flat or Calculated as your main option for shipping. Local Pickup is an option for any buyers who do not want to have their item shipped.

To me, this is a design flaw in calculated shipping. Local pickup should be available.

Message 4 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

In the previous post, is directed to Raphael who made the reply.

Message 5 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

what the heck have you done to .ca best match?!  Its the same as .com (without the ones that don't ship to Canada) plus listings from .fr.  So if you browse for something like disc media or electronics, pages and pages at the front are pages and pages at the front are American listings with their new high shipping rates (eg often $10-$20 to ship a game with S&H exceeding its retail value) with a bunch of items from ,fr that won't even work here.  The "canadian location advantage" we've had for quite some time  is completely gone leaving very few Canadian items per page

Message 6 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Why did eBay cancelled the eBay bucks program in Canada? The reason given in the announcement is too vague and doesn't explain anything really! Please change your mind regarding this issue!!

Message 7 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Pay on Pickup option in Sell Your Item form difficult to use.

There is a Payment option (not talking about shipping option) called Cash on Pickup on eBay.ca (on eBay.com it is called Pay on Pickup). There is no way to use this option directly in the online eBay Sell Your Item form when creating a listing. If you use Turbo Lister, the option is there to be checked off when creating a listings or revising a listing. If you use online Bulk Edit, you have this option "payment on pickup" in the Payment section available to add/remove to a listing(s).  But not directly in the eBay Sell Your Item form.

If you set the option in Turbo Lister or in Bulk Edit, then the eBay Sell Your Item form has this option showing in the Payment section checked off when you revise the listing. It is also added to add or remove option to the Payment section. But the option is not there to use i nthe ebay Sell Your Item form unless it is turned on by another source (TL or BE) So the option exists in the eBay Sell Your Item form but is not available when you create or revise a listing.

Why so complicated and hidden to use this Cash on Pickup option with the SYI form?

Message 8 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

According to the boards it seems sellers have been receiving as lot of Unfair Negative Feedbacks lately.


In my case buyer mentions shirt has a flaw. I had no qualms with the complaint & offered a full refund & their return shipping costs once the item arrived back to me.


Never heard from the seller again assuming the item was in transit. Ten days later buyer leaves a NFB & all ones in my DSRs. Dispute was never opened so i assume there was no flaw & buyer wanted the item & the refund.


First negative in over six years. How can this be fair when sellers try to make things right.


Unpaid item disputes on my auctions are now hovering around 80% which still remain unpaid. A liitle tiring & seems to be a Major problem. Hard to get excited listing in the Auction Format.

Message 9 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Not applicable

Hi tobyshitzu.


We still have our Canadian boost in best match on eBay.ca, although we have been making changes to the algorithm recently, in an attempt to boost buyer activity.


Could you provide us with a few examples of the type of results you are describing? We've been studying results across the site, and your input could help right now. Thanks for this feedback!

Message 10 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

And does "cross-border" also include overseas?


Yes, cross-border would be any sales that aren't domestic.

Message 11 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

just search for any of the game systems like "ps3" either overall or with the games sub category.   If you do it with both .ca and .com  you get most of the same listings on the first page with the exceptions I described. Someone on the forum brought up phone accessories being the same way.  Most of the listing at the front would be of no interest, at all, to Canadians.

Message 12 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

FABULOUS Raphael!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!! That horrid disclaimer box at the top of my listings might as well have said "Don't buy here", so I'm delighted.  I thought this might be the case (update needed to policy pages), but wanted to be sure, as I had Neg. FB from a U.K. buyer recently who had to pay $40 on a $57 item.  I managed to get him to agree to revise his FB because I thoroughly sympathized with him, but not every buyer would be so amenable I think. 


You've made my day!!!  I'm going to go and revise my listings ASAP.  Cheers!  😄

Message 13 of 34
latest reply

February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

I think you do not understand the issue.

The add/remove options for local pickup for that section of the Sell Your Item form are turned on. However, only selecting Flat Rat shipping method will show an option with a check box for Local Pickup as a shipping option. If you select Calculated Shipping method, there is no option to check for Local Pickup.

Logically, if you want to have a local pickup option, then it should not matter if you choose Flat or Calculated as your main option for shipping. Local Pickup is an option for any buyers who do not want to have their item shipped.

To me, this is a design flaw in calculated shipping. Local pickup should be available.


Hello pocomocomputing,


Thanks for the clarification. I just tried and saw what you mean. Since I wasn't around when the shipping calculator was implemented, I don't know the answer to this but I'll find out and post a follow-up here.

Message 14 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Not applicable

Hi lady.stark.


Cancellation of the Bucks program for Canada was a business decision. I'm sorry that there's not much more we can provide in the way of detail. We remain committed to generating more repeat purchases and buyer loyalty in Canada in general, but it is time to retire this particular program.

Message 15 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

"We remain committed to generating more repeat purchases and buyer loyalty in Canada in general"


Thank you Rodney for your reply, but it still doesn't explain anything. 😞  How do you plan to generate more repeat purchases if the program is cancelled? It will do the opposite in my humble opinion. I know FOR CERTAIN that I will buy less.

Message 16 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Follow-up on kalvins reply from the Feb 20, 2013 session


My question


Shipping FVFs


1) Why is there no information online on how these fees are calculated?  The only information available came from the special forum topics discussing the introduction of the shipping FVFs. There is reference to shipping FVFs and examples but no detailed help on how the shipping FVFs are calculated.


Reply from Kalvin


Hi pocomocomputing,


Shipping FVFs are based on the same breakdown as regular FVFs - you'll just need to include the shipping price to your item selling price to come up with your total sale amount.


As you know FVFs are dependent on the format of your listing.


Hope that helps!




What about the rule for lowest of the first domestic shipping option or actual shipping cost for international?


What about calculated shipping rule for using the cost to ship to your postal code when there is no actual cost to use for comparing for international shipping.


This is what I mean by no documentation in the help files on how shipping FVFs are calculated.


Many sellers are confused on how shipping FVFs are calculated. Many think it is a flat 9% (non store users often think this since they mainly use auctions). Some do not realize that for tiered rates like Fixed price listings, that the shipping FVF is based on the total of item price plus shipping cost. So if the total is over the common $50 break point for FP listings, the shipping FVF rate will drop from say 11% to 6% in one category if the shipping is over the $50 mark.


With shipping FVFs being hated so much, I find that the poor explanations and lack of examples hurts eBay. While I do not like eBay shipping FVFs, I do find that the implementation with the additional rules for International and the lower rates based on total actually try to minimize the shipping FVFs to sellers.


A better explanation and examples are needed in the help files.

Message 17 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

May I ask the eBay team whether there have been serious problems, backlogs or staffing issues with the Customer Support area that is making replying to sellers slow or difficult? 


I recently received a message from eBay concerning a listing, I replied (twice) with information to clarify and resolve the situation, but have never had any response by email or telephone.  I also phoned twice, was told the person involved at eBay would contact me by phone, but he/she never did.  It's been a good week, and frankly, I've had to give up.


I'd appreciate any insight you may have.  Thanks!

Message 18 of 34
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February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

PayPal Shipping


Canada Post Expedited Parcel still lists Flat Rate Box as an option. Using it gives PayPal shipping not available.


I know that the Flat Rate box was discontinued last year. I know that the PayPal shipping was continued for a while to use up old Flat Rate boxes. Is the option now officially done with Canada Post?


If so, when will PayPal get up to date on this?

Message 19 of 34
latest reply

February 27th, 2013 - Weekly Board Hour

Not applicable

Hi pocomocomputing.


Terrific question.


The Sell Your Item form in general, and Create Your Listing page in particular, is one of the most complex pages on eBay.


We ask so many different questions of our sellers, and try to facilitate so many different seller needs, that the page can be too challenging for new sellers (or even experienced ones) to complete.


There's a whole storyline on the cool things that different eBay teams are doing to make the process of listing better, but in the meantime, we've made a lot of changes to our current Sell Your Item flow over the years to try to improve usability.


To try to simplify things, we don't expose every possible variable to sellers by default. We show the essential elements, plus the most popular elements, and hide the more seldom-used features. Pay on pickup is one of those options.


If you go to the Create your listing page on eBay.ca or eBay.com, and scroll down to the "Give buyers shipping details" section, you'll notice there's a link to the right of the "Give buyers shipping details" section called "Add or remove options". You can use this link to make the pay on pick up section - and other parts of the shipping module - appear and disappear.


There are more "add or remove" links on the page you can explore for more hidden options.



Message 20 of 34
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