Ditto. It is utterly ridiculous when I see negative feedback from a buyer who never emailed me, never contacted me, just randomly left negative feedback on a transaction without giving me any chance to address their concerns. If eBay is going to punish us for having "unsatisfied buyers", then the buyer should be forced to contact their seller to resolve the issue together before leaving negative feedback. The buyer already has all the power in a transaction, they have paypal, they have any number of methods to force us to refund them whether their claim is valid or not.
My last 3 negs are from
- A buyer who REFUSED to send me back an item they claimed was defective, emailing me and going "don't worry about it", then weeks later I see a neg from him
- A buyer who never contacted me about any problems
- A buyer who received exactly what was in the auction description, but who realized it wasn't enough for her needs, then demanded I send her additional upgrade parts that weren't a part of the auction
And the last neutral is from
- A buyer who ordered a $25 computer, I misplaced the computer in inventory, and I sent her a computer four times better than what she paid for. All that and I get a neutral which reduces my "satisfied buyer percentage" just a little bit more, although now I see neutrals won't be counted against us for feedback percentage anymore after August.
All of these could have been avoided with such a system and all four buyers could have left eBay as "satisfied buyers". So hey, eBay/PayPal can continue to get the $25,000 or so a year in fees I pay them which I sure won't be paying if I can't sell here anymore, and more of my customers are "satisfied". How can anyone lose?
I am not willing to hand-hold customers through every transaction and send a dozen follow-up emails to ensure that they are satisfied with a $10 item six weeks afterwards, just to ensure that they are "satisfied". No bricks-and-mortar business does that or has to do that, so why should we have to? Buyers should be FORCED to inform their seller of concerns they have about the transaction before they can destroy our reputation and ability to use this site with their feedback. Feedback is vastly more serious for sellers now than it was six months ago.
Miriam, or whoever from eBay is reading these comments, ask your higher-ups this question: If you're going to give buyers innumerable tools to force sellers to make them "satisfied", does it not stand to reason that sellers should also have tools at their disposal to ensure that THEY are satisfied?