Feedback problems

Community Member
Hi, I noticed ebay forget to give me 2 new feedback points. Anyone else notice this? Buyers are not great at leaving feedback. What's up with that?
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Feedback problems

Sometimes the Feedback System lags and it can be up to a day or so for newly given f/b to show on your total score.
Message 2 of 18
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Feedback problems

Looks like they are all caught up now.
Message 3 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
Sometimes big seller like Warp Drive Music and Rock'n roll Vintage are good for selling you goods but when it's time to leave feedback,forget it.
Message 4 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
Why you so worry about feedback?
As a buyer I'm looking for seller with lower feedback.
I just stop buying from sellers with 1000+ if I don't know this seller. And in future if I will get 300, I will open new account. Buyers feel more protected with seller between 50-300 feedbacks. I can be wrong, but if I'm wrong you have to prove it!!!?:|
Message 5 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
I strongly disagree with that statement! Why would you look for a seller with lower feedback?? I have over 1000 fb and I give my customers excellent customer service. I agree that some sellers with high feedback are slow to answer questions (if at all) and difficult to deal with.
Message 6 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
vitali: i don't agree with that..that is a very generalized statement. bad sellers all start under 100 and good sellers all start out under 100. how do you know that buyers feel more protected with people between 50-300? i don't have any sources or numbers to prove either way, however, i would think that buyers would tend to feel more safe with more experienced sellers that have lots of positive feedback, i would anyways...
Message 7 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
Buyers feel more protected with seller between 50-300 feedbacks

Wrong and a totally uneducated statement - some people need to think before they write.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 8 of 18
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Feedback problems

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Message 9 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
With all the protection ebay and paypal have to offer to a buyer these days I do not see any problems with whatever amount your feedback might be. Yes I agree larger feedback sellers tend to be slow but remember they are doing much larger volumes of sales and need that extra time. Patience is the key. I buy on ebay as well and if I get a quick response I am usually surprised. I have to agree with nxtdriver as my feedback as well states how I do business with my customers.

Message 10 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
I think more feedback has definitely helped with sales. Didn't start to sell much of anything over $20 until after we hit 100 feedback. Then sales of higher priced items started selling MUCH better.

Message 11 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
Buyers feel more protected with seller between 50-300 feedbacks. I can be wrong, but if I'm wrong you have to prove it!!!

"Buyers feel more protected with seller between 50-300 feedbacks

Wrong and a totally uneducated statement - some people need to think before they write.

I wish that just me have problems with English but not you have problems with understanding too!
I translate for you:"Prove it" means give me some facts like another powersellers! You can use your experience!;-)?:|
Message 12 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
Thanks for respond to: nxtdriver, firedept10 and power_batteries.🙂
After you respond I start to change my opinion about “hi” feedback sellers. I wish in future I could buy from you something what I’m looking for!
To: Kat.
I think you are wrong with your opinion (bad sellers all start under 100 and good sellers all start out under 100.)
You can meet bad sellers with any feedback. I can have feedback more than 1000+ in a week if I start to buy items on E-bay for $0.01. What do you think about sellers who is offer for sale similar product or seller who offer on E-bay from DVD ”The Rock” to the Russian submarine? Who will you trust more?:|
Message 13 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
sorry vitali, that one went right over my english reading is getting worse...
the point is, assuming all sellers with a score of 50-300 are "good" sellers is ridiculous and reflects thinking of someone with very little experience...there's no way you can tell...making an educated guess that a seller with feedback of over 1000 with a few negetives is a safe bet that they're 'good'... does that mean as soon as a 'good' seller hits 301, they can no longer be trusted?
come on're smarter than that...aren't you..?:-)
Message 14 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
I'm personally convinced that the ratio between unique feedback and total feedback is more important - if a seller has a lot of repeat business he/she must be doing something right! I know of some very good sellers with 3 or 4,000 uniques and over 10,000 total. That, to me, is indicative of a seller who is concerned with customer service!
Message 15 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
Well said Glenda!

Bill treasure-pot


Message 16 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
I think that the total feedback does help but you have to compare sellers of same types when comparing feedback. (e.g. Someone selling collectibles might easily sell one person a half-dozen different items whereas when I sell someone an item I expect it to last for 1.5-3 years - and few people need more than one of them at a time. Even when I get some customers coming back for more [for other family members], they sometimes use a different ID to boost their feedback for that ID.) Just saying that you should compare apples to apples.

Message 17 of 18
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Feedback problems

Community Member
😉To: duujogl
Your feedback score just totally prove what you wrote in post #14!!!
Message 18 of 18
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