Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

I had a complaint from another powerseller via PayPal for not recieving his items. He paid for standard delivery and with CP that is what you get. Again I stress PAY FOR SHIPPING THAT WILL GET YOU A TRACKING NUMBER! I.E. Xpresspost! I offered it to him... he refused. Now CP has lost his items and I am the one who has to take it on the chin. Not right at all. This guy had no contact with me to let me know, I would have offered a solution. I expected better from another powerseller. Any help from someone would greatly be appreciated.
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Community Member
There is nothing you can do with Paypal without a tracking number. They will take their money from you. It is a risk you have to assume if accepting Paypal.

You should get a Venture one card. You can send Expedited and you get a tracking number and $100.00 insurance for virtually the same price as regular parcel.

Message 2 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Community Member
Unfortunately being a power seller means that you maintain a certain sales volume and positive FB for a specified period of time. It does not make one a stellar example of being polite, diplomatic or even intelligent.

Fortunately the majority of Power Sellers are not like your customer.

I would watch that PSer's auctions very closely for the next little while to see if he lists for sale what you sold him and then take it to the Police NOT PayPal.


Message 3 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Rob...what is a Venture One Card? Maybe that was the way to go. You are right about PayPal though another monopolized (sp) company. Thanks for your help.
Message 4 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Community Member
It is a card you get from Canada Post that gives you the option of using Expedited delivery. Your local post office should have the application. I think you can apply online too. try here:


The post office will scan the card when you ship your parcels. You will get a tracking number and $100.00 of insurance.

Message 5 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

I am actually having the same problem: filing of an "item not recived" through Paypal from a fellow Powerseller. Fortunately I have supplied a valid Canada Post tracking # to Paypal which confirms the item is shipped out. But here's the problem:

* Item shipped surface from Canada to France, with a 6 week ETA., clearly indicated to customer.
* at exactly 6 weeks, buyer (also Powerseller) files item not recieved.
* 2 days later, after my submitting tracking info, buyer confirms a receipt of item, but demands a refund of $10 on shipping.
* Checked Canada Post, which has not yet registered the delivery.
* Buyer has not withdrawn his Paypal item dispute, and the 10 day limit is approaching.

So the question is, how can I contact Paypal to discuss this scam? Also, is there an email address where I can forward the buyer's confirmation of shipment? This would all be very helpful.

Sorry to see a fellow Powerseller displaying such dishonesty to another seller.
Message 6 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Just tell him that you will offer a $10.00 discount only if he withdraws his complaint (and don't pay the amount and put him in your not wanted list) . Afterwards he can't make a second claim. Unfortunately, you have to play his game.

Paypal won't back you on this one (They actually never take sellers side).
Message 7 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Respond to Paypal with your tracking number and a copy of the buyers email confirming receipt.
I don't see why they would not find in your favour?
Message 8 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Community Member
Unfortunately, Poswer Seller does not equal Great Customer.

No matter what the icon by your ebay name, you can be a jerk.

:( Good luck, OP.
Message 9 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Community Member
Message 10 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

i provided paypal with a tracking # for a chargeback initiated by paypal, i even had an affidavit faxed from the customer confirming he received the item; but paypal reversed the charge anyway 😞
Message 11 of 12
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Fellow powerseller filing a paypal complaint?

Community Member
the only real solution in the future is to ONLY offer shipping methods with tracking number.
Message 12 of 12
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