Those folks at the tables were event staff hired by .com not .ca and it wasn't our fees but the $60 admission. I actually like that they have that many people there to move things along. You should have seen the mess at the .ca run eBay On The Road. It was staffed by volunteers like myself and others. Only 3 of us at the tables and it was NOT fast, let me assure you.
The eBay staff were there to supervise us, talk to each other set up other things and do the discussion but we were admitting people. With paperwork that was poorly organized and not explained well enough if you ask me. I ran an office so they could have easily just dropped the list in front of me and I would have run with it but some were not experienced with stuff like that. I helped out a few of them.
I liked the US setup. Computers, quick, easy & staffed by people that understood what they were doing. Some of the volunteers at OTR were nice but not very quick on the organizational skill. HUH? The list was in alphabetical order by last name and they had a bugger of a time finding people, line ups formed, people were upset...etc etc...lots of silliness.
No Marsha didn't know what was going on with that offer. I talked briefly with her afterwards and she didn't seem all that impressed with the lack of info that she was given and that none of the .ca staff stuck around to offer further info. I was disappointed in that. It didn't strike me as being very professional.