Fontana Resigning

London Mayor Joe Fontana announced today that he will be resigning on Thursday.

Bye, Bye, Joe!


The only leftover from this whole episode is why the hell whoever approves MP's expenses in Ottawa accepted a forged document that looked like it was done by a six year old.  Is this the type of documentation regularly turned in by our MP's?  Seems to me that we need an investigation into what documentation is unacceptable and will NOT be paid. 

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Re: Fontana Resigning

Why bother anything and anyone envolved in politics are given the green light to be criminals ... No point in wasting tax dollars on a pointless investigation that would find him to be a criminal but give him a full pension and many years of sunny beach vacations ahead ...

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Re: Fontana Resigning

If we knew about all the scams, lies, manipulations, corruptness etc etc etc etc perpetrated by ALL our politicians..........we could pay off he debt with the amount of rope that would be bought by the taxpayers.

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Re: Fontana Resigning

Apparently, Fontana could lose his pension over this.

Now, the RCMP should investigate his so-called charity that is headed by his son.

And how about his dealings with his former partner and charity board member who is up on charges for embezzling millions.

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