05-17-2011 07:53 PM
thinking of removing my ebay business from the powerseller program..Cant find out how to do this..
any help is appreciated
thank you
05-17-2011 08:19 PM
What is the reason that you would want to "get out of the power seller program"?
Now that the 5% discount is gone for powersellers there is no difference between a power seller and a non power seller.
Powerseller is a step towards Top Rated which is where you would want to be for the 20% discount on final value fees.
05-17-2011 08:30 PM
yes agreed no savings right now since the 5% has been removed.for canadian sellers it has become very very challenging to avoid a low dsr ratings for shipping to the USA..I am thinking to just become a regular seller and not be evaluated every month..anys ideas
05-17-2011 10:18 PM
There are no advantage what-so-ever in not being in the PowerSeller program, none.
If you are thinking about income tax reporting, the PowerSeller program has nothing to do with it anymore. That criteria was used in 2004 and 2005. Being in the PowerSeller program does not change the tax liability nor eBay's notification to CRA.
05-18-2011 03:47 AM
eBay uses your DSR evaluation to determine if you will be able to sell on this site; too low and you will be restricted from selling.
The Powerseller designation has nothing to do with it, your performance will still be rated by eBay.
Kind of like 'Hotel California' B-)
05-18-2011 03:50 AM
Hi diannes-dolls,
If you do not like being evaluated every month....just don't go to those pages within your My eBay that has information that you are not interested in seeing.
It doesn't matter if you are in the PS program or not....your income will still be reported to Revenue Canada if it is over a certain amount.
The bonus in staying in the program is the 20% that you might be able to obtain! If you opt out of the program and do as well as others in the program...they are further ahead because they'll get the discount and you won't.
Think twice before opting out.