Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Glen Pearson understands a lot of what is wrong in Canadain government, today.

He was a personal mentor of Justin Trudeau while he was in Parliament.

It is hoped that Trudeau, when elected, will take on Glen as an adviser.

He could do a lot worse.

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

"Trudeau, when elected"




Your crystal ball is better than mine.  I just do not see that, yet.

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Any relation to Lester Pearson?
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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Your crystal ball is better than mine.


I feel that Trudeau's election is inevitable.  Most Canadians are aware of his family.  Most Canadians see him as a dynamic individual with charisma. 

Do Canadians really vote for a party or do they vote for a leader?  If they vote for a leader, what is the basis for their vote?  It is my opinion that many Canadians will vote for him based on all the things that shouldn't influence them.  Canadians don't really think about politics unless it directly impacts their quality of life.  I think Canadians are tired of Harper.  I think most Canadians are tired of the Conservatives.  They will see Trudeau as their "saviour".  They will ignore any political gaffes on his part (if they are even aware of them) and vote him in. 

Even if Harper chooses to run again (a big if), I see Trudeau easily defeating him.  It will probably not be a majority government, but the NDP will climb into bed with anyone that tosses them a bone so Trudeau will be able to govern..  That is if they have many members left after an election. 

Just my opinion. 

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Any relation to Lester Pearson?


Not that I know of.  But, he is one of the few politicians that I know of that appears to be unaffected by the insanity that strikes most politicians once they are elected. 

Glen is almost too honorable and too honest to even be considered a politician.  He and his wife run the food bank here in London.  They have done so for many years.  Glen has worked tirelessly to help the poor in London.  

Glen has done significant work in the Sudan to help the people and to try to bring peace to the area.  He has also adopted a couple of children from the region. 

I am always inspired by his words.  He has a rare insight into government.

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

I feel that Trudeau's election is inevitable.


I'm not sure about that. As the old saying goes, "it's a long way between lip and a cup". Anything could happen with either leader or their party. My personal guess is Trudeau will rise the Liberals again and the next election will bring us a minority government. Who will run that minority is the unknown in that distance between the cup and the lip.

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

"Even if Harper chooses to run again (a big if), I see Trudeau easily defeating him."


I agree that Justin Trudeau should beat Harper easily.  Some would vote for the Liberal Party, a few would vote for the Trudeau name and many would vote against Harper.  Either way Trudeau wins.


However, I do not expect Harper to run.  As stated many times, I expect he will resign in late 2014, call for a leadership convention giving the new leader 6 to 12 months to run the government before the scheduled October 2015 election. 


Much of that anti-Harper anger may dissipate if the Conservatives move away from the Reform extreme right toward the old Red Tories (progressive conservative, Clark style). The Conservatives under a more centrist and less partisan leader would still attract all the votes from the extreme right (where else can they go?) and pick up some votes in Quebec (the "orange" rush is over) and much of the anti-Trudeau votes.  It would make it for an interesting race.

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

It's a hard situation to call but if I was shoved to lean in one direction I'd say Harper will run again. Personally I think his pride will tell him to and secondly he has deals on the stove overseas that he wants to complete and have his stamp on them. Plus, I think he will look at Trudeau as a challange he has to overcome. It becomes the battle of the true right winged Conservative against Canada's Liberal historical dynasty.

The only possible change could come with his wife who might tell him the 'time has come'.

Also Harper may stay because what would he go to in the future? Yes he has made connections but he really doesn't have much of a past. He graduated as an economist but never held a job as one. Politics has been his mainstay from day one, it would be like a hockey player hanging up his skates when he really doesn't have to.


I guess our predictions are set.


Where did all the Harper supporters go? 

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Pearson seems to be a pretty good guy, but he drinks the party koolade.

I would rather see him run for mayor instead of getting involved in federal politics.


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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Pearson seems to be a pretty good guy, but he drinks the party koolade.


They all do in my view. Doesn't matter what party.


As for the mayor option...........I agree.

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Also Harper may stay because what would he go to in the future?


He has lots of choices.  Many large corporations like to have former PM's on their board - after all, they owe him for all he has given them over the years.

He could go to any major university as a political science prof.  Again, universities love having a former PM on their faculty - gives them credibility.  Iggy was a prof. and he never even got elected.

He could be a public speaker.  Although former PM's don't command the big bucks that former Presidents do, he could still do well.  After all, Justin made money as a speaker, with only his name to give him any credibility at all.


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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

It's possible he could do all of those things but frankly to me he has about as much an interesting persona as a dog dish, so I can't see him holding a class enthralled for more than maybe 5 min. He also doesn't do questions well or deal well with those who may disagree with his perspectives.

He will probably end up with some economic think tank because it is the only degree he has, albeit never actually held a job in that area.


Iggy had a much wider resume with a lot of experience. He studied history at the University of Toronto's Trinity College (B.A., 1969).He was on the debating team which is one better than Harper's speaking ability which only works if it's scripted. After completing his undergraduate degree, Ignatieff took up his studies at the University of Oxford, where he studied under, and was influenced by, the famous philosopher Sir Isaiah Berlin, about whom he would later write. While an undergraduate at the University of Toronto, he was a part-time reporter for The Globe and Mail in 1964–65. In 1976, Ignatieff completed his PhD in History at Harvard University. He was granted a Cambridge M.A. in 1978 taking up a fellowship at King's College. That's professor material.


Harper got an economics degree at the University of Calgary.



Trudeau, true his name does have a certain attraction but he has more..........experience in the world with many races of people and charisma to speak. But he also has a degree in literature, a degree in education, a degree in engineering and a degree in environment. Put those and experience and charisma together and you have an interesting and educated person to listen to.


Harper an economics degree at the University of Calgary. Maybe I mentioned that.

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

Trudeau has a degree in literature, a degree in education, a degree in engineering and a degree in environment. Put those and experience and charisma together and you have an interesting and educated person to listen to.


I have known many professional students in my lifetime.  They usually have little experience or grounding in the day to day world.  So far, he has done little with his education.  In my opinion, almost everything that has come his way has come because of his last name.  Would you pay Justin Smith thousands of dollars to speak to your group or convention?  Of course not, but if it were Justin Trudeau, son of a famous former PM, and possible future PM himself - well, then the game changes.  Lets pay him to speak.  His name will attract attention to our meeting/group/convention/etc.


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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

I just had a moment to listen to podcast #1 about "not as we had hoped". He is absolutely correct about much of what he said.

It is true that it didn't turn out as "we" had hoped, but make no mistake it did turn out exactly as those in power and the rich had hoped.


The '''people''' of the US and Canada were sold swamp land by the politicians who are friends with the wealthy and equally powerful and the people's greed for cheaper products became their own downfall. Free Trade......pffffft.....as I have said for years it's only a way to make the rich richer, the poor poorer and slowly decimate the middle class.


I don't care what city it is, the people need jobs and good jobs that pay reasonably well. Those are disappearing slowly. I called a supplier of mine this morning, a business that has been in existence in Canada for 89 years. They've closed up shop, sold the building, gone!.......along with approx 27 more jobs. Why? Cheap imports they cannot compete with. Cheap imports that are planned obsolescence and made by people in some other country who are being paid wages like 35 dollars a week.


China, well 'we' are making them more wealthy and powerful and believe me, it will come back one day and bite us in the butt!


Meanwhile back at the ranch, Harper is selling off more of Canada and now we even have a State owned Communist China oil company taking our oil.


It's time for the people to take our country......back!


As for Pearson and London, yeah he probably would make a good mayor. Better than anything on your city's council at the moment, that's for sure!

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Re: Glen Pearson - Former Federal MP - on Politics In Canada

As for professional students, yeah I've met them as well. Trudeau, as I have said many times, I'm still waiting to hear more from him, but my guess is he's holding off till closer to the election while watching the Harper government slowly hang itself.

I don't think Trudeau is stupid either and I think he deserves a chance to voice his views and approach.

This thing about his public speaking, it seems like a thin straw those who don't like Trudeau want to pull out all the time and it's getting pretty frayed and worthless.

But remember, some people voted in Harper who has a degree in economics but never held a job in that field and he wandered from party to party changing his tune until he got what he wanted for his ego. If it wasn't for the Liberal money affair in Quebec, (which in the end really amounted to little in the big scheme of things), Harper would be either a professional student again or back in the mail room of Imperial Oil.

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