I encountered a seller using E-Bay's Global Shipping Program and neither he, or I, understood how this works. I have bought many items from the US to Canada, always shipped directly to me woithout a hitch.
On an expensive set of binoculars I bought yesterday from an seller in Alaska, I had a panic attack when I saw the confirmation e-mail sent to him from Paypal told him to ship the item to a KY USA address, instead of my Calgary Alberta Canada address. When I asked the seller to send it to me, an not that US address, his response was that it was my screw up.
After a couple yours on the phone waiting to talk to Paypal and then EBay, I finally got some straight answers, that the seller had signed up for the Global Syipping Program, and when a seller does so, he is instructed to ship the article to an E-Bay shipping centre in KY USA, and when it gets there it is forwarded back to my address in Canada...
It would have saves a ton of aggrivation if E-Bay would educate their sellers on what will happen regarding that shipping address, and why are they not marking the adds with info or a marker icon that will help purchased recognize when the item will be first shipped to a distant redistribution warehouse in KY USA.
Not very thorough for an organizatoin that processes so many sales. The next survey I am asked to fill out will relect that.