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eBay Restricting use of outdated Internet Security Protocol

Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...

Holiday Returns available in Turbo Lister

Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...


Recent Issues w/Turbo Lister Sign In

Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...

Demise of one-cent coin to cost taxpayers a pretty penny

The demise of Canada’s one-cent coin next year will cost taxpayers a pretty penny. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced the impending withdrawal of the penny in last March’s budget, saying the government would save $11-million a year in production...

The Harper government strikes again……..

It’s not bad enough that there are people who are ill and in pain ….but now the Harper government wants to make a natural drug which truly helps ill people, further out of their reach. “Those who use marijuana for medicinal purposes in Canada may wan...

Dogs understand........

Two great videos passed on to me, now passed on to you…… Best friend……….. Gentle……….

20 Children

I haven't read through the other thread regarding the massacre in Connecticut. I have 5 grandchildren between the ages of 3 & 11 and the whole thing is overwhelming. My niece sent me this today. I found it comforting and wanted to share it with other...

Resolved! how to 'Decline' a 'Second Chance offer'?

Urgent! I've been offered a Second Chance Offer to buy an item. I choose to decline this offer and have already discussed with the seller. How do I 'Decline' the there another method besides informing the seller that I Decline the Second...

I sold an item with "buy it now", however it will not let me add a shipping cost so I can send the invoice to the buyer. How do I fix it?

I added a buy it now for a buyer, however now I cannot add in the shipping cost to the final invoice. It asks for a valid shipping cost but does not accept anything I put in the box. I have never used "buy it now" so I'm not sure if i have done somet...

bought a OBD2 engine scanner from autocardoctors august 8 was given tracking # in oct. still havent got it what can I do

I bought the scanner in August and emailed seller in October because still didnt get the item and was given tracking # . Now because its over 90 days I cant contact seller and was wondering what I can do because I still havent received the item.

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System builder of Presto fare card had poor track record

The giant U.S. consulting firm hired to build the troubled Presto fare-card system had a history of problems delivering multimillion-dollar contracts for the Ontario government, a detail not included in last week’s Auditor-General’s report about dela...

New eCheck Scam??

I'm wondering if I've fallen victim to a bizarre scam involving eCheck. The problem began on October 24th, when a buyer sent a eCheck payment for a $146 item. After waiting over three weeks for it to clear - which it did not - the buyer sent an insta...

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Resolved! how can I leave a feedback for a product that has been taken off my purchase history???

it was lost in the mail and they had to send me another one and when I received it I couldn't leave feedback the article was taken off my purchase history...can you please tell me if and how I can still leave feedback since they were very nice to me....

editing problems

I cannot edit my listing, attach photos to emails, or change photos, text in my listing.

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Brokerage Fees

I ordered an item valued at 23.96 from a US store.. they shipped VIA UPS and I picked up the item with no fees charged to me. Today about 1 week after picking up the item, i got a bill in the mail for 60.00 for broker customs fees? Seems a little hig...

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bought an item on Oct. 8th, still not received, seller will not give back money, to late to open case on e-bay, what do I do?

bought Oct. 8th, contacted seller in Nov., he told me he send again not to open case or leave feedback, so of course I agreed, been contacting every day in December, still no case, and wants to keep my money, says he had to pay shipping, can't seem t...

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Small Packet Ground discontinued; new Trackable Service

Seriously expensive. $35 to ship a DVD to the UK? In early 2013, Canada Post is introducing Tracked Packet™ (USA & International), a new service for small and lightweight items with d...

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Holiday eating tips

Bon appetite! 1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet tableKnows nothing of the Holiday spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leaveImmediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.2. Drink as much eggnog as you ca...

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Priority Mail from US - Not moving for days?

Hello! I'm usually patient, but even with the Holidays, this worries me a little since it's Priority Mail. I'd like to know if anyone else is experiencing this (if so, this could be due to the Holiday backlog after all). An item was sent to me from t...

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A buyer returned an item and it arrived with a gaping hole in the front of the box. The item inside is damaged & uninsured - what do I do?

The buyer returned this from the US and I'm in Canada. She did not buy insurance - it was sent First Class Air Mail - I don't know what to do. It is a $100 item - beaded & sequinned - and quite a lot of the beadwork was in the packaging. It's not fai...

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