Hi bidwatcher;
There would be very few powersellers who could find fault with a program similar to the one you describe.
The real obstacle would be... eBay!
They would be giving up substantial revenues in such a scheme. Thinking it through a little - it would also have some negative impact on many sellers.
The only thing that keeps me (an most others) from listing 1000 items a week is the fees. Now if all PS were to start listing 1000 a week the traffic on any particular auction would drop dramatically. The only thing that keeps the auction hits coming in any quantity is the limited number of auctions. The more auctions there are the more diluted the availablity of buyers.
IMHO, in some respects thats what I dislike about free listing days. People list until their fingers bleed. I'm not sure (from my experience) it has ever shown any significant benefit to my sales.
By the way, I think you have one of the coolest and cleanest logos I have seen on eBay in a while.