Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Loganville, Georgia (CNN) -- This is not a movie. There's no dramatic music in the background. A happy ending, far from a guarantee.

The concern in Donnie Herman's voice was clear as day. So was his stress. With two telephones to his ear, he listened to his wife, Melinda, as she fled into an attic of their Loganville home. With her: Her two 9-year-old children and a loaded .38 revolver.

In the house: An intruder with a crowbar.

On another line was the 911 operator Donnie Herman had called for help. Herman's words to his wife, as he sat helplessly, an hour away from the home, were recorded.

"Stay in the attic," he instructed her, calmly.

"He's in the bedroom," she told him. He repeated the words to the 911 operator.

"Shh. Relax," Herman said, trying to calm his wife.

Then he instructed her to do what was fast becoming a realistic possibility.

"Melinda -- if he opens up the door, you shoot him! You understand?"

What happened next has made the Hermans the new faces of the right to bear arms.

Melinda Herman fired a six-shot revolver at the intruder, hitting him five times, in his torso and in his face. Surprisingly, he managed to flee.

Opinion: The case for gun rights is stronger than you think

Gun rights groups say this shows that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to buy their weapon of choice and as big a magazine or ammunition clip as they like.

They remind people that Melinda Herman had only a six-shot revolver.

"It's a good thing she wasn't facing more attackers. Otherwise she would have been in trouble and she would have run out of ammunition," said Erich Pratt, director of communications for the Gun Owners of America.

"She shot him five times and he still didn't drop. This is going to endanger people's safety."

The right of self-protection has been thrust into the forefront in a national debate after last month's Newtown, Connecticut, tragedy.

This week, a federal task force led by Vice President Joe Biden is holding talks with private industry groups, ...

Meanwhile, Americans are flocking to gun shops to buy guns and ammunition in record numbers -- partly due to Ne...

The FBI said it conducted almost 2.8 million checks for gun purchases in December, a record high for a month.

Donnie and Melinda Herman own two guns for protection at home, but until two weeks ago, she had never fired a gun. Her husband told sheriff's department investigator's that he took her shooting so that she'd be familiar with the family's guns if she ever had to use one.

Now, clutching the .38 revolver, Melinda Herman was in the middle of a heart-pounding crisis inside her own home.

She had already locked multiple doors before she and her children took refuge in an adjacent-room attic -- the kind with a small door that you have to bend down to go through.

The intruder had used the crowbar to break through the front door and then two other doors upstairs, and she could hear him coming closer and closer.

On the phone, Donnie Herman calmly instructed his wife about the use of the weapon she had practiced on.

"Remember everything I showed you. Everything I taught you," he told her, and he reassured her that help was on the way.

Then it happened.

"She shot him. She's shooting him. She's shooting him. She's shooting him. She's shooting him. ... Shoot him again! Shoot him!" Donnie Herman said as the 911 dispatcher listened.

He then lost phone contact with his wife and children. His anguish and the pain of not knowing what had happened may be etched in his mind for eternity. But they were safe.

He learned later that his wife fired all six shots, and hit the intruder with all but one bullet.

Parents defend right to keep guns in the home

Not realizing she was out of ammunition, she ordered the man to stay on the floor as he bled. She then fled the house with her children.

Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman -- whose office responded to the shooting at the Hermans' home -- said he believes the mother and her two children were in a life-and-death situation and she had no choice but to exercise her constitutional right to self-defense.

"Had it not turned out the way that it did, I would possibly be working a triple homicide, not having a clue as to who it is we're looking for," he told CNN.

Despite being shot five times, the suspect, identified as Paul Ali Slater, still managed to get back into his SUV, but he drove off the road and crashed a short distance away.

He remains hospitalized. Due to privacy laws, the hospital cannot divulge any information on his condition.

But the controversy continues. Home gun ownership and self-defense will always be controversial.

The Hermans' story of self-defense is being used by the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of America to make their point to the White House and Congress about gun ownership.

But Donnie Herman has told people he's not interested in being a poster boy for anyone. He has not yet responded to CNN's request for an interview with him and his wife.

"My wife is a hero. She protected her kids. She did what she was supposed to do as a responsible parent and gun owner," Herman told CNN affiliate WSB.

Yet it's unclear whether the benefits of having a loaded and readily available gun in one's home outweigh the drawbacks.

"It's more common for an armed homeowner in the United States to be a victim of suicide, homicide, assault or an accidental shooting than it is for that person to shoot an intruder," according to Dr. Arthur Kellermann, a senior health policy analyst at Rand Corporation, a non-partisan think tank.

Kellermann led research for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the 1990s which found that people who have guns in their homes are nearly three times more likely to be a victim of homicide and nearly five times more likely to commit suicide.

Experts also say that simply having a gun for self-protection does not guarantee safety. They say the fear is that many people will take part in what might be considered a feeding frenzy by purchasing a gun, but not learn how to properly use it.

Sheriff Chapman holds courses for homeowners who want to learn how to safely and properly use a weapon.

"Be proficient with it. Be taught how to use it. Train with it," he said.

"I often tell people, 'If you don't think that you have what it takes to take a human life then don't bother buying one. Don't waste your money. Don't waste your time," he told CNN.

"Don't put it in a drawer and think that's the answer to everything, because it isn't."

Message 1 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Why do they all need personal protection?

I wonder if maybe it's because they refuse to spend on social programs that give people a chance to get back on their feet.

Message 2 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

A darn shame the sixth shot missed, but an otherwise great story! 


Message 3 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Five hits out of six and got a head shot....without much practice and...... with a handgun. Not bad lady! Not bad at all.


Of course what will they do if they discover it was a contractor sent to the wrong address.

Just a thought.

Message 4 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

:The intruder had used the crowbar to break through the front door and then two other doors upstairs, and she could hear him coming closer and closer."

Probably the poor bloke just wanted to use the phone or the washroom.





Message 5 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Probably the poor bloke just wanted to use the phone or the washroom.


This was Georgia.  Probably PCO checking for termites.

Message 6 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point



This was Georgia.  Probably PCO checking for termites.

No way.  He would have brought a  sledge hammer for termites.

Message 7 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

"It's a good thing she wasn't facing more attackers. Otherwise she would have been in trouble and she would have run out of ammunition," said Erich Pratt, director of communications for the Gun Owners of America.


The way I see it is if she was a better shot should could have shot 6 intruders in the head  ...


I wonder if before saying Right to bare arms let's not forget she also has the right to lock her doors... I know my brothers wife Always locks the door when he isn't home and we don't even live in a crazy place like With Guns happy people evertywhere ...


Either way good show but not really anything to go pro NRA about

Message 8 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Community Member

This has happened before with dire consequences when a parent in the darkness of night heard an intruder. Turned out to be their child.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 9 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

The way I see it is if she was a better shot should could have shot 6 intruders in the head ...


One of the reasons why a person who owns a gun should be trained to use it.  In instances like this, bullets that miss theri intended target can kill an innocent bystander. 


She had already locked multiple doors before she and her children took refuge in an adjacent-room attic -- the kind with a small door that you have to bend down to go through.

The intruder had used the crowbar to break through the front door and then two other doors upstairs, and she could hear him coming closer and closer.


She DID lock the doors.  In this case, the intruder broke down the doors.  One wonders why she called her husband and not 911.  Of course, they might not have told her to shoot the intruder.  Or, the sound of sirens approaching might have scared off the intruder.


Message 10 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Real life is not the movies. Absolute accuracy with a handgun is difficult even for the best shooters. You have possibly a semi-dark room,….. a moving target,….. maybe some distance between you and them……a 38 with a bit of a recoil….. and in the case of the average person like her in that situation you also have the fear and the thought that you’re about to kill another living person.


In this instance it all worked out for the best. Some don’t.


One wonders why she called her husband and not 911.


Subconscious reaction, she looks at him as her protector and even if he isn’t there she knows he would know what to tell her to do. Him she knows….someone at 911 she doesn’t.


Or, the sound of sirens approaching might have scared off the intruder.


That works too. As long as the problem is solved.

Message 11 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

I wonder if she would have been better off with a 12 gauge shotgun.

You don't have to be accurate. Just aim in the general direction and pull the trigger.

Message 12 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Community Member

I wonder if she would have been better off with a 12 gauge shotgun.

You don't have to be accurate. Just aim in the general direction and pull the trigger.


That was my uncles choice, for if they broke into his house in the night they would still be there in the morning, and not for coffee! Well at least until the coroner gives the undertaker the nod.

A sign along with a 12ga pic in his window expressed that and he never did have a breakin even though he lived alone and was away much of the time.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 13 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

I used to go out to a gun range with a buddy during the middle of the week when no one was there. Set up targets and fire the 20 gauge from the hip at them.

It was fun as heck.

Message 14 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

When it comes to home security I guess I shouldn't mention the night I pulled a shotgun on two OPP who were stupid enough to sneak around my shop, in the dark, at about 3am.

Probably not.

Message 15 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Community Member

You already told that one sometime ago here.


I better tell the detachment in Goderich to visit you only during daylight hours.;-) 

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 16 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

I thought I had told it but I wasn't sure. In this day and age you tell people things in person and on the phone and in emails and in chatrooms and you forget who you told. It's like the wife and Ramona....I'm always trying to remember...."did I tell her this or was it her or was it both of them"! My memory is soon as I remember where I left it.

Message 17 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point's the dog?

Message 18 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Community Member's the dog?

Sparky is just a big lovable marshmellow and has adapted from out of the kennel in the bush quicker than I thought possible.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 19 of 23
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Re: Gun rights groups say Georgia home invasion proves their point

Oh that's just WRONG!!!  I'm calling PETA, the SPCA,............. Hillary Clinton. LOL

Who turned a dog into a Christmas package?


You should have sent that into the A Channel on Christmas for the beginning of the weather news.

Message 20 of 23
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