12-03-2010 11:45 AM
12-03-2010 03:20 PM
One more thing is, i saw a lot of e-bay sellers, they sell $5 item with free shipping? I don't get it, can they make any profit? Seriously.
12-03-2010 09:52 PM
12-03-2010 11:13 PM
12-04-2010 09:11 AM
12-04-2010 10:47 AM
12-04-2010 04:00 PM
Hi guys,
Remember that, when you just started your e-bay, remember how hard is that, especially when you don't have any feedback in the beginning. How can you deal with it? Exchange feedback? How long took you to exceed the 21 positive feedback. As we know, we can't list more than 10 item when our feedback lower than 21.
Are there any hard time or trick you deal with the beginning business? Let's talk about it.
12-04-2010 06:19 PM