HST/GST Tax Calculation

How come the tax calculater doesn't charge HST/GST on Canadian sales? I have completed the tables, clicked yes, and yet it doesn't add the taxes to the invoice. Anyone, please?

Message 1 of 6
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HST/GST Tax Calculation

Not every seller is registered to collect taxes.

Did you enter your own HST number for your province?

Message 2 of 6
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HST/GST Tax Calculation

Hi There,

Did you complete the tables before or after you created the listings.

If you created the tables after you created the listing then you tax changes will only tak affect on new or revised listings but not on existing listing.

Di you also go to the section on each listing and make sure the section on the listing

Other things you'd like buyers to know

and make sure the box in the Sales Tax section is checked that says

Charge sales tax according to the sales tax table

You will have to do that to all existing listings but only once when you create a new listing as after the first time you create a new list with that box checked it will default that way moving forward.


Message 3 of 6
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HST/GST Tax Calculation

Thanks David, BIG TIME! Now I just need the bulk editor to work right!


Some of you great Sellers should be sending ebay a bill for all the customer service you provide. The twits at ebay have no idea how to fix this problem.


Thanks again...paul

Message 4 of 6
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HST/GST Tax Calculation

"The twits at ebay have no idea how to fix this problem"


That person is not living in Canada and has no idea what GST/HST is all about.

Message 5 of 6
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HST/GST Tax Calculation

I can appreciate that Pierre, however we pay FVF and Store fees that include customer service. I have spent 25 years in the customer contact industry and would be ashamed if my customer service reps could not answer some of the simple questions I have had. Tax collection is global, whether its HST/GST or VAT. Ebay's software is no more special for Canada than anywhere else. Ebay has the greater degree of responsibility to ensure it's staff are trained to handle our questions and concerns. As a contact rep I would resign if I was so poorly trained as to not be able to assist my callers. I have participated in numerous webinars training new staff in the Philippines and India when we outsourced overseas.


When I said "twits" I should have been more clear that I meant "management twits" not the CCR who are only as good as their training. I know exactly what it is like to deal with demanding callers and not have the answers to their questions, especially if the caller is like myself... angry, frustrated, and PO'd. After reading many posts I easily conclude I am not alone!


I have only compliments for yourself and others who provide such an invaluable service on this forum and pray you continue. Ebay should be paying you for doing their job.


Anyway's, the tax calculator works great now, I managed to get the bulk editor to work and all seems to be running smooth, thanks again for everyones help...cheers...Paul   

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