09-16-2013 08:32 PM
Can someone explain to me how this is legal under the Charter.
Ignoring the class of criminals for a moment, is this not blatant discrimination?
The only way that I can see this being legal under the Charter is if a registry is created for all criminals.
Is it not the same as saying that he will create a registry of all natives, or all Muslims, or all homosexuals.
Don't get me wrong, as a citizen, I see value in the registry. I just don't see how it is legal.
09-16-2013 10:47 PM
Someone would have to talk to a lawyer to find out if it is legal and maybe challange it under Consitutional Rights and if it's not legal then Harper may just be trying to use it for the media because the next election is around the corner. Harper will do a lot of small things in the future leading up to the election to add to his faux-resume of successes and this registry appeals to the fears of people.
I also can see the point in the registry but who are people more afraid of......a sex offender....or....someone with a long violent record who can go off at any given moment?
09-17-2013 08:46 AM
I also can see the point in the registry but who are people more afraid of......a sex offender....or....someone with a long violent record who can go off at any given moment?
What is to say that people who have committed hundreds of breakins is not equally as dangerous. Child victims of sexual assault experience all kinds of mental trauma - but so do the victims of breakins and home invasions. I have friends that had their houses broken into. The one lady was so traumatized, she had to sell her house. She could not bear to think of the person(s) going through all her personal possessions and stealing or destroying family mementos. The other lady came home to find the burglar in her house. She was physically assaulted and ended up in a hospital. She, too, could not bear to live in that house again. Neither lady was ever the same again.
The other drawback is the potential of retaliation. I read about this in the States. A man convicted of sexual assault on a teenage girl was placed on a registry. Her father later tracked the guy down and killed him. One slight problem, he killed a guy with the same name - an innocent man who had not committed the crime.
If you are going to register criminals and give the public access, why include some and exclude others.
09-17-2013 09:41 AM
I know you hate Harper BUT that registry has been around LONG before Mr. Harper ever was!!They will now just let you know that the guy living beside you and you 5 year old daughter that he has been convicted of assaulting little girls ! I know it's not the type of information "some" parents might want but a GOOD parent would.
On December 15, 2004 the Government of Canada proclaimed the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and made changes to the Criminal Code – Sex Offender Registry (sections 490.011 to 490.032). In cooperation with the provinces and territories, the national sex offender registration program was subsequently implemented to enable police to have rapid access to information about convicted sex offenders. The legislation compels offenders who are convicted of designated sex offences to register specified information about themselves with the police for 10 or 20 years, or for life, depending on the offence.
Now let me think back!! hmmmm..... WHO was in power in December of 2004 . That's right it was Paul Martin and let me think .... was he not the leader of the LIBERAL party at that time!!!!
darn there is those FACTS that always seem to get in the way of a good argument against Mr. Harper
09-17-2013 09:52 AM
I read about this in the States. A man convicted of sexual assault on a teenage girl was placed on a registry. Her father later tracked the guy down and killed him. One slight problem, he killed a guy with the same name - an innocent man who had not committed the crime.
I don't think that Whether this guy was on a registery or not if someone was convicted of
assaulting your daughter you would already know their name .
09-19-2013 11:11 AM
Hmmm The FACTS came out that the Registry was in FACT created under the Paul Martin (LIBERAL) government and all of a sudden the thread ends! Hmmmm Now that's odd!!!!! ROFL
09-19-2013 01:49 PM
I always get a good laugh that there seems to be some incessant need for comparing Liberals to Conservatives or any other party to another. I've for the most part always judged people by who they are as an individual and not by political affiliation. At times however the leader of the party and how he controls his people does put everyone in the party in the same boat as him because they have become sheep. This is the reason I have always had and always will have a deep dislike (putting it mildly) for Harper.
However, with regards to the registry........when Martin introduced the registry it was not accessible to the public. Now under Harper offenders are customarily exposed in the media and at times their photos even shown. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? For me it's a toss-up because I feel that people should know who is in their neighborhood (when it comes to true deranged offenders), but on the other side of the coin it can lead to vigilantism and at times it can lead to mistaken identity which brings up a whole different set of problems and crimes.
Also if we are to be true human beings with open minds we have to look at the circumstances of the offence that would have lead someone to become part of the registry. The 'details' are often not mentioned in the media. As an example someone getting out of jail or prison from a past offence where he was 17 or 18 and fell in love with a 14 year old girl. At the time that could have been put through the courts as an offence and he would have ended up on the registry for life. The problem is in the minds of young people love surpasses laws. Even Romeo and Juliet, the iconic story of love, Juliet was just short of her 14th birthday and although Romeo's age was not specifically mentioned Shakespeare aficionados consider his age to have been around 21. Lady Capulet herself, Juliets mother, was married at around age 12.
I knew of a fellow in my own area who had been charged with a sex crime and I checked him and his story out. Turned out it was back in the early 1980's and he was at a party, a bit drunk and had a one time, one night 'relationship' with a young girl who looked for all purposes to be about 18 when she was in fact......14. He was nearly 18 at the time. It was a one time HUGE mistake on his part and he has a clean record ever since, but, he's still in the registry.
So is the registry a good thing? I think in some cases yes, especially with long term offenders and in other cases maybe not. But either way.......it has nothing to do with political affiliations. The bottom line is.........you never know who is out there......registry or not. Look at the three highschool football players in the US charge with assaulting a young woman. Boys who are/were the pillars of the school, heroes on the football field and admired their local society and one of them .......is father is a local cop!
Although we did want girls if we had had children it may have been a good thing we didn't because they would have either been taking martial arts are target shooting from age 1 or in a nunnery till they were 25 and anyone who did harm them couldn't have found a hole deep enough on the planet to hide in.
09-19-2013 03:12 PM
It was not comparing conservatives to liberals at all!
The OP said "how can Harper "create" this registry.
Harper did not create the registry and as for pubic knowledge, ANYBODY can go to any court house and watch any trial they want and report the outcome of that trial that day. In fact a lot of small town newspapers still do a court report that tells you who has been charged with what and what their sentence was on a weekly basis.
Maybe if there were stricter laws and sentencing or at least "public shame" some of these kids who just seem to get a slap on the wrist might think twice about some of the crimes they commit.
Is it a good thing for the public to know-YES. I think people should know who their neighbours are and as for vigilantism , those people will exist no matter what and the people who would be more into making someone "pay" for their crime are family members of the victim and they know exactly who it was that did the crime and where they are.
I would like to know that someone that has sexually abused a child is not living beside another child. And yes there are different circumstances but that comes with all crimes and all facets of life. There are people who should be on social assistance and those that take advantage of it, There are people in all walks of life that can take advantage of something and some do and some don't.
09-19-2013 04:10 PM
I agree with you generally on what you said in your post, however the only reason I pointed out the comparing Liberals and Conservatives is in your post you said ......."Paul Martin (LIBERAL) government". Puck had only mentioned Harper and made no mention of Conservatives. If you hadn't have said (LIBERAL) I wouldn't have mentioned a thing about it.
In reality though, chances are the idea was not even made by a leader but more by their political strategists who decide what is good for a government to do at any specific time for specific reasons.
Harper's media attention recently is purely political as the election draws closer and closer and he's ..........worried. He's just adding to his list of "I did this and that" when as you pointed out it was actually started by Martin. There should be rules and consequences for political plagiarism.
09-25-2013 08:07 PM
There was no "plagiarism" . ! He made an amendment to make it open to the public through the access to information!
EVERY government does "tweaking" to prior government policy.