07-20-2013 11:20 AM
BUT - in checking with other sellers who had th same problem with same buyer I find this is one of many aliases...she has a slew of i/d's - many with just a 0 or unregistered - has a number of sellers who have sent item and then out money since no insurance or tracking on item under 20.00 in many cases...have reported her to ebay using Report a buyer after I filed with resolution center. Received notice in wee hours of morning that just before the time I could file and close the case she paid and eBay closed it. I'm not willing to risk sending handmade items - can't track and insure because she won it for less than it would cost to do so - Can I just refund through Paypal since eBay has the report on file....also - on ALL of her many user names on eBay she does not leave feedback for anyone and hasn't since 2007.
I think I've about had it with eBay - after a year I come back to sell and find the FVF has gone up AND it's on the shipping which we as sellers don't receive (post office does) AND Paypal takes its fee on the shipping and item price and always has. Cash grab with little to no concern for the sellers??? Appears that way to me.
07-20-2013 04:57 PM
07-20-2013 11:32 PM
Well, I suppose you could refund and hope that she doesn't open a Non-responsive Seller case against you.
Or you could ship WITH tracking, even if it costs you more than you are charging her. If nothing else that would tell her that sellers are on to her games. And you would be, in the long run, out less than losing an Item Not Recieved case.
07-20-2013 11:42 PM
Another thought. If postal tracking is too expensive, have you looked into shipinsurance? Several posters seem very happy with their service.
Basically they will insure single items against loss or damage in the mail. Not tracking, but they do pay you if you lose a PP "not recieved" case. I have not used them, but they are online.
Also set your Seller Preferences to Block automatically any bidder with Strikes for Unpaid Items.
You can also Block bidders without Paypal accounts.
If you are using FixedPrice auctions or Buy It Now, you can also demand that the item be paid for immediately or the listing remains active until somebody does pay. This does not work for auctions.
I find this is one of many aliases...she has a slew of i/d's - many with just a 0 or unregistered
Are you aware that to open an account, a new member must provide a credit card number that is not used by another account? This does reduce the number of accounts a scammer can open.
Unregistered means that she has been caught before and her account closed. If you are reporting her, make sure that you tell eBay that the seller has been NARU'd (Not A Registered User) under the names you believe are hers.