How long does it take when buyer asks to cancel but doesn't accept the cancellation?

The Customer asked for the transaction to be cancelled. I agreed because it was easier than having an unhappy buyer. Now she hasn't accepted the cancellation. How long will it take to get my fees back? Thanks for all your help!!!

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How long does it take when buyer asks to cancel but doesn't accept the cancellation?

Have you checked your ebay seller account to see if you were already credited the fees? I just used the cancel order function as a buyer changed her mind and my fees were automatically credited to my account. If you don't see the credit, then I think that it takes about 10 days before the cancellation closes on its own.

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How long does it take when buyer asks to cancel but doesn't accept the cancellation?

Thanks, I think I am going to have to wait until it closes itself. Its been 7 days and its a huge charge so I have been checking. Thanks for your help. I thought it was 7 days and I was getting worried.



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