10-04-2012 10:58 PM
10-05-2012 10:25 AM
It is hard to predict, sometimes SURFACE shipping to California from Ontario is faster than AIRMAIL shipping to New York..
I would say 8-10 WORKING DAYS to be sure.
Unfortunately the actual deliveries do not correspond with postal standards.
10-05-2012 11:11 PM
I find that it takes 1 - 3 weeks on small or light packets to the USA depending US Customs. I always send an email to my US buyers telling them this and have had no problems with them.
10-06-2012 01:19 AM
I usually tell my American customers 9 WORKING days (better than "business" days).
If I am faced with something like the June/July holiday period, when we get StJean Baptiste/Canada Day/ Independence Day all lined up and a weekend thrown in for good measure, I send a special note about delivery times reminding them that the parcel is coming from Canada.