That's funny! No I wasn't living here then...I was actually CAMPING IN A TENT here that night. We were on holidays staying in Point Farms. It was an amazing storm as the light show went on for HOURS as it rolled across the lake before the storm actually hit land. We really enjoyed sitting around the campfire and watching the sky light up constantly.
When it actually hit land, we had to get the kids out of the tent and wait it out in the van. It was quite freaky as we weren't sure where to park. Out in the open the wind was relentless but within the wooded areas there was fear of a tree coming down on the car. We actually drove down to the beach at one point before realizing it probably wasn't the best idea and retreating fast.
Sitting around, watching that storm come in was one of the things that made us decide to move here. Everything here is beauty magnified, whether it is a sunny day on the beach or an amazing storm rolling across the lake. It's also a throwback to the 50's in terms of community. When the summer months are over and the tourists go home this town becomes intimate, yet still has all the amenities us city dwellers have come to expect...Canadian Tire, Walmart, McDonald's. LOL