Hi fellow ebayers.
Today, I had the misfortune of dealing with a very rude seller.
I won't post their user name for privacy reasons, but I will say a few things that were said were very insulting, and I wasn't my most mature self either.
What happened was I bid on an item from this seller, and once I had bid, I noticed that they had the exact same item, same details, same pictures, etc, on another auction, that was going for a bit less. Anyway, once the auction was over, I had won, but the other auction had mysteriously disappeared. Ok, I let that go, thinking it was an honest mistake, and perhaps it was.
As I went to pay, I noticed that some of my funds in paypal were on hold. I had gotten a notification from paypal earlier in the day about having received money, with no indication that it was on hold, so I thought I was all good. (My mistake, I know, I should have checked, but I didn't think I had reason to confirm).
Anyway, I wanted to make it clear with the seller what was going on, and in their message they became insulting, and passive aggressive, stating that my bidding was a legal binding agreement and what not. This to me, was without cause, as I had even provided them proof of my issue in paypal. I had not once stated that I would not pay. I just asked for an extension, or mutual cancellation of the auction.
Again, this was my mistake in not checking my paypal, but the seller had no right to get insulting. I have 100% positive feedback on here, and this seller does not. This seller listed the same thing twice. (It's hard to explain, but there is no reason this particular item would be listed twice, and left for both auctions to run out, rather than one being cancelled when it was noticed, if it were indeed an error). It was almost like they listed it twice on purpose, and wanted to see which one got the most money before cancelling. I hope I'm making sense. I feel very dirty and stressed out about this, and am considering leaving ebay for good because of this nonsense. I don't want to do that, I love ebaying! (LOL).
Also, I tried to call ebay about this, but the wait time was 70+ minutes!