12-22-2015 12:04 PM
12-22-2015 01:53 PM
This is a user to user discussion board so we don't have any information on your item. If there is no tracking number that you can check on your purchase history, you should contact your seller to see if they have any information.
When did you purchase it and where is it coming from? Is it going through the global shipping program?
12-22-2015 05:00 PM
If you ordered it more than 20 days ago, it will not arrive in time for Christmas.
But since it is bulky, it is likely that the seller has a Confirmation of Delivery number on it.
If the seller is in the USA and used the Global Shipping Program, she will only be able to give you the tracking number to Erlanger KY, which is the GSP plant.
There the number changes. The GSP tracking is not particularly public or timely.
You may find it fastest, after contacting the seller with your concern, just to open an Item Not Recieved Dispute. Either that will get you the GSP tracking number or a refund.
12-22-2015 06:57 PM
Hello 'scotteagleman'
When did you purchase it and where is it coming from? Is it going through the global shipping program?
Whenever you have any inquiry about an item, these are the most important bits of information to include in your
post, far more important than a picture because the pic alone does not provide any usable details.
Exactly 'when' an item arrives depends chiefly on the shipping method used, and that you can determine for yourself
as to how much you paid. Larger more expensive items will have a tracking number and usually travel a little quicker
than little cheap items with cheap shipping.
Then of course, if you paid with an e-cheque (money drawn from your bank account via paypal) instead of a
paypal balance or credit card, - that can take 10 days to clear and a seller cannot ship the item until it does.
Meaning items paid for with an e-cheque will have at least a 10 day delay.
First thing to do is ask the seller how the item was mailed and what the tracking number is. An item like this will most
certainly have one. If you do not get a satisfactory response, that is a bad sign. Is this the user ID from which you
bought the item? That means you bought with a feedback score of zero and there are sellers in the world who will
take advantage of your newness and not send the item. Not to worry, it may not arrive for Christmas but if it does not
show up at all you can get your money back.
There are several of these items available from US sellers shipping with the GSP. Did you buy from one of those?
If you did, the item will be mailed from the seller to a warehouse in Kentucky. The seller will have provided you
a tracking number that shows this.
From there, the GSP folks repackage the item and send it on to you. If you are seriously concerned about arrival
you could call Pitney-Bowes (who runs the GSP) with all the transaction details and get the second tracking number
from them. They will not likely volunteer it otherwise.
If you can post with more details (date purchased, payment method, from which country, shipping method in listing)
then people here will be better equipped to offer a more accurate answer.
12-24-2015 05:46 AM - edited 12-24-2015 05:48 AM
If this is the actual item, it is called 'a baby' and my experience is that they arrive at the most inconvenient times, and just about when they please.
PS That appears to be a Chinese baby. I trust this will not cause any problems.