Hello 'alexandratiio',
I'm not sure what a "really kick axx knife set" is, but if it falls under the restricted category
here, you may have trouble laying your hands on it:
But if your seller has it listed okay, there should be no problem with you buying it, especially
not if you have it sent to your US address.
You say you and the seller have tried all sorts of manipulations to enable the purchase to
continue. Has she added you to her exemption list? That might do it. If she has not already
done that, you can send her this 'how to' link:
This next link will outline the sorts of things that can/cannot be imported into Canada. If you
buy something on the no-no list, it may be stopped at Customs and you will never receive it.
If it is just kitchen knives your are buying, I see no difficulty at all that way. If you have not yet
been able to buy the item, would you be willing to post the item number here?
An item number helps other members to better evaluate the situation.
Well, that's all I can think of at the moment, . . . scarfing down my morning tea.
Hope you are able to sort it all out.