I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
This bidder bid on an auction of mine back on 21 August. I never did receive payment and he sent several email and I replied. All were pretty civil.....basically, did you get?, not I didn't yet, type of emails. Then all of a sudden, BOOM, he started sending accusatory emails, suggesting I was trying to defraud him. All emails said he sent a money order, blah blah blah, then when I again said, put a tracer on the email, he then said, I didn't send you money order, I sent you CASH. I replied that he needed to get his story straight. He then switched back to the money order story.

Then he filed a fraud report. This is the stupidest procedure that ebay has cooked up. It's a first for me and hopefully a last, but basically it's a place for both seller and bidder to conduct a schoolyard brawl. You did, not I didn't, you did, sort of thing. I'm tired of it. I'll copy below, what the stupid things consists of so far. There doesn't seem to be any resolution in sight.
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Here below is the content of the fraud report. All spelling errors are as they show on the report as this is a straight copy and paste, except I X'd out identifying information, to protect the "innocent".

09/28/2003 11:34 AM - FROM: XXXXX
I sent a payment but never received any merchandise. Item Nick Chavez Straightening Pomade NEW 8 oz (XXXXXX Seller: XXXXX the seller send me e-mail and say i would not mail your item

10/02/2003 08:37 PM - FROM: deltone
This bidder has sent me numerous emails, some threatening negative feedback. His story keeps changing. Sometimes he said he sent a money order, then he said he sent cash. I did NOT get his money order, or cash. I have over 1100 feedback and I'm not about to scam some guy, especially for $11. He already has a negative feedback for this same type of scam. You can check with that seller (as I did and see for yourself). IF he sent a money order, he needs to put a tracer on it. I didn't get it. Simple as that.

10/02/2003 09:10 PM - FROM: deltone
In addition, I can provide copies of all of his emails as proof of his change of story, and of what I am saying. If I receive a payment from a bidder, I send the item, if I don't receive a payment, then I don't. I have filed a NPB against this person to receive my final value fees. This guy has been a thorn in my side. Let him prove I cashed a money order from him. He can't do it because I didn't get it.

10/04/2003 05:48 PM - FROM: XXXXX
I have Signature form6401Post Office to see What happen to the Money Order i send you Money Order Serial No 7029803XXX76 Amount of Money Order $16.51 Date Year 03/ Month 08 / Day 23 This Money Order was send to Debbie XXXX P.O. BOX XXX Litte XXXX,ON Canada XXXXXi have my customer's receipt and as the time i would know what happen to my Money Order the Form 6401 will tell me if the have been paid, stolen, i will know soon as 180 days for international Money Order

10/04/2003 06:00 PM - FROM: XXXXX
As now of today i have not yet received the item i paid for. And to detone i have my receipt of the Money Oder i send you $16.51 not $11.00 like you say.

10/04/2003 09:11 PM - FROM: deltone
The $11 I was referring to was the ending cost of the item, not including shipping. Whatever amount you may claim you sent, I didn't get it. Plain and simple. Your beef is with the Post Office, not me. I didn't get payment so I didn't send the item. What do you not understand about this? What if I told you I sent the item? What if you didn't get the item even though I said I sent it? Then what? Like I said, you need to have the issuer of the money order put a tracer on it. Also, why did you say in your second last email to me that you sent cash? I really do not need to continue to repeat myself, so let's try this one more time. I DID NOT GET YOUR SO CALLED PAYMENT. Stop wasting my time, and go talk to the Post Office. I've had enough of this.

10/04/2003 09:13 PM - FROM: XXXX
XXXXXX( 9 ) Jun-10-03 14:03:30 PDT 3327XXX46 S Complaint : Took FOREVER to send. Had to email and find out what was taking so long. Response by XXXXX - EOA 5/20,Pd w Pypal 5/20, Item sent 5/20 and email to adviseSlow PO not my fault

10/04/2003 09:16 PM - FROM: XXXXX
gXXXXygift( -1 ) Not a registered user Jun-06-03 16:53:38 PDT 332XXXX152 S Complaint : June 6, 2003 still no DVD I want my money back!!!! Response by XXXXX - EOA5/21,Py't cleared 5/29, Shipped5/30,BuyerHastyWithNeg,DidRec,NightmareTrans

10/04/2003 09:41 PM - FROM: XXXXX
AS the time I was sending XXXXX payment. I have send some to other seller that I buy from and some of the payment. I send cash and some I send Money Order. I have look out all my customer's receipt and they was XXXXX have the payment paid in Money Order

10/05/2003 10:18 AM - FROM: deltone
You've wasted enough of my time with this. I will try to make myself as clear as possible and maybe you will understand. If you sent me a pay't and put a trace on it, you need to wait for the results Harassing and bothering me is not getting you, or me, anywhere. I really don't know what you want from me. I didn't get the payment so what do you want me to do? Send the item just because you say you sent the money? I'd have to be a fool to do that. You keep referring to 2 negatives I received back in June, but fail to acknowledge the over 1100 positives. Those two negatives were from 2 fools who also didn't listen to reason. Believe me, there are lots of fools in the world, and I'm not one of them. You really need to let the so called tracer run its course and you will see that I did not receive or cash your money order. If I received it I would have sent your item, like I've done with the 2000 or so other sales I've done. You need to find a new hobby as I'm done with this, as I'm done with you.

10/05/2003 12:00 PM - FROM: XXXXX
As you can see to everyone who is looking at this Complaint detone keep telling to everybody that I am a fool keep up XXXXX. The word of Debbie XXXX that a buyer buy an item and not yet received the item is a fool well that what she say on her own word. I am not Harassing you and bothering you becouse I would to know what happen to the Money Order I send you. and the two bad negatives you have it they for everybody to see and read. Its tell about you. PS I be sending copie of the Money Oder to ebay by U.S. Mail not by e-mail. As you all can see I have not received item from XXXXX.

10/05/2003 12:03 PM - FROM: XXXXX
I sent a payment but never received any merchandise.

10/05/2003 07:44 PM - FROM: deltone
Hmmm, seems someone has a habit of this making this type of accusation: XXXXX( 7 ) 31-Aug-03 11:08:17 EDT XXXXXXX S Complaint : A Bad Seller Investigation for Fraud Excessive Shipping & Handling Response by auXXXXXXl - FRAUD???? RETURN YOUR $ CHECK MY FEEDBACK Y WOULD I RIP A MESSILY $31 OFF OF U

10/05/2003 07:45 PM - FROM: deltone
aXXXXXX( 232) 31-Aug-03 11:47:46 EDT 303XXX976 B Praise : BEWARE STUPID BUYER, READ LISTING BEFORE U BID Response by XXXXX - Bad Seller Fraud Excessive Shipping &Handling seller is in Investigation

10/05/2003 09:49 PM - FROM: XXXXX
audXXXXl this seller is in Investigation for Excessive Shipping & Handling. I send him a $25.00 for Shipping & Handling than he send me a e-mail ask another $!0.00 for the amount of $ 35.00 for Shipping & Handling. ask the seller to send me my Money Order back and he say on his own word this. fine, i will suck up the fees and have your box ship wednesday.I send the seller a Money Order for the amount of $56.00 but I never received any merchandise he send the item to a P.O. BOX ADDRESS witch i no have i have a box not a P.O. BOX. the item was return back to him. i send him a e-mail what happen to the item and he say the item was return to him. than i ask for him to not mail me the item and on return of the Money Order he return me $31.00 i have lost a $25.00 for the Shipping & Handling and this is what have happen.

10/27/2003 11:55 AM - FROM: XXXXX
Guest what I RECIVED IN THE MAIL TODAY A LETTER FORM USPS CONCERNING A INTERNATIONAL POSTAL MONEY ORDER SENT TOO,GUEST WHO MS.Debbie XXXXX from P.O. BoxXX Little XXXX, Ontario XXXX And cashed by her on 09/15/03 at Royal Bank Ontario. Oops check mate

10/27/2003 11:59 AM - FROM: deltone
I don't deal with the Royal Bank of Ontario. Actually, there is no such bank as the Royal Bank of Ontario. There is a Royal Bank of Canada, and I don't deal with them either, so, if you are simply mistaken (yet again) about the Ontario/Canada part, and you've been informed that the thing WAS indeed cashed by someone at that bank, then you better get the USPS to send it to a forgery inspector, because I didn't get it and I didn't cash it. Plain, and simple. End of story. GOOD BYE!

10/27/2003 12:54 PM - FROM: XXXXX
well the money order was cashed, that was sent to your address with your name on it, you say end of story, but I say its just the being, I have already cleared my self of any fault. but you have a lot of explaining to do. thank God not to me but to those who will soon be knocking on your door. End of story and Good Bye!

Message 2 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
I don't understand. Did you receive his payment?

Just kidding. "what would you do". I would play along with the charade and follow through as you have done with any info that ebay requires you to fill out. I would NOT respond any more to his emails unless there is a threat of negative feedback. If there is a threat of negative feedback, ask him to take his time thinking of what to put and guarantee him that any neg received will be returned twice as hard.
Message 3 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Why not up the ante a bit.

Tell him that you have now referred the matter to your lawyer and are considering your legal options towards beginning a fraud and defamation of character action against him should he continue with this charade of making false accusations about you to you and to eBay.

I always feel the best defense is a strong offense. This small time, two bit crook has probably gotten all sorts of freebies from other eBay vendors who he has backed into the corner.

I say turn the heat on him for a change and even send him a registered letter to "Cease and Desist". You can hide behind an email address and feel like a man but when correspondence starts coming to the house, it begins to get a little tto close for most people.

When a looser has something to loose, you would be surprised just how fast they will try to find someone else to pick on as no one wants to fight when the other guy hits harder.

Message 4 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Sorry for spelling mistake "Deltone" (I have a boo boo on my finger)
Message 5 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
I would pull his user info and see if his phone # works . If it does not I would report him and get him suspended . I would ask him for rthte copy of the info the trace gave him. That you would ask the the company he placed the trace threw fax him the info directly
Message 6 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
wow spell is really bad ...must be the thread
Message 7 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Doncha hate it there at ebay "fraud". I had a buyer take me there last spring--I mailed him a Nintendo system, he stuck dirty games in it and then several wouldn't play--duh!. I sent a new system, but he put dirty games into it....And he wanted me to refund him BEFORE he'd send it back. I say no way (he had horrible feedback!) Finally said that he wanted me to allow him to send it to me No Questions asked for a full refund (including shippings) and I said no, send it via USPS, I knew the weight etc and told him how much it would cost. The thing about that "procedure" is that you and buyer are the only ones reading comments back and forth. No one at ebay ever looks at it. Really just a way to vent. After 30 days if it's still not resolved they will tell buyer how to pursue fraud claims through the police department (I don't expect he will, where would you have mailed the item to if his payment had reached you?). My buyer disappeared (I suspect that his ISP disconnected him after reading some of the threatening emails he sent me, I know his hotmail account got closed because of it (he,he, you don't wanna mess with me...Hubby can find information on anything on the web, especially how to deal with creeps like my friend!) I did get signed up for a porn site, something new for me!! I do appreciate the opportunity to learn new things (usually), but that whole episode was most distressing. You have my total sympathy deltone. Try to stay calm and professional. Sounds like he sent you cash (maybe) and it wasn't well-enough disguised. He's also full of BS, but why would you rip him off for $11 and why would he harrass you for $11 worth of product. At least my "friend" paid $50 for his item
Message 8 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Migawd Deb! I've got nothing to add except my sympathy for what this poor excuse for humanity is putting you through, and a ear to rant to! I really don't have a clue what I'd do ...


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Message 9 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Thanks everyone! I guess we need to experience such crud every so often, for some reason. I've had a few nutballs in the past few months.

I was sooooooo tempted to send off another "reply" to this stupid fraud report, which was anything but professional, but thankfully I didn't. I wrote it out though, and did this thread to let out some steam cause I'm about ready to let this fool have it (whatever "it" is.);o)

I really resent the stand that ebay takes on these matters. Allowing an obvious con to harass someone in this manner. He's done this before, in his short history with ebay.

I really didn't want to bother phoning the guy, and ebay keeps suggesting that I do, but I'm not going to because it will cost me money, and for what. I may as well go talk to the concrete block outside as I'd get about as far.

My big laugh for today though was his "proof" that it was cashed at the Royal Bank of Ontario. LOL Any of you fellow canucks ever been to that bank?

I know this moron is going to post a negative on me and I'm hoping he puts in there that I'm being investigated so I can have it removed.

Thanks for the tips support and advice everyone. I'll certainly consider doing some of them.
Message 10 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Send him a full refund from your account at the Royal Bank of Ontario.
Message 11 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Ask him to send you a copy of the USPS information showing that the M.O. was cashed. Maybe he is making it up? At least you can look at it and direct him in the correct direction by looking at what account it was cashed to?
Message 12 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Hello all,

Our one bad feedback was from a looneytoon (2) who sent us half the money, then nuked us after she politely agreedto pay the rest. She even called us thre times at 11:30 at night. The object in question was a $4.00 toy.

My question is this. Am I alone in assuming that ebay should perhaps do a better job of orienting new members?
Would it be reasonable for them to have a designated staffer or six to help power sellers deal with psychotic buyers ? Perhaps they could call it the full moon office or some such.

People are generally really nice. But don't you find that we spend an inordinate amount of times dealing with morons and people who should have their medication adjusted?

End of rant

Message 13 of 14
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I really need to vent. I've got this crazy bidder who is as thick as a concrete block. What would YOU do?

Community Member
Brad, I feel your pain, I really do. I got another negative last night. I know that everyone in prison "didn't do it", and every driver stopped by a cop for speeding "wasn't speeding", and every negative is "undeserved", but I do feel that many negs are undeserved. I've got 3 of them now, and I honestly feel not one was deserved. My latest one was from a buyer who said she didn't get the first dvd, so I sent her another. It didn't arrive as quickly as she felt it should so she sent me a nasty email accusing me of ripping her off, and then when it did arrive, proving I wasn't ripping her off, she felt the need to neg me. Can't win with some people.

Ebay will never involve itself in these matters. Heck, they won't even involve themselves in fixing the problems they have will staying "up" and not screwing up auctions, so there is no way they'd get involved with feedback.

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