ISIS strikes in Canada

Community Member

Home grown terrorist inspired by ISIS takes up their deadly challenge.


 Soldier dies after being run down in suspected terror attack near Montreal


The driver of a car who rammed two Canadian Forces members near Montreal before being shot dead by police was known to counter-terrorism authorities who believed he had become radicalized, the RCMP said on Monday as they continued to investigate the possible terrorist attack.


“This individual was known to federal authorities including our Integrated National Security Investigations team in Montreal who along with other authorities were concerned that he had become radicalized,” the RCMP said in a statement. The force declined further comment.

The 25-year-old, known as Martin “Ahmad” Rouleau, allegedly hit two members of the Canadian Forces as they were walking in a strip mall just outside St-Jean-sur-Richelieu at about 11:30 a.m.



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 1 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

I miss the "good old days" when Canada and Canadians were standing for peace.


I do as well.


My cousin was stationed in Greece during that crisis and he said as a peacekeeper it could be rough but both sides respected the Canadian soldiers and he is proud of his time served there as a Canadian. 

Message 41 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

It appears that nobody could answer the question.


Should Canada just sit  idly by and watch ISIL commit genocide against the Kurds  and other groups ?

Message 42 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

Should Canada just sit  idly by and watch ISIL commit genocide against the Kurds  and other groups ?


Far from idly nu.


But taking actions that actually do some good.


These conflagrations around the world are fast becoming a "flavour of the month". I think we need to pick our spots and guage our responses more carefully.


We are expending our currency of international good will under Harper like there's no tomorrow.


Time to get a new leader and build back our reputation.

Message 43 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

That's a really difficult question Nu, because we (the 'west') have either directly or by approval of our friends actions, contributed to this disaster. If we look back to the beginning at one time there was only one group. Then we interfered and there was another and another and it grew from one country to another. Now there is ISIS and in reality they are not one group, they are made up of many and even within themselves they disagree. 

At the moment my only 'possible' solution (if it even many work at this point) is arm other people to the teeth and give them all the intel they need. Let them fight for themselves. Those who cannot fight, get them out and provide food and shelter and safety for them, whatever the cost may be. I think that at some point ISIS and other groups will do what history has always shown, they will fight amongst themselves and implode. But this is not and never will be an instant solution. I think we're dealing with a span of 10-15 or more years.


Oh, almost forgot. At some point we are going to have to sit down and talk to the leaders. Talk and negotiate. We have to put those feelers out now and wait for the time they need us to help create peace.  

Message 44 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

@art-in-the-making wrote:

No one is really blaming Harper per se. Not properly dealing with these people under surveillance is just run-of-the-mill incompetance amplified by ever-present budget concerns - could have possibly happened under any prime minister and 100% did happen under Harper.


The point the NDP and Liberals are making, in a somewhat understated way for now, is that for now there is little or no evidence that these acts were related to "terrorism" or "international conspiracy" in any more than an incidental way.


They were criminal acts of marginalized, delusional individuals - just like the Moncton Christian gun fanatic cop killer - and therefore should not be used as excuses to allow further undue government intrusions into Canadians' freedom, privacy and way of life. If we allow them to do that, then the tragic loss of life of this week will have been in vain.


I am not a Conservative, in fact I don't vote for that party .. this is not political IMO.


Like so many folks who moved to Canada from troubled countries where democracy was a dream, I am an absolute adherent to the concept of democracy. We get to vote every  5 years ..and we exercise impulse control until then because like it or not "that side" won the majority, and that side's leader gets to determine foreign policy.


We protest peacefully, we debate, but we do not kill our own, and when someone does this, we do not say "Stephen Harper caused this to happen".


I don't agree with this analysis.


Bibeau  chose to kill rather than debate or be politically active or  vote in the next election.  He didn't like the rules of democracy and wanted to short circuit them.


He is fully responsible for his behaviour and the death of that unarmed young soldier.

Message 45 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

I agree with everything you wrote arlene.


What I am concerned about is that Harper does not use this incident as a justification to attack our freedoms and our essence as a country by blaming Bibeau's actions on terrorism or ISIS or some such thing. That is probably a major concern for the Liberals and NDP also, if I understand them correctly.


Whether Harper shoulders some blame for what occured this week is an extremely minor issue in comparison IMO.



Message 46 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

Art have you forgotten it was Trudea who used the war measure act when any detective could of solved the problem........ liberals
Message 47 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

Because your question is unfair. You are using genocide as a reason to get between a war that has been going on for a long time.


How about I ask you the question. Should Canada stand by while genocide is happening in Congo?. Somalia?. Liberia?. They are comitting genocide there as well.


More points to be made. These sunni's have been hunting kurds even before you were born. Why did the US gave them  arms to fight Assad?. Why is assad suddenly forgotten but now the enemy is ISIS?. They both commit the same crimes. So is it about genocide or not?.


Harper doesnt have a clue on what he is doing. He is supposed to protect canadians and not put them in harms way. He failed as you can see from what happened yesterday.

Message 48 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

This is for the peole that think Stephen Harper isnt to blame here.


If this is just some random attack done by a "crazy" guy who hates our freedom.


Why is CSIS and FBI(Two very big intelligence force) already know about this guy?. Why are they focusing on people like him?. It is quite clear that he isnt just some random person who one day just decided  to snap. It isnt some isolated incident. FBI and CSIS means there is a bigger forces at play.


If it is about them wanting to scare us and hate our freedom. How come Canada/US/Brit are suddenly having a problem with homegrown muslim extremist yet other countries who also have the same freedom as us doesnt?.


There you go.

Message 49 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

The killing of these soldiers are being treated as they should, an act of Terrorism on Canadian soil.

The fallen soldier will follow the Highway of Heroes to his home



His death  can never be  justified as  "workplace violence".

Message 50 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

It's come out now that this guy was nothing more than an unstable crackhead. He even tried to get himself put in jail. Calling it terrorism is complete and total misjudgement, which yes we have come to expect from our current government.


Another side to this problem is that, by calling this "terrorism" you give glory and credibility to this guy and to ISIS, which is sure to influence more deranged wannabes both here, the mid-east and wherever.

Message 51 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

If the shooter was just a crack head why are the libs,NDP,Green party not saying much?

BTW does anyone else think it was awful of bystanders taking pictures of the soldier on ground.

The shooter was trying to get to another country and was exactly what the press wrote to some degree.
Message 52 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

Why then Art did he attend a Mosque in Vancouver? Wy was he trying to get to Syria? You better read up before drawing any conclusions! I doubt he was going to Syria to deliver humanitarian aid. The next thing Art is you will be saying there is no global warming!


 Ottawa shooter read posts by ISIS convert calling for ‘jihad in Canada’



Michael Zehaf-Bibeau read jihadists Twitter posts

Before he shot a reservist at the national war memorial and stormed the Parliament Buildings, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had been reading the online posts of a Canadian jihadist who recently urged his followers to “carry out attacks on Canada,” according to sources.

As investigators try to identify what motivated the 32-year-old gunman, his online profile has turned up a link to Abu Khalid Al Kanadi, a Muslim convert and Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham member who has been urging attacks in Canada.

TwitterA photo posted on Twitter of suspect Michael Zehaf Bibeau.

The two were not necessarily communicating directly with one other, but Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau was reading the repeated online incitement that Al-Kanadi posted on Twitter — until his account was suspended on Wednesday.

“Canada to send 10 aircraft and 600 soldiers joining the crusade against the Muslims,” Al Kanadi, who had worked in Alberta before departing for Syria, wrote on Oct. 7. “TRUE CDN MUSLIMS Fulfill your duty of jihad in Canada.”

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson told reporters on Thursday that Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau, whom he said may have been a dual Libyan-Canadian citizen, had lived in Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver before arriving in the capital three weeks ago.

“We have learned through the current investigation that this individual has been in Ottawa since at least Oct. 2nd, 2014, that he was in town to deal with a passport issue but that he was hoping to leave for Syria,” the commissioner said.

His passport application was held up after the RCMP was contacted to carry out background checks on the small time criminal, who had convictions for drugs and violence. “The RCMP did not possess information at that time that would reveal any national security-related criminality,” Comm. Paulson said.

Police had only “uncorroborated information” that he was associated with “an individual who is known to us.” Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau was not one of the 90 “high risk travelers” under RCMP investigation. “According to some accounts, he was an individual who may have held extremist beliefs.”

Using a car he bought Tuesday, Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau drove to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier the next morning and fatally shot Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. He then drove to the Parliament Buildings, where he was killed by security staff after running into Centre Block with a shotgun.

FacebookCpl. Nathan Cirillo was killed while guarding the National War Memorial in Ottawa.

The commissioner said police had found no information linking Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau to Martin Rouleau, who on Monday ran down two Canadian Forces members with his car in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., before he was shot dead by police.

Mr. Rouleau was a follower of ISIS and had been arrested while attempting to leave for Turkey, possibly to join the terrorist group. Both men were recent Muslim converts and followers of online ISIS propaganda. “The investigation is ongoing and will rapidly determine if Zehaf-Bibeau received any support in the planning of his attack,” said Comm. Paulson.

Meanwhile, citing U.S. law enforcement sources, CNN reported that Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau had ties to several Canadian jihadists, including Hasibullah Yusufzai, a Burnaby, B.C., man charged with terrorism for joining armed Islamists in Syria. Burnaby’s Masjid al-Salaam, the mosque attended by both Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau and Mr. Yusufzai, has called a press conference for Friday morning.

The link to Al-Kanadi may offer clues for investigators about Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau’s mindset. An ardent extremist, Al-Kanadi has claimed in online posts that he converted to Islam in 2010. He recently wrote that it would be acceptable to kill his own family members because they are not Muslims.

“God willing sharia [Islamic law] will eventually be applied in the West … in Canada,” he wrote. “Islam will dominate the world.” He has also defended ISIS beheadings, condemned democracy, and said ISIS will fly its flag over the White House.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 53 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

"Why then Art did he attend a Mosque in Vancouver?"


For the same reason a guy becomes a hang around at an HA clubhouse. He wants to belong. They don't want him but because he was there, the media will run with it. 

Some guy who is a drug addict and mentally unstable, believes devils are following him, suddenly decides he wants to be part of a group and then commits a horrible act. To you it becomes a TERRORIST conspiracy!!!!!! 



Message 54 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

Why is it then Prior these types seem to gravitate to the Muslim religion? Why not Jewish or Christian, etc and fight against ISIS?

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 55 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

Why is it then Prior these types seem to gravitate to the Muslim religion? Why not Jewish or Christian, etc and fight against ISIS?


Valve, you keep forgetting to consider the New Brunswick cop killer.


Militant gun fanatic, ranting diatribes on Farcebook, devout Christian upbringing - RCMP mass murderer.



BTW - Washinton state school shooter used "his dad's" gun.

Message 56 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

"Why is it then...  these types seem to gravitate to the Muslim religion?"




Check your recent Canadian history.


What was the religion of the "crazy"guy who gunned down those female students at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal?


What was the religion of the "crazy" gunman who entered the provincial legislature in Quebec several years ago?


What was the religion of the "crazy" gunman who killed those RCMP officers in BC a few years ago?


What was the religion of the "crazy" guy who killed a passenger in a bus in Manitoba?


What was the religion of Luka Rocco Magnotta who decapitated the Chinese student?


One's religion has little to do with one's mental health.  To state otherwise suggests discrimination and racism..



Message 57 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

I believe they were all atheists and didn't gravitate to any religion as we know them.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 58 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

@prior-of-verity*shake-hands-with-your-devil wrote:

Valve, don't get carried away.

This shooter was Canadian born and raised. He was a consumer of drugs and a dealer of hard drugs. He had mental issues as neighbors and people he knew attested to. He felt that 'devils' were following him. The man was mentally disturbed and probably schizophrenic. He was a joiner and any group would do. It could have been a street gang or a m/c gang it doesn't matter, he wanted his moment of fame and he got it. This isn't an invasion or a planned conspiracy. Relax, go have a coffee (decaf) and listen to some Buddhist chants.  

Why did  he  not choose  a  group such as  The Lions Club or The Church of Scientology ?

Message 59 of 73
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ISIS strikes in Canada

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men/women, not even psychologists. Perhaps only The Shadow knows.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 60 of 73
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