Deb, if you get a chance you can reach PayPal at 1-888-221-1161 to enquire.
It would be really interesting to see if you get the same story or if they have a long list of people to blame.
My biggest gripe with eBay (and now PayPal) has always been their lack of candor when problems arise. They seem to be of a mind to tell their customers "There is no problem... there is no problem... there is no problem... we fixed the problem" which enrages the entire community.
There is a problem, your customers know about the problem first hand and we need to know that you are aware of the problem and are working diligently to resolve the problem. Denying the existence of an issue or passing the buck does not make it go away (reminds me of that old Warner Bros. cartoon of the ostrich that buries its head in the sand because what it can't see can't hurt it).
On the .com PS'er board PayPal is now ignoring all questions and apparently PayPal technical support has stopped responding to emails from customers on this issue.