Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

Pierre. I know you will have the answer to this one! 🙂

I just recently did my income taxes. (Yes I know I was late but I am prone to burnouts and had/am in a whopping one as of spring this year). Anyhow, it turns out my gross sales (including shipping charges) surpassed the minimum requirements for registering in December of 2008. I have already talked to the federal and provincial governments who explained that I have to remit applicable GST and PST as of February 2009 and can file the paperwork/remittance in February 2010. This means that I am going to absorb the taxes on my CDN sales as of February this year. I am not concerned about the balance sheet because, like most eBayer's, most of my revenue (93% as a matter of fact) is collected outside of Canada and I anticipate to actually get money back. I would however, like to get prepared as soon as possible for any future Canadian sales and now is the perfect time as I am not currently listing.

My question though is how to go about collecting when listing on I took a look at their invoicing tools and the drop-down menu for tax collecting excludes any Canadian Provinces. I can already see a nightmare in progress where my Canadian customers will pay without waiting for an invoice revision. I was wondering what other sellers are doing and how they are coping with it.

Secondly, I think it's time to start using an accounting program. I am very good with numbers and spreadsheets but I can see a mushroom growing here and could use some time-saving tools. I actually bought a printer 2 years ago and got Quick Start as a bonus but am wondering if it's suitable. As a seller who sells in USD, I need something that will allow me to denominate my entries in USD and CDN and convert the USD entries to the corresponding CDN currency. I am not sure if Quick Start will do that or if anyone has any recommendations?

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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

"My question though is how to go about collecting when listing on"

I do not. As stated in my eABay listings (on .com), I absorb Canadian consumption taxes for shipment to Canadian residents. Since over 90% of my sales are overseas and to the USA, my GST liability affects only about 6% to 8% of my sales. It works out to about 0.35% (that is zero point thirty-five percent) of my overall sales. NO BIG DEAL.

The overall marketing value of absorbing taxes for Canadian buyers is worth more than my cost, once I consider the time savings.

I noticed many other GST registered Canadian sellers absorb consumption taxes to compete with unregistered sellers.

For bookkeeping, I believe in KISS. I use schedules on MS-EXCEL outlining sales, expenses, purchases. All are entered and calculated in the currency of the transactions. Once a year, at tax reporting time, I convert US$ totals into Cdn$ totals using the average conversion suggested by the Bank of Canada website (US$1.00 = Cdn$ 1.0660 in 2008). I may lose or gain a few dollars - I do not know nor care - well worth the time savings to average everything over a one year period.
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software you do what I was thinking I should do. I just ran a quick calculation and if I had to collect GST last year, it would not have been for more than $150 so you are right. It's a lot of fuss for peanuts...especially when I know I pay way more than that in GST for my expenses. I will just have to sit down and create a worksheet to have it all neatly squared away...and of course will have to revise my listings to "promote" something along the lines of "We pay the GST!".

I actually prefer using my own worksheet. There's something about an accounting software that makes me feel like the control and overseeing is taken away from me. I called Revenue Canada a few years back though and they told me I had to convert on a monthly basis (I guess it depends on who you talk to), so that's what I do and I also use the Bank of Canada figures. Last year the monthly averages fluctuated from .9999 to 1.23436. I also take into account the ACTUAL conversion when I deposit paypal funds into my account and claim the difference. That gave me an extra $400 deduction for 2008 since paypal typically gave me less money than estimated with the BOC averages.

Thanks for the KISS advice! I will stick to it.
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

"and of course will have to revise my listings to "promote" something along the lines of "We pay the GST!"."

Pierre I didn't happen to notice anything about no GST in your listings. I am thinking that I am not even going to mention it. Not only will it be time consuming but I can see a whole can of worms opening up on that one with regards to non-Canadian bidders.

A couple of months back I started pasting address labels on my invoices (where appropriate) to let my buyers know certain things. For example, I when I include something free (which I often do), I paste a "BONUS PATTERN INCLUDED" label (I did this because many of my customers were emailing in case I mistakenly included someone else's item in their order). I also paste a "Want to know How Shipping Cost are Calculated?" label which explains that shipping may included extra charges which were directly involved in shipping the item (like shipping supplies and taxes on Canadian postage). The labels are small, friendly and concise and have made a very big difference in my DSR's which usually qualify me for the 15% or 20% discount. Now I am just going to included a "We Pay the GST" label for those affected.
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

Seller's payment instructions

Your payment within ten days will be appreciated. I always leave positive feedback upon receipt of payment. Please combine all your purchases in ONE payment to SAVE on shipping charge. Insurance is $1.00 per shipment if required. My mailing address is Pierre J LeBel, PO Box 23075, Belleville, ON, Canada, K8P 5J3. Optional Registration is $12.00 (USA and overseas); $7.00 (within Canada). Canadian Residents please note: NO GST/PST (I absorb both if applicable).
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

Also, there's no need to pay sales taxes on ALL of your Canadian Sales, just the ones that go to your province if your province hasn't started using the HST and the HST provinces if it has.

No sense in giving the government more money than you have to. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. Carl Sagan

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 6 of 13
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software


Forget that.

Never mind.

Brain cramp.

:_| -------------------------------------------------------------------

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. Carl Sagan

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 7 of 13
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

If you two really loved the rest of us, you'd post copies of your wonderful Excel spreadsheets for the rest of us to use..

I use Quickbooks Pro but mainly for my non-eBay business.
for eBay, I just keep a HUGE binder with all my sales and the ones in Canada, I set that tax $ aside for The Man when the time comes.

My spreadsheets get so unwieldy though so quickly. I try to combine inventory into them along with costs and tracking numbers but QuickBooks Pro has inventory and handles it quite well.

Plus you can list currency options in it.. but there is still a large learning curve.
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

Regarding GST, to make book keeping even simpler you may want to look into the "quick accounting" style of collecting GST. It saves you dealing with all the notional credits. If you put in "gst quick method" into it pulls up the links that do all the explaining.
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

Information about the Quick Accounting method of remitting GST can be found at this

However, I do NOT recommend Canadian eBay sellers using it if a large portion of your sales is exported (USA or overseas) as you lose your ITCs.
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

"My spreadsheets get so unwieldy though so quickly. I try to combine inventory into them "


"you'd post copies of your wonderful Excel spreadsheets "

Each business has different needs. KISS. I do not try to combine anything on any one spreadsheet other than my final P&L Statement where all the relevant numbers from my many schedules are incorporated.

A sample P&L statement can be found at this

For revenue (sales), since I sell in both Cdn$ and US$, I use a spreadsheet with many columns as follows;
- sales in US$ to customers outside canada (zero rated)
- sales in US$ to customers in NS, NL and NB (13% HST)
- sales in US$ to customers in the rest of Canada (5% GST)
- sales in Cdn$ to customers outside canada (zero rated)
- sales in Cdn$ to customers in NS, NL and NB (13% HST)
- sales in Cdn$ to customers in the rest of Canada (5% GST)

It does not matter if you record your sales daily, weekly or monthly. At the end, you simply add up each column, convert the US$ into Cdn$ and you're done! The information can now be used for your GST/HST return.

For expenses, I use several schedules (as outlined on the P&L). Once again, I use different columns for US$, Cdn$, GST paid - converting US$ into Cdn$ at the end of the process.

For purchases, one schedule, again using different columns for US$, Cdn$ and GST paid - converting US$ into Cdn$ at the end of the process.

With the information oulined in the schedules above, you are now ready to move to your P&L and GST/HST return.

It should be noted I do not let PayPal convert US$ into Cdn$ for me. I withdraw US$ into my US$ bank account, avoiding paying PayPal conversion fee.
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

It should be noted I do not let PayPal convert US$ into Cdn$ for me. I withdraw US$ into my US$ bank account, avoiding paying PayPal conversion fee.

Do you have a US$ account in the USA or a US $ account in Canada? I have 2 US$ accounts in Canada, yet I have not been able to transfer US$ into my US$ local account through PayPal. It always wants to convert it. I haven't tried in a year or so, maybe things have changed? Thanks
Message 12 of 13
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Invoicing GST/PST/HST on and USD/CDN friendly accounting software

"Do you have a US$ account in the USA or a US $ account in Canada?"


I have a US dollar account at a bank in the USA to allow withdrawals from PayPal in US$ (PayPal does not allow withdrawals in US$ to a Canadian bank).

I also have a US dollar denominated account at a local bank (BMO) to deposit US$ checks, money orders and US$ banknotes.
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