June 29 2016 Weekly Session

Hello everyone,


Welcome to our weekly chat. The thread will remain open for the next 24 hours or so, go ahead and post at your convenience.


Open issues:

  • Errors when uploading more than one tracking number at a time (repeated, erroneous numbers saved)
  • Request Total unavailable


  • Printer friendly Order Details page missing items - Resolved - fix rolled out or to roll out soon.
  • Selling limits live items count discrepancy - We are investigating further.
  • Missing Tracked Packet destinationsstill no update from PayPal and Pitney Bowes
  • Combined shipping offers not shown to international buyers - ticket open

If anything is missing, please let me know. Thanks!

Message 1 of 60
latest reply

June 29 2016 Weekly Session

"4) Does eBay plan to warn Canadian buyers to avoid buying from anywhere unless they are willing to pay for courier delivery and the seller provides it?"

Pardon me? How is service by courier froma seller to be considered a warning? That is presumptive. A buyer may determine what price point meets their comfort level for shipping costs.
Message 41 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@block36 wrote:

Hello, Raphael,

The part of today's announcement states that eBay will ensure that sellers are not penalized for the delayed arrival of shipments originating or terminating Canada.


it is very nice and comforting.


The question is: will system know to behave accordingly or we will need to go through great pleasure to contact CSRs for each case of such a nature?



Hi block26,


These things will happen automatically, but if the system misses any of it (hopefully not but computers are not infallible), CS will know how to help.

Message 42 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@musicyouneed wrote:

Hi Raphael, I am using this time to update some of my listings.  Is there a limit to how many can be in drafts?  There would be about 2,000 and I don't want to go through all the time to update them if I cannot put them into drafts.

Hi musicyouneed,


Assuming you have Selling Manager or Selling Manager Pro, the drafts limit is 5000. Note that the bulk listing tool, which will handle publishing your drafts, can only hold 500 at a time to you'll have to publish in batches.

Message 43 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@ight.coin wrote:

Is no information being provided to US buyers for Canadian seller items listed on ebay.ca? There is no mention of any communication to potential US buyers, before, during or after their purchase. (Probably 80-90% of many Canadian sellers sales)


From you FAQ page.

The eBay.ca homepage will feature a banner for all traffic. What if the buyer is on .com .co.uk etc?


Canadian traffic on eBay.com will also see banner placements. What about US and international traffic?


In addition, Canadian buyers will receive an email when a strike or lockout is declared. And non-Canadian buyers?


A reminder email will also be sent to Canadian buyers who trade with Canadian sellers. How about US buyers with Canadian sellers or US sellers and Canadian buyers?

Hi ight.coin,


All valid points. However with the US audience we are limited in what we can do. There are things in the works that we haven't announced yet because, well, they are still in the works. For now all I can say is, we are going to do our best to ensure that we can cover for non-Canadian buyers to the full extent of our capabilities. I know this isn't enough details, but that is all I am allowed to say for now.


Canadian buyers are adequately covered though, as the new announcement states.

Message 44 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@dutchman48 wrote:

The June 29th announcement is an absolute joke. Wishy Washy with nothing definite.


What about the questions I asked about INR and INAD cases and returns during the strike? Other people have asked as well


Does Ebay Canada not have any brains or sense of fairness when supplying information to both buyers and sellers during the stressful time coming.


Anyone that lists under these conditions and protection is asking for headaches.


No way, not a hope, and of course direct and pointed questions over the last few chats are still not answered.


Why not?

Hi dutchman.


Please read my previous posts. I have addressed your INR and SNAD questions.


We do have brains. We use them I assure you.

Message 45 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@tch_ca wrote:

What is the policy on the removal of fraudulent users off Ebay? I had a buyer that attempted charge backs on THREE purchases. I also contacted other sellers that sold to this buyer and they had the offending party did the same. Paypal shut down the account due to fraud however the account still exists on Ebay. Is Ebay not shutting these accounts down because it want to save on not refunding fees? The account was reported twice, once by phone to an agent and once via the online mechanism. What's the point of have either?


1. What is Ebay's policy?

2. Why wasn't the offending account shut down?

Hi tch_ca,


Without an actual account to look at, it's hard for me to comment. We definitely don't keep buyers (or sellers) on the site if we know they are fraudulent. I would bet that if the buyer you're talking about really had their PayPal account suspended, their eBay account(s) is(are) also suspended by now.

Message 46 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@mjwl2006 wrote:
I must respectfully disagree with you rose-dee. I see nothing 'vague' in the assurances from eBay and, from my point-of-view, I'm providing better service to potential buyers by committing to stay open than capitulating and closing.

I absolutely do not mean this in a sarcastic way, but I wish you the best of luck in this, both during and after.  After all the years of prevarication on eBay's part, I simply don't have faith in either the full truth, or the bona fides of their words anymore.  I'm sorry to have to say this openly with Raphael here, but it's the sad reality.  They've turned me into a cynic. 


So you trust in eBay's assurances and I don't -- it's as simple as that.  We all have to decide at this point.  Even if I did fully subscribe to eBay's assurances, I'd find it hard to justify providing more expensive delivery service to the odd customer who would pay it.  And I couldn't afford to subsidize higher shipping costs myself in any case.  Maybe some sellers can.  But can those sellers be completely certain their buyers won't have second thoughts about shipping costs later?  Or be upset that they can't return a SNAD item promptly?  There are just too many potential issues starting July 2nd for me to be comfortable with any of this. 


My customers know where I am and that the closure is temporary.  July tends to be quieter anyway.  I expect quite a boom in sales once I re-open with double the listings (done during the hiatus) and everything "fresh" on the eBay market. 

Message 47 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@esclyons wrote:

so once again no real answers to the important questions sellers ask.. also will there be any discount on our store fees for not being open during the strike, i refuse to have a customer pay for something and have to wait for ever?? to ship it, that is poor business 101... and how dare you recommend we stay open in the first place, like really how do you suggest we ship items, and i am not going through the trouble of a fed-ex, or courier too expensive...when ebay recommends something for me a can't help but get worried..

Hello esclyons,


We are 100% confident that the communications efforts and protections we put in place will be adequate to manage buyer expectations so that sellers can remain open while a postal disruption is in effect. If you disagree, that is fine, every seller should decide what to do and what is best for their business.


We aren't suggesting that you ship items while the post isn't operating, we are suggesting that you work with your buyers, as we are doing, to ensure they know there will be delays.

Message 48 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

raphael@ebay.com wrote:

Basically, the communications we are putting forth to ensure buyers know what is going on will duly manage buyers' expectations. Most know what a postal strike or lock-out means and know that it isn't a seller's fault.

Considering those two phrases -- "duly manage" and "Most know" -- it's the "duly" and the "most" that explain some of the many reasons why I will remain closed, and why I still believe eBay was wrong to encourage Canadian sellers to remain open.  


What eBay should have done, in my view, is announce (weeks ago) their list of areas where they were willing to accommodate sellers (and buyers) and advise sellers to make the decision to stay open or close based on their own business needs and risk tolerance, warning them honestly of the possible repercussions.  Now that would have been management with integrity. 

Message 49 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session



Pardon me for butting in but in regards to the seller who was concerned about fraud, the account name was edited by the moderator, as per ebay Community policy. Perhaps you could reach out to this seller and ask him or her to contact you by email. 

Message 50 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@i.am.vivian wrote:


I would like to ask a question NOT related to the Canada Post crisis.  Its about DUPLICATE LISTINGS. 


Let's say I have a single item to list.  A purse or handbag.  Using the same eBay ID, can I list it on:

eBay.ca  in CAD 

eBay.com in USD 

eBay.co.uk in GPB  


all on the same ID?  If so, and I choose WORLDWIDE shipping and someone clicks on "See other items", all 3 listings will show up but there is still only 1 purse.  Or should I just choose shipping to Canada only, USA only, UK only, on each site that I list the item on?  That way each site only sees it once.


I have seen sellers do this.  Or else they list in different languages as well but it is still just 1 item.  Different sites, different languages, different currencies, but the same item.  If one site has a listing for a purse in USD, another site has a handbag in GBP, another a geldborse in Euros, another a bolso, a borsa?  


Isn't that DUPLICATE listings?  


Or what if I list the same bag using 3 DIFFERENT  eBay IDs, on the various sites and currencies?   Does it matter what way its done?  I've seen that done too with an obviously vintage item and obviously the same seller.



I've read the eBay policy about this but it just confused the issue for me.





Hi Vivian,


Great question. In the scenario you describe, technically, yes those are duplicate listings. The fact that they are on different sites might slow down our detection methods a bit, but they would eventually be caught. I would add that a seller operating this way is exposing themselves to the risk of having to cancel a sale (which will create a defect), if the same item sells on two listings. That would also be true if different accounts were used.


Personally, I don't really see the advantage in doing that. It would be better to have one listing that ships everywhere.


About the different languages, there is a service that exists in Europe that allows a seller in UK, for example, to replicate their UK listings on other eBay country sites, on translated listings, and which manages the inventory accordingly. So it's possible that you would see the same item across different EU eBay sites in different languages, but in reality they are all the same listing and if one was to sell, they would all disappear. We don't have that here in North America.

Message 51 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@pierrelebel wrote:

"Let's say I have a single item to list.  A purse or handbag.  Using the same eBay ID, can I list it on:

eBay.ca  in CAD 

eBay.com in USD 

eBay.co.uk in GPB  


all on the same ID?"


OK - Let's go very very carefully here.


Yes you can do it.  However, it can only be done if the item you list on eBay.ca is available to Canada only, the item you list on eBay.uk is available to the UK only and the item you list on eBay.com may be available worldwide but you must block Canada and UK as destinations.


This way, no one eBay site will show a duplication.


In my opinion, it is not worth the trouble.

Thanks for the addition, Pierre. You are right about the shipping considerations.

Message 52 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@rose-dee wrote:

In follow-up, here is a question for Raphael, from a different perspective.  


I actually am a buyer in the position of having won an auction from a U.K. seller a few days ago.  The seller shipped the item promptly after my payment, but this poor seller will likely have no idea that the postal system in Canada is about to shut down. 


I'm an understanding, patient buyer, and I've purchased from this seller before, so I know she is trustworthy. I wouldn't file a claim after the estimated delivery date, even if I could.  But if the strike goes ahead, and drags on, some buyers in Canada may worry that their item could become lost somewhere in transit or may not have been shipped at all.  So my questions for Raphael are: 


1) Will Canadian buyers be permitted to open INR claims in the usual timelines? 

2) If so, how is eBay planning to deal with this?

3) Does eBay plan to warn international sellers not to ship to Canada? 

4) Does eBay plan to warn Canadian buyers to avoid buying from anywhere unless they are willing to pay for courier delivery and the seller provides it?

5) For items that do get through to Canada this week, how will eBay handle SNAD claims by Canadian buyers (where either international or Canadian sellers are concerned), considering that no items can be returned by Canadian buyers until the strike ends? 


For some reason, I've seen very little discussion or announcement by eBay about this side of the equation. 

1) They might, depending on the case. In your example, the item was shipped before any disruption was declared, so the protection for that seller would happen after the fact. In any case, the CS agents adjudicating such cases are well informed about the Canada Post issues and will use proper judgement.


2) Please see #1.


3) We aren't warning anyone not to ship.


4) Canadian buyers are well informed about the possible disruption, but we aren't telling anyone not to buy.


5) Same response as #1.

Message 53 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@mjwl2006 wrote:

"4) Does eBay plan to warn Canadian buyers to avoid buying from anywhere unless they are willing to pay for courier delivery and the seller provides it?"

Pardon me? How is service by courier froma seller to be considered a warning? That is presumptive. A buyer may determine what price point meets their comfort level for shipping costs.

I think you misunderstand.  The point of my comment had nothing to do with price, but the guarantee of delivery.  It's not a warning against courier service, but a warning to ensure the seller offers delivery by an alternative means during the strike.  


EBay should have been reminding or warning Canadians this past week that they will very likely not receive their item from either a Canadian or an international seller unless they can arrange with the seller for courier service.  


This seems obvious, and of course many Canadian sellers will have realized it, but like all sorts of details, people forget.  

Message 54 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@rose-dee wrote:

raphael@ebay.com wrote:
This issue has been super hard to troubleshoot because it's only been seen on one account so far.

What about 'pj's' post above (page 1 here) concerning all the other reports about the issue of the "Request Total from Seller" link not working?  I don't understand why you are saying this has been seen on only one account.  Do you mean I'm the only person who has reported it to you, or that my account is the only one eBay has found with this issue? 


Clearly, since it happened to me while buying from the U.K. and happened to one of my U.S. customers while buying from me (.ca), this surely can't be isolated to only one account (mine???). 

We are talking about 2 different issues. The issue with Request Total has been reported to the checkout team. The issue with combined shipping discount offers not being shown to international buyers is much older and was only seen on one account as far as I know, which has slowed down the troubleshooting quite a bit.

Message 55 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@pierrelebel wrote:

"I was on the phone for an hour and a half with them and 4 different agents, BRUTAL!


finally got them to issue me a new code as the one I had on my store disappeared and I had to use ebay.ie to pay for my order after they had me try on a few various browsers etc.


BRTUAL experience all around. Not to mention I wont use the supplies but not letting the 105CA coupon go to waste. On a side not one of the 4 agents I talked to wanted to just issue me a new coupon in the next 24 to 48 hrs and I told him no pass me to a supervisor thanks since I was on the phone for a hour at that point"




"I called them...solution...go to the eBay Australia site, use the coupon and make the $0.00 paypal pament!"






Raphael - do your customer service representatives know about Canada and Canadians?


Is that the type of service we deserve?



Obviously the experience you are reporting is sub optimal and understandably frustrating. Fortunately, most of our CSRs are qualified to, and do help Canadians with the issues they face. I'm sorry that the seller who posted in that other thread got a bad experience with our CS. I'm happy to help if I can.

Message 56 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@mjwl2006 wrote:



Pardon me for butting in but in regards to the seller who was concerned about fraud, the account name was edited by the moderator, as per ebay Community policy. Perhaps you could reach out to this seller and ask him or her to contact you by email. 

Hi Maureen,


I think my response to this seller was an adequate, albeit implied, invitation to do so. I really hope they do, actually, but as I said in my response, I'm pretty sure that buyer is already gone.

Message 57 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

raphael@ebay.com wrote:
Hello esclyons,


We are 100% confident that the communications efforts and protections we put in place will be adequate to manage buyer expectations so that sellers can remain open while a postal disruption is in effect. If you disagree, that is fine, every seller should decide what to do and what is best for their business.


We aren't suggesting that you ship items while the post isn't operating, we are suggesting that you work with your buyers, as we are doing, to ensure they know there will be delays.

Raphael, this would all be well and good if eBay would suspend all seller punishment for the duration of the strike (which clearly is impossible to do), and if there were no such thing as negative FB.  I know you don't think negative FB is relevant, but it matters to me as a seller with integrity.


Having conditional assurances about extended timelines or removal of FB, and possibly having to rely on the understanding of CS after the fact is just not enough.  This is especially true if the postal strike drags on for weeks, which is not unforeseeable.  

Message 58 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

@rose-dee wrote:

raphael@ebay.com wrote:
Hello esclyons,


We are 100% confident that the communications efforts and protections we put in place will be adequate to manage buyer expectations so that sellers can remain open while a postal disruption is in effect. If you disagree, that is fine, every seller should decide what to do and what is best for their business.


We aren't suggesting that you ship items while the post isn't operating, we are suggesting that you work with your buyers, as we are doing, to ensure they know there will be delays.

Raphael, this would all be well and good if eBay would suspend all seller punishment for the duration of the strike (which clearly is impossible to do), and if there were no such thing as negative FB.  I know you don't think negative FB is relevant, but it matters to me as a seller with integrity.


Having conditional assurances about extended timelines or removal of FB, and possibly having to rely on the understanding of CS after the fact is just not enough.  This is especially true if the postal strike drags on for weeks, which is not unforeseeable.  

All seller punishments are actually suspended. Defects, INR/SNAD cases and feedback. Those are the things we can control, and we do. The only conditions to meet are to have been impacted by the work disruption, and CS is actually instructed to apply those protections after the fact.

Message 59 of 60
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June 29 2016 Weekly Session

This concludes our session for this week. Hope everyone can weather the storm should Canada Post actually declare a work disruption, but in the meantime, please have a safe and happy Canada Day long weekend!

Message 60 of 60
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