According to Goldhawk who spoke to Canada Post this week, he was told that they will not be implementing the changes to Lettermail. They are planning on letting sleeping dogs lie!! Formal announcement to come shortly!
Congrats to all those who mailed, emailed, called about this.
If I had been required to pay the higher amount, knowing the memo said it wouldn't start until the 19th, and knowing they've cancelled it altogether before it even started, I'd be composing a complaint letter now asking for a refund, and preparing one to go to the ombudsman the minute my reqeest was rejected.
So, we are back to using the Green customs form with those as well & I gather if we want to insure our items we will still have to send them as small packet for $5.60?
I took two oversized lettermail envelopes to my PO yesterday and the clerk picked off the green customs sticker. She maintained that the directive they just received did not mention needing custom stickers How can CP memos be interpreted in so many different ways?
Get her to check the Customs Documentation sheet.
It says-
(includes Letters, Postcards and Literature for the Blind) Written correspondence or documents No customs documentation required
Articles up to $500 in value CN22 (43-074-076)
This sort of problem is the reason I only mail at our main outlet, the workers there are much more with-it than at the small outlets in my town.
In Practice - NO
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.