Ben, is that $25 dollars include the listing fees?
Of course it does not include the standard listing or final value fees but unlike many of the other Auction Management products there is no ADDITIONAL fees such as Andale or others impose.
I am now using Selling Manager Pro, however, I've found it is quite weak on keeping track of the item/shipping cost and those eBay listing/ad/final/refunded fees
SAPro is ok on the stock/sales/cost issue but is NOT an accounting package so while there is some built in reporting for P&L it's not great. The new version is expected to have many improvements in this area.
The best thing about SAPro is that it is NOT web based, the program AND all data resides on your computer, I have 4 years of data which includes every listing I've done (about 30,000), every inventory item (8,000) and every sale (12,000) that I have made since starting with the program.
SAPro is based on the MS Access database, more experienced users use Access to query the database to provide custom reports. Users have also developed additional utilities which can be used to interface with UPS/FEDEX etc. shipping programs as well as Indicea/ (I personally don't use any of these as I am in Canada).
Subscribers to SAPro receive free use of Selling Manager Pro but very few people use it as there is no way to synchronize the two.
The honest consensus of SAPro is that the current program has a high learning curve, has some glitches and is not that pretty but there are a lot of long term high volume users who have tried just about every other system. One problem over the last 6 months or so has been that some of the new options are not available, once the development of the new version began the only changes to the original program have been those required to make it continue to function (for example there is no fully working Best Offer thing).
The program was originally developed as a third party application by Blackthorne, 4 years ago eBay purchased Blackthorne (the only 3rd party app. out of many that they did) so while it's now an "in-house" program all development and suport are still being done by the original people.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.