Magnets are now banned in Canada


Health Canada to stop sales of small magnets,


OTTAWA - Health Canada is planning to follow the lead of the United States and ban the sale of small, powerful magnets which can cause serious internal problems if swallowed by children.

Last summer, the American Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of Buckyballs, powerful little "rare earth" magnets sold as toys and desktop accessories.

In another child-related move, Health Canada said it is looking at setting stricter standards for playpens.

It's also announcing plans to work with the pharmaceutical industry on new standards for naming products to reduce the number of drugs with names that look or sound alike.

And the department says it will open another surveillance centre to track food-borne illness.

It also wants to improve the way adverse drug reactions are reported.

Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said the measures are aimed at protecting families.

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Magnets are now banned in Canada

I sell rare earth magnets.

We sell them to adults for select uses.

You are not supposed to eat them.

Anyone who eats them should be neutered.


Message 2 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

Thank  goodness the government is looking out for our welfare.


Without  the ministers advice we would not know that magnets were not edible.








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Magnets are now banned in Canada

Message 4 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada




Apparently the nine year olds parents did not teach him not to swallow things that were  not food.

Message 5 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

Kids actually have to swallow at least 2 magnets to run into this problem.


We had a friend from Australia and her 6yr old daughter pushed a bead up her nose. She lived here for few months but had no OHIP. The $400 emergency treatment was that doctor plugged one nose-hole leaving the other open and told the kid to blow as hard as possible. Few days later the kid pushed the beads up her nose again, so she did that herself. She said she just saved $400.


I think the preventive banning of objects pretty silly. Why not ban scissors, hot coffee, or even pencils. Government should focus on their job and not looking for resolving petty issues with more legislation. Seriously, I am not paying them so much money just so they can tell me I cannot buy my son magnets. I think we should ban the government, because it is more dangerous for my kids than rare earth magnets.

Message 6 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

If we thought (or did not think )  like the government we would have banned cars long ago because many more children are injured or even killed by cars than by any other single item.




Message 7 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

What about tobacco?

Used as recommended by the manufacter it speeds up an early demise by it's users.

If Harper is going to keep on doing stupid things like this it is time to get rid of him.


Message 8 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

Watch out the fillet knife is next ...


How can i do renos if I can by a 2X4 because its illegal due to the damage it can cause if broken across the back of someones head..


breaking new all forks will be taken off the market and replaced with sporks as there are very dangerous if you decide to poke your eye with it ..


News of the day Whole Chicken is illegal to sell because if you attempt to eat a whole chicken bones and all it is a choking hazord..


Money well spent or what LOL

Message 9 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

If they re- label the exact same product as not for use by children then its ok to sell them lol. Its such a "nanny" government, Everyone has to worry about being sued,


When I was a kid we played with lawn darts and fire crackers that had a 1 second fuse you learned quick to be quick or your hand was numb for 20 minutes.


I only heard of 1 kid who was dumb and thought it was fun to light matches and flick them in the woods rather than use them responsibly he set a small fire. Sure the school banned lighters and matches but the smart kids just kept them in pocket.


I guess the moral of my story is if your child eats crayons and his/her favorite "flavor" is blue don't buy them small things they may put in their mouths.


Message 10 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

The most frightening words a person can hear :


I'm from the government and I'm here to help !





Message 11 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

I think we should just take the safety labels off everything, and let the problems solve themselves.

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Magnets are now banned in Canada



Great idea but there are a lot of lawyers out there who could use the cash.

Message 13 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

It's not a complete ban on rare earth magnets.

Just the Buckeyball that were sold as toys.

Message 14 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

The company shut down end of 2012 after exhausting suit with U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission despite the product had warning labels and was marketed to adults.


Similar products are now available to US consumers from China via Ebay.


More kids get hurt by skateboarding or playing hockey than playing with Buckeyballs. CPSC should ban sports too.

Message 15 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

Community Member

I gonna buy a load of these magnets sit on them for a year or 2 and then sell them at an inflated price , selling them for triple what I paid ,


Anyone who is smart would do the same thing

Message 16 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

Yes, regulations are an evil thing but without them Canada would turn into a country of litigation just like America. If businesses acted responsibly and were concerned about people before profit then government regulations would not be required. I pity the day when Harper turns us into another American styled country and absolutely nothing gets done, big business runs rough shod over the working class and the only way people can see hope for the future is through litigation. Government is not perfect but neither is the private sector and left unabated, they ave shown a history of harming the welfare of the very customers that keep them in business.

Message 17 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

Best topic today, food for thought and a giggle!

My Grandfather always used to say,

"...they just need to legislate common sense"!

Message 18 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

This is how God gets rid of stupid people

Message 19 of 21
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Magnets are now banned in Canada

give magnets for halloween treats, kids love them

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